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Trump delivers for Christians AGAIN

Yes, I've taken graduate level biology and the books used contained anatomical drawings of human tissue rendered in part by Leonardo da Vinci. It was he who correctly explained the relationship of a woman to here fetus. As a side note, many of his other explanations (which came from his observations) have recently been verified and lauded by medical schools. As recently as 2014, Oxford medical school verified his description of the way blood flow within the heart, opened and closed the heart valves.

The fetus which gets it's nourishment from the same place as an arm or a leg and cannot breathe is a PART of a woman's body. Once that PART becomes developed to the point it is able to breathe on its own THEN and only THEN does it pass through the birth canal and be born as a unique human being.

Case closed end of story you are dismissed.

You're an ignorant fool and not qualified to dismiss anyone! :D

You can't argue with biology and the fact is that the fetus is a distinct human being from its mother. You're pathetic! :D

Check the DNA. It's all that matters.

Case closed and YOU are dismissed!:p

You're an ignorant fool and not qualified to dismiss anyone! :D

You can't argue with biology and the fact is that the fetus is a distinct human being from its mother. You're pathetic! :D

Check the DNA. It's all that matters.

Case closed and YOU are dismissed!:p
As a woman beyond sick of men like you ( I presume) preaching to me about what to do with my body --

As a woman beyond sick of men like you ( I presume) preaching to me about what to do with my body --

This isn't a battle of the sexes issue. There are plenty of pro-life women among the sisterhood so you need to chill out with this antagonism toward men who are against women murdering their own children.

Another fact of reality is that collectively we tell women what they

Sorry sweetheart but you're wrong right from the beginning. Do what you want with your body, but the baby is not your body. Scientific fact. Case closed!

Sparky, don't be snarky. The fetus (not a baby yet) doesn't breathe, is nourished the same way an arm and a leg is - therefore part of the woman's body. She makes the decisions. That's why it's PG termination not murder. Once it goes trough the birth canal and is born, it is a baby. Find something else to whine about. :rolleyes:

Shoot, Iam trying to figure out what the hell does this trend have to do with abortion in first place? o_O
What the does this thread have to do with abortion in the first place, I thought this was about Trump? These debates thanks to Sparks ened up talking about gay people, abortion, or somebody getting their freak on with two women. WTH. Lol :)

Sparky, don't be snarky. The fetus (not a baby yet) doesn't breathe, is nourished the same way an arm and a leg is - therefore part of the woman's body. She makes the decisions. That's why it's PG termination not murder. Once it goes trough the birth canal and is born, it is a baby. Find something else to whine about. :rolleyes:

LOL! That's funny you telling someone else not to be snarky.

I'll do what I want. She made it a sexist issue so admonish her.

Fetus is Latin for baby, idiot boy so it is in fact a baby.

Method of oxygenation is not the criteria for personhood. DNA is. You lose on the basis of biological fact.

The baby is separate from the mother or else people couldn't have been charged and convicted of double homocide when a pregnant woman is murdered. Oops! Your idiotic argument just got totally demolished.

A child in utero is a distinct human being from the woman carrying it.

You get a grade of F in biology and you are dismissed! :rolleyes:

What the does this thread have to do with abortion in the first place, I thought this was about Trump? These debates thanks to Sparks ened up talking about gay people, abortion, or somebody getting their freak on with two women. WTH. Lol :)

Are we having fun yet? It's called FREEDOM - Living in the US of A. :cool:

What the does this thread have to do with abortion in the first place, I thought this was about Trump? These debates thanks to Sparks ened up talking about gay people, abortion, or somebody getting their freak on with two women. WTH. Lol :)

According too Sparky, Trump is going to end abortion.... that's how it all started. :cool:

No what you support is immorality, not true freedom. And you don't have the foggiest idea about what the U.S. Of A is really all about. :cool:

Since I don't subscribe to the vanilla moral code that you do, I support my own moral code. I've lived here longer and paid more taxes than you and yes, I know what it's really all about. I've lived it to the fullest. :cool:

According too Sparky, Trump is going to end abortion.... that's how it all started. :cool:

Translation: I used to snicker about how Trump was snookering those gullible Christians except it turned out that Trump had actually snookered me. I was the gullible fool because Trump meant what he said about being pro-life after all.