Union East Coast

Perhaps if you spent more time working and less time whining on this board you wouldn't have the lowest pay in the industry, treated like poor trash, without professional respect and no voice. A bit more work and you might even be able to buy health insurance. Better get to it, Obama will fine you for being uninsured, democrat.

It dosent matter how hard you work here idiot. Management has all the cards stacked against us. It's time to fight back angst these tea bangers

It absolutely, positively starts at the top. These people were molded through fear as well and made to follow within the the culture "cult" set forth by the leader at the top. The place makes money, but at what cost? What a shitty run organization for employees and clients. Labcorp is the bottom feeding place in the medical industry. Absolute dump. Half of these yahoo's would never make it in a real medical company.. with standards such as compliance, morals, ethics, and values.

Nobody wants a unionized labor force at Labcorp more than me, your competitor. I thought your service could not get any worse and then came the promise of this. Please don't let us down.

Companies that get unions deserve them.

Very well said and exactly true. Fact is nobody likes or wants unions around. They are kind if like lawyers. You only want one around when u need one and they are working for you. Unions in the past have created many of the worker's right employees still have today and if it wasn't for them, they wouldnt be in place and the companies would have taken advantage of employees. Unions also ruined alot of good companies. With that said, labcorp especially the northeast division did it to themselves. They didnt listen to any employees and treated people like crap. What goes around comes around. Too bad management didnt see this coming and change for the better. As cheap as they are they will have no problem spending time and resources to fight the union.. Priorities?

Does not always turn out that way. Sometimes New work rules yield greater efficiency.

Management thinks they are so smart and are so pompous. They could just put rules in place now to avert the union. They could have done it the first time around and they failed to follow through and make it a priority. Just like the labcorp way. Reactive and not proactive and when a situation arises they drop everything else and throw their resources in to that particular situation and then later on a new situation arises and resources are stripped and the original problem comes back full circle. That's what happens when making budget is the only priority and you run things at such a lean level. You always need some cushion room even if budget is not met. Definition of insanity is doing things over and over expecting a different result! Time for a major culture change along with the union coming in

Keep dreaming Union wishes. We can find a new set of monkeys very quickly. Do you realize there are dues involved? Do you realize set wages mean those of you on the higher would get reduced wages? Be careful what you wish for.

Keep dreaming Union wishes. We can find a new set of monkeys very quickly. Do you realize there are dues involved? Do you realize set wages mean those of you on the higher would get reduced wages? Be careful what you wish for.

Yes there are dues and considering the current pay scale for phlebs at labcorp we won't be taking a pay cut. People like you who categorize us as monkeys are the reason why we need a union. Good phlebotomist are a valuable asset and should be treated as such.

Keep dreaming Union wishes. We can find a new set of monkeys very quickly. Do you realize there are dues involved? Do you realize set wages mean those of you on the higher would get reduced wages? Be careful what you wish for.
While yes dues are involved, the union will seek to negotiate higher pay for every member. While everything is subject to collective bargaining, no union will accept less pay in the first contract.

You should say this at the "LC let's try to prevent the union meetings" to the employees faces. The fact that you hide behind anonymity and say this is laughable. You will get what's coming to you.

Why would I say this I front of anyone? I would lose my job. What I would say is you are all expandable. There are others that can replace you very quickly. LCA won't go for it. So go ahead and vote yes. LCA has the lady say and you will be left without a job. Know the facts. Don't rush into something and don't understand. How many single moms out there in the phlebotomy world???....a lot! You need this job. You get treated as fair as the rest of the working world. The grass ain't always greener. Stop thinking management is always out to screw you. Just shut up and do your job. Work is a four letter word. Deal with it.

Why would I say this I front of anyone? I would lose my job. What I would say is you are all expandable. There are others that can replace you very quickly. LCA won't go for it. So go ahead and vote yes. LCA has the lady say and you will be left without a job. Know the facts. Don't rush into something and don't understand. How many single moms out there in the phlebotomy world???....a lot! You need this job. You get treated as fair as the rest of the working world. The grass ain't always greener. Stop thinking management is always out to screw you. Just shut up and do your job. Work is a four letter word. Deal with it.

You are extremely ignorant. It is truly disappointing but yet not surprising that you are in management. YOU and your whole train of thought is why LCA needs a union, you do not value your employees. You probably don't do shit to help when your sites are busy, you probably sit your ass at home and do your work behind the computer screen. You are everything that's wrong with this company. You are the reason, you and your attitude, why this company needs a union. Maybe you should consider looking for new employment sweetheart. Better get that resume dusted off and ready.

Lol how is it going to feel to start covering sites again when the "monekys" are at those meetings? We saw your faces, we know upper management didn't like it. You couldn't even hold our PSCs down for a two hour meeting. Pathetic. Humble yourself management.