How does that differ from your typical work week???
You’re why sales are low!!
That’s why they are gonna chop heads, because of dead weight expenses like yourself!!!

Yea, that’s why there is going to be layoffs. You must be the one guy working 9-5, right. The reason for layoffs is because the sales position is so bloated, most offices are closed to reps, managed care formularies (for the most part) drive prescribing decisions, Medicare is starting to negotiate prices, etc, etc…. I don’t know how old you are or how long you have been in pharmaceutical sales, but I am going to let you in on a secret, shhh- the pharma sales job is going to go away. It’s dying a slow death. Those young enough should get out. The older people are holding on for dear life till retirement. The ones in the middle- good luck. It’s a damn shame because it was such a great fu**n job. And the realty is Pfizer started this mess with having a dozen reps calling on the same office, reach and frequency metrics instead of rep driven common sense regarding accounts. Need I go on. I’m not even going to get into the shady crap that went on paying off doctors.
Yea, that’s why there is going to be layoffs. You must be the one guy working 9-5, right. The reason for layoffs is because the sales position is so bloated, most offices are closed to reps, managed care formularies (for the most part) drive prescribing decisions, Medicare is starting to negotiate prices, etc, etc…. I don’t know how old you are or how long you have been in pharmaceutical sales, but I am going to let you in on a secret, shhh- the pharma sales job is going to go away. It’s dying a slow death. Those young enough should get out. The older people are holding on for dear life till retirement. The ones in the middle- good luck. It’s a damn shame because it was such a great fu**n job. And the realty is Pfizer started this mess with having a dozen reps calling on the same office, reach and frequency metrics instead of rep driven common sense regarding accounts. Need I go on. I’m not even going to get into the shady crap that went on paying off doctors.
The Pharma sales job will never completely go away: there will be reductions, but there was also be a sales force because one of the primary justifications for drug prices is that these Pharma companies provide high- paying jobs with good benefits to thousands of employees.
The Pharma sales job will never completely go away: there will be reductions, but there was also be a sales force because one of the primary justifications for drug prices is that these Pharma companies provide high- paying jobs with good benefits to thousands of employees.

If I was in my 20’s fresh out of college I don’t think I would consider pharma a good career choice. Sometimes you just have to be honest with yourself. If you love healthcare go to school for two more years and be a PA. Pays well and you’ll always have a job. As far as always having pharma sales force, look what’s going on. The reputation of drug reps with the “high salaries” causing high drug prices seems like a great way to cut. Reality though is the executive leadership, board of directors, etc that are making sick money. Here is an example:
If I was in my 20’s fresh out of college I don’t think I would consider pharma a good career choice. Sometimes you just have to be honest with yourself. If you love healthcare go to school for two more years and be a PA. Pays well and you’ll always have a job. As far as always having pharma sales force, look what’s going on. The reputation of drug reps with the “high salaries” causing high drug prices seems like a great way to cut. Reality though is the executive leadership, board of directors, etc that are making sick money. Here is an example:

