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Trump delivers for Christians AGAIN

It's sad that you're so incredibly stupid. When the DNA from a sperm cell joins the DNA from an egg. A new human being is created. End of story, so shut up with your stupidity.

Please show me the proof, not mere allegations, but absolute prof that Moore is a child molestor? You can't and you lose. You're simply an idiot liar.

Meanwhile I am absolutely correct in saying you are a supporter of killing innocent children. And as bad as molesting a child is, it doesn't hold a candle to snuffing out its life.

Got it? Nah, you don't cause you are too incredibly stupid to understand much of anything true and moral.
Bullshit gaslighter, you're the lunatic plain and simple so why don't you stfu. Your support er just in a different way, instead of killing the human shell (which in this case is not even form yet) you and your kind like to kill the spirit. Which is far worse of course.

Bullshit gaslighter, you're the lunatic plain and simple so why don't you stfu. Your support er just in a different way, instead of killing the human shell (which in this case is not even form yet) you and your kind like to kill the spirit. Which is far worse of course.

Absolutely, Sparks just trying to start trouble. Killing and murder is fine with him. Just wants his camel's nose up someone's ass.

Bullshit gaslighter, you're the lunatic plain and simple so why don't you stfu. Your support er just in a different way, instead of killing the human shell (which in this case is not even form yet) you and your kind like to kill the spirit. Which is far worse of course.

No, you are the worst of the worst. An immoral monster listing for the blood of innocent little children.

There's lots of ways to commit murder, you just listed an additional way. :rolleyes:

Such an uninformed fool. This was explained over 500 years go by Leonardo da Vinci who, by the way, did such advanced illustrations and explanations of human anatomy, some are still being verified today. As he explained, a fetus can't breathe because it is surrounded by fluid. If it were to breath it would die. It doesn't need to because it is being nourished by the body who will be it's mother when it is born as a person but as a fetus, it is still part of the mother just like her arms and legs are. When it makes it's way through the birth canal and is BORN as a HUMAN, it will breathe and cry and THEN it is a separate human being. Until then it is part of the woman carrying it and she has just as much right to have it removed as she does and arm or a leg.

Now you can go cry and call me a Nazi but that's the way it is.........

Case closed, end of story. :rolleyes:

Such an uninformed fool. This was explained over 500 years go by Leonardo da Vinci who, by the way, did such advanced illustrations and explanations of human anatomy, some are still being verified today. As he explained, a fetus can't breathe because it is surrounded by fluid. If it were to breath it would die. It doesn't need to because it is being nourished by the body who will be it's mother when it is born as a person but as a fetus, it is still part of the mother just like her arms and legs are. When it makes it's way through the birth canal and is BORN as a HUMAN, it will breathe and cry and THEN it is a separate human being. Until then it is part of the woman carrying it and she has just as much right to have it removed as she does and arm or a leg.

Now you can go cry and call me a Nazi but that's the way it is.........

Case closed, end of story. :rolleyes:

Yeah, you're a Nazi alright. That's the way it is! Because like the Nazis you devalue other human life and try to dehumanize those people in order to justify killing them.

Adolf Hitler: it's just some Jew.
You: it's just some goo.

It's exactly the same illogical and immoral ploy to attempt to rationalize murder. So yes, you are a Nazi.

As for the biology involved, you're an ingnorant fool. Your contentions are laughable.

Check the DNA of the fetus, it is different from the mother's arm or leg. Therefore while residing in the mothers' body the baby is a biologically distinct person.

There is no difference between a fetus and you except the point on the time/development line between conception and death.

NOW Case closed! End of story!

Yeah, you're a Nazi alright. That's the way it is! Because like the Nazis you devalue other human life and try to dehumanize those people in order to justify killing them.

Adolf Hitler: it's just some Jew.
You: it's just some goo.

It's exactly the same illogical and immoral ploy to attempt to rationalize murder. So yes, you are a Nazi.

As for the biology involved, you're an ingnorant fool. Your contentions are laughable.

Check the DNA of the fetus, it is different from the mother's arm or leg. Therefore while residing in the mothers' body the baby is a biologically distinct person.

There is no difference between a fetus and you except the point on the time/development line between conception and death.

NOW Case closed! End of story!
If it's Alive as goo that makes your balls property of the state if I follow your logic.

How stupid of you!

Have you ever taken a biology class in your life? That's only half the genetic component for a human being.

Try again, FOOL! :p

Yes, I've taken graduate level biology and the books used contained anatomical drawings of human tissue rendered in part by Leonardo da Vinci. It was he who correctly explained the relationship of a woman to here fetus. As a side note, many of his other explanations (which came from his observations) have recently been verified and lauded by medical schools. As recently as 2014, Oxford medical school verified his description of the way blood flow within the heart, opened and closed the heart valves.

The fetus which gets it's nourishment from the same place as an arm or a leg and cannot breathe is a PART of a woman's body. Once that PART becomes developed to the point it is able to breathe on its own THEN and only THEN does it pass through the birth canal and be born as a unique human being.

Case closed end of story you are dismissed.