
Yes its in the works-Onset/prescion will also be named in the suit. If they think they can reduce bonus pay out they are wrong! dead wrong- everyone will be notified via email- Class action law suit
WHAT they are doing is illegal. Good thing my brother-in law specialized in employment law and I have provided him with all of the documentation. We all earned the our bonus dollars Q1. If they think we are going to roll over they are WRONG!!!

oh also side note heard that locoid is down 65%! LOL Yes that will be a continuing downward sprial!!! GOOD LUCK ONSET YOU WILL NEED IT!!!!

stick that in your pipe and smoke it Tim and Jeff!

Locoid is not down 65%. Not even close to it.

Yes its in the works-Onset/prescion will also be named in the suit. If they think they can reduce bonus pay out they are wrong! dead wrong- everyone will be notified via email- Class action law suit
WHAT they are doing is illegal. Good thing my brother-in law specialized in employment law and I have provided him with all of the documentation. We all earned the our bonus dollars Q1. If they think we are going to roll over they are WRONG!!!

oh also side note heard that locoid is down 65%! LOL Yes that will be a continuing downward sprial!!! GOOD LUCK ONSET YOU WILL NEED IT!!!!

stick that in your pipe and smoke it Tim and Jeff!

Locoid is not down 65%. Not even close.