Didn't you just brag? Typical Pharma douche.. Brag, Brag, Brag, but yet you still work in Pharma w/ all the other narcissistic sociopaths. Truth is you've been w/ 3-4 companies already and think you're a gift to every company the reality of it all is you probably have 1 small rental property if your lucky and you have debt up to your ears but yet you brag you have it all figured out. Then there's the reps that insist they see MDs in no see territories you know Mr./Miss positive have to pretend to say all the right things so they keep their jobs. Let's face it the Pharma industry is a full of fake phony people that actually believe they are contributing members of society trying to hold on to a turd of a job from companies that will downsize you every 3-5 years but yet you will sign up again right after PFE gives you the walking papers. HINT: It's not a good career choice and upper management knows 95% of Reps are BS artists and lairs, the reason all these companies downsize every 3-5 years since they know the Rep is nothing but a farce. If they actually thot it was vitally important role don't you think they would value the position more?