Becoming a PA/NP is not as simple as just going to school for a couple more years, and if you don’t already have a nursing background, and currently working as a nurse, it will most likely take significantly longer.
As far as pharma jobs are concerned, you need to understand just how many jobs are directly connected to a sales force. Almost every job at a Pharma company exists because of the sales force; from HR to corporate trainers, and every level of management. Front line/district managers, regional/area managers, Regional VPs, and Sales VPs all would not be needed if there was not a sales force to manage.
These managers/VPs may not give a damn about the sales reps, but they do give a damn about themselves , their families, and their careers, so because of that fact alone, Pharma sales forces will exist for the foreseeable future.
I just read about Pfizer's looming corporate restructuring in a prominent industry business journal. It totally sucks for everyone
Hopefully many of you will land in a much better place. It is always darkest before dawn.
Some of you are about to get the Golden Ticket of your lives it's what you do next that will define you the most. Being Laid-Off from Pharma is a GIFT. Trust me, I was laid off in 2009 after 20+ years w/ PFE and in all years after have made about the same amount of money if not more w/ ZERO pettiness from any manager or company since then. I NEVER considered going back to PHARM and I used my opportunity to make a meaningful life doing other things besides Pharma. Have you reflexed on what PFE has given you w/ the time you served there? At one time Pharma was considered a stable job. That's why I took in decades ago but around 2003-ish all that changed and especially the quality of the Managers, RM'ers and the Job itself. The last 5-6 years of my time at PFE I was miserable w/ the constant pettiness of Managers either during work alongs or just in general the arrogance of them or the company. The JOB is not stable anymore!! Why would anyone not want Stability??!! Having many friend that got laid-off too as they ran to the next Pharma job like a moth to a fire all of them have told me the job and requirements have gotten even worse than some 15 years ago. Some made it into Management but even those ones found out that being a DM meant selling their soles to even more BS.Most got laid off at least 1-2X More!! So, before you get all anxiety up'd about what's going to happen next know you have the greatest opportunity ahead of you if you stay OUT of Pharma. You are not working for the greatest company ever like the Brain Washing they are trying to do to you...just look at the stock over the past 30 years it's terrible!!! Look at the people and managers around you, how do they stack up? Would you want to even be friends w/ them? All these Pharma companies are just all full of Shi$$$ and trust me once you get away from all of it you WILL look back and say Thank You for Laying me off, giving me my severance and getting away from all the lies, pettiness and BS these companies throw at you.
Some of you are about to get the Golden Ticket of your lives it's what you do next that will define you the most. Being Laid-Off from Pharma is a GIFT. Trust me, I was laid off in 2009 after 20+ years w/ PFE and in all years after have made about the same amount of money if not more w/ ZERO pettiness from any manager or company since then. I NEVER considered going back to PHARM and I used my opportunity to make a meaningful life doing other things besides Pharma. Have you reflexed on what PFE has given you w/ the time you served there? At one time Pharma was considered a stable job. That's why I took in decades ago but around 2003-ish all that changed and especially the quality of the Managers, RM'ers and the Job itself. The last 5-6 years of my time at PFE I was miserable w/ the constant pettiness of Managers either during work alongs or just in general the arrogance of them or the company. The JOB is not stable anymore!! Why would anyone not want Stability??!! Having many friend that got laid-off too as they ran to the next Pharma job like a moth to a fire all of them have told me the job and requirements have gotten even worse than some 15 years ago. Some made it into Management but even those ones found out that being a DM meant selling their soles to even more BS.Most got laid off at least 1-2X More!! So, before you get all anxiety up'd about what's going to happen next know you have the greatest opportunity ahead of you if you stay OUT of Pharma. You are not working for the greatest company ever like the Brain Washing they are trying to do to you...just look at the stock over the past 30 years it's terrible!!! Look at the people and managers around you, how do they stack up? Would you want to even be friends w/ them? All these Pharma companies are just all full of Shi$$$ and trust me once you get away from all of it you WILL look back and say Thank You for Laying me off, giving me my severance and getting away from all the lies, pettiness and BS these companies throw at you.
Couldn't agree with you more. In Seattle, Pfizer had two ex military managers that were proud to make life hell for everybody. They ruined families and were proud of it. in the end, it didn't improve sales. But they got promoted. Pfizer was toxic then and is probably toxic now. There was a joke, Pfizer stands for 6 "M"s....MONEY, MILITARY, MORMON, MACHO, MORON, MEN...
Couldn't agree with you more. In Seattle, Pfizer had two ex military managers that were proud to make life hell for everybody. They ruined families and were proud of it. in the end, it didn't improve sales. But they got promoted. Pfizer was toxic then and is probably toxic now. There was a joke, Pfizer stands for 6 "M"s....MONEY, MILITARY, MORMON, MACHO, MORON, MEN...

