Why are layoffs always around the holidays?? This is awful and I am super stressed. What a way for Pfizer to ruin our Christmas!!!!

Why? Because they need to get a lot of us "off the books" before end of fiscal year. This is a corporation, and as such, it doesn't care one whit about terminating people during holidays.
Pfizer field employees are some of the most miserable people in the industry and you can see it in their attitudes. There are just so many of you. WHY would you want to work under conditions like that? Is it not embarrassing?
We have become a layoff machine. It is really out of control...just be done with us in the field and have some of the thousands of brass make virtual calls to our providers.
We need to have a work stoppage! Let senior management know that we mean business!!!

how stupid is this? You don’t even work now. You leave your home at 10:30/11 and come home at 1:30. Reps haven’t worked in years and you’re calling for a stoppage?!! This is the reason for the downsize anyway…non productive reps
I’ll tell you what’s going to start happening this week. During the 2009 lay offs RM directed DM to put random reps on PIPs in hopes to get the reps to leave or fire them. Don’t be shocked that you start to see random PIPs out of no where start happening. This practice in the past especially happened in the Southern Regions.
Look what they did to employees at the Peacock site...closing the site and just told people they have been reassigned to the NYC site, expected there 3 days a week...they know the commute is impossible for most, want them to quit
how stupid is this? You don’t even work now. You leave your home at 10:30/11 and come home at 1:30. Reps haven’t worked in years and you’re calling for a stoppage?!! This is the reason for the downsize anyway…non productive reps
sadly not by choice. we all want to see doctors/HCP's to sell, it's like no.