
I could really care less why/who they are replacing. Growing is not replacing, that's backfilling. Growing is increasing in numbers. They showed me 8500 per qtr as target for bonus... Not sure if you people have looked around at all but I just got laid off from Schering and target was a capped 4-5K per qtr. You really think the grass is greener? Go check it out...

I could really care less why/who they are replacing. Growing is not replacing, that's backfilling. Growing is increasing in numbers. They showed me 8500 per qtr as target for bonus... Not sure if you people have looked around at all but I just got laid off from Schering and target was a capped 4-5K per qtr. You really think the grass is greener? Go check it out...

Keep thinking that way, you will soon find out the truth. Sounds to me like you are just desperate to find a job. Keep justifying it...idiot.

They are not telling you the truth, been here many years, the bonus here suck. If you need a job, go for it, but you will be miserable, bad work enviroment, WORST Management!

I could really care less why/who they are replacing. Growing is not replacing, that's backfilling. Growing is increasing in numbers. They showed me 8500 per qtr as target for bonus... Not sure if you people have looked around at all but I just got laid off from Schering and target was a capped 4-5K per qtr. You really think the grass is greener? Go check it out...

I'm sure 8500 sounds good when you come from primary care only doing 4-5. But in specialty, 8500 is very low. If you are desperate, go for it but if you were just let go by Schering, chances are there are more qualified reps than you interviewing as well, so don't get too excited.

I'm sure 8500 sounds good when you come from primary care only doing 4-5. But in specialty, 8500 is very low. If you are desperate, go for it but if you were just let go by Schering, chances are there are more qualified reps than you interviewing as well, so don't get too excited.

Many of my friends have lost their jobs in pharma-if you are complaining about
$8500. there is something wrong with you- that is great money in todays market

Many of my friends have lost their jobs in pharma-if you are complaining about
$8500. there is something wrong with you- that is great money in todays market

No one is complaining jack ass! Just trying to help you understand that what you think is the end all and be all is not. I'm sure you will be very happy with $8500 a quarter. Fact is, most good reps in this field make much more than that. In fact, AVERAGE reps in this field make more than that with a good number of companies. But if you're so excited about making only $30,000-35,000 in bonus then you are probably very underqualified for the position and will get eaten alive by reps making twice that. Welcome to the big leagues little buddy. Enjoy it while it lasts.

Oh and for the record, Triax is a complete joke in Derm! They have nothing but me-too products and only one of them does well and that's only because of Medicaid. If you are in a territory where Locoid is not on Medicaid, you will not even come anywhere near $8500 a quarter. You'll be incredibly lucky to do even half of that. Just trying to be realistic with you here, don't shoot the messenger. But if you haven't taken the job and are just considering it, then that's the #1 question you will need to ask. Don't say you weren't warned...

Triax reps are at trining right now being trained on a new thyroid drug. (because of course synthroid is such a bad drug...yeah right) They will be calling on Internal medicine docs at least 70% of the time. They are only calling on derms 30%. No committment to dermatology or dermatologists any more. Make sure you all let other reps and dermatologists know!!!! Good opportunity to grow your business!!