Yep, you got that right... I worked w/ more than 1 West Pointer that was more worried about if you had a coat on, your shoes shined or if you wore a tie at lunch than making your points made w/ the MDs. All these Managers are more worried about how to DING you on a sales call instead of making it a collaborative effort.
Couldn't agree with you more. In Seattle, Pfizer had two ex military managers that were proud to make life hell for everybody. They ruined families and were proud of it. in the end, it didn't improve sales. But they got promoted. Pfizer was toxic then and is probably toxic now. There was a joke, Pfizer stands for 6 "M"s....MONEY, MILITARY, MORMON, MACHO, MORON, MEN...
Yes, Pfizer was exactly this. You can add another M-Monochromatic. Why? Most managers, ARMs, and RMs were white. And before anyone talks about them being placed in those positions because of merit, I will bust out laughing. I dont know if this site has archives, but if so, someone should pull some of those 2003-2008 Cafepharma posts. DMs and RMs and General Business Managers were getting rightfully called out, year after year. We had some hideously bad mid to upper level managers, many of whom are no longer here. THANK GOD.
Some of you are about to get the Golden Ticket of your lives it's what you do next that will define you the most. Being Laid-Off from Pharma is a GIFT. Trust me, I was laid off in 2009 after 20+ years w/ PFE and in all years after have made about the same amount of money if not more w/ ZERO pettiness from any manager or company since then. I NEVER considered going back to PHARM and I used my opportunity to make a meaningful life doing other things besides Pharma. Have you reflexed on what PFE has given you w/ the time you served there? At one time Pharma was considered a stable job. That's why I took in decades ago but around 2003-ish all that changed and especially the quality of the Managers, RM'ers and the Job itself. The last 5-6 years of my time at PFE I was miserable w/ the constant pettiness of Managers either during work alongs or just in general the arrogance of them or the company. The JOB is not stable anymore!! Why would anyone not want Stability??!! Having many friend that got laid-off too as they ran to the next Pharma job like a moth to a fire all of them have told me the job and requirements have gotten even worse than some 15 years ago. Some made it into Management but even those ones found out that being a DM meant selling their soles to even more BS.Most got laid off at least 1-2X More!! So, before you get all anxiety up'd about what's going to happen next know you have the greatest opportunity ahead of you if you stay OUT of Pharma. You are not working for the greatest company ever like the Brain Washing they are trying to do to you...just look at the stock over the past 30 years it's terrible!!! Look at the people and managers around you, how do they stack up? Would you want to even be friends w/ them? All these Pharma companies are just all full of Shi$$$ and trust me once you get away from all of it you WILL look back and say Thank You for Laying me off, giving me my severance and getting away from all the lies, pettiness and BS these companies throw at you.

do share what industry we should all be running to? where is the grass that much greener? I do agree the micromanaging and constant state of reorg gets old… still more freedom and $ in pharma than most gigs imo
do share what industry we should all be running to? where is the grass that much greener? I do agree the micromanaging and constant state of reorg gets old… still more freedom and $ in pharma than most gigs imo

If you have to ask you are probably a Pharma Sheep. You'll be one of the ones running back to Pharma like a moth to the fire. You're only concerned about money if that's your bench mark you need to stay on the Micro Manager Re-Org Train since you can't think for yourself. In all honesty if you don't know what interests you beside "coin" you're pretty hopeless and perfect for the Pharma Sheep Herder.
Yes, Pfizer was exactly this. You can add another M-Monochromatic. Why? Most managers, ARMs, and RMs were white. And before anyone talks about them being placed in those positions because of merit, I will bust out laughing. I dont know if this site has archives, but if so, someone should pull some of those 2003-2008 Cafepharma posts. DMs and RMs and General Business Managers were getting rightfully called out, year after year. We had some hideously bad mid to upper level managers, many of whom are no longer here. THANK GOD.
Well TG is still here. He's the biggest As# of a manager Pfizer ever had!
Becoming a PA/NP is not as simple as just going to school for a couple more years, and if you don’t already have a nursing background, and currently working as a nurse, it will most likely take significantly longer.
As far as pharma jobs are concerned, you need to understand just how many jobs are directly connected to a sales force. Almost every job at a Pharma company exists because of the sales force; from HR to corporate trainers, and every level of management. Front line/district managers, regional/area managers, Regional VPs, and Sales VPs all would not be needed if there was not a sales force to manage.
These managers/VPs may not give a damn about the sales reps, but they do give a damn about themselves , their families, and their careers, so because of that fact alone, Pharma sales forces will exist for the foreseeable future.
These managers/VPs may not give a damn about the sales reps, but they do give a damn about themselves. PSSSST they're peons to the corporate world as well. AI will take over and the sales "support" network will be a whole new genre. Profits will be there and the extra fluff gonzo.
Couldn't agree with you more. In Seattle, Pfizer had two ex military managers that were proud to make life hell for everybody. They ruined families and were proud of it. in the end, it didn't improve sales. But they got promoted. Pfizer was toxic then and is probably toxic now. There was a joke, Pfizer stands for 6 "M"s....MONEY, MILITARY, MORMON, MACHO, MORON, MEN...

Now it’s elite, liberal, woke and broke.