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Town Hall Email....Are you on the list?

Emails being sent to legacy GMBU w some individuals on and some individuals off. “It’s THE LlST” sent a few times

This is getting a little crazy with these lists. Not sure I’m believing there’s much truth to it. Kind of like the supposed calls that are supposed to be going out at 8am CST this week. There’s so much wild speculation on here but I doubt anybody who really knows anything is posting it on these boards.

April 8th Field Sales CC Invite (sent today 2/26)

Here are the RBD changes from the today's email, check for your DM Changes! Many reps have flipped as well, hard to tell which list if any is real.

Weiglein - West Area VP
1 Atendido, S - NOT ON LIST
2 Ballentine, C
3 Gonzalez, S
4 Raymond, B - NOT ON LIST - 2/26
5 Viviano, M
6 Williams, E - NOT ON LIST

Deluzio - East Area VP
1 Crouch, G - NOT ON LIST - 2/26
2 Haines, M
3 Jennings, J - PUT BACK ON LIST (probably threatened to sue) - 2/26
4 Keenan, B - NOT ON LIST - 2/26
5 Sgrizzi, B
6 Williams, R - NOT ON LIST

Field Comm Center sends email tonight at 7:18pm calling today's email "All Field Sales Conference Call" at 1:17pm a hoax - email was sent by Susan Welch??

Who thinks Steve, BJ, or Ramona had this sent out to keep the field focused and working hard until April?

We know they read Cafe religiously, especially at times like these. I'm betting they sent this out as a smoke screen to try and poo-poo the first email. My guess, first email is real.

Haha, classic HEADFAKE by Steve and BJ!!


I'm calling BS.....Notice how some names reappeared, other names still missing, new names missing that were present on the last list. Well done fellas!!

We're not biting on your hook! When have you guys ever called a conf call over a month in advance?
Answer: NEVER - Nice try! Everybody work really hard through March 31st!!! Yeah right.

There is no doubt this was a ploy by leadership to keep you guys engaged through end of year. Probably says the cut will be end of March instead of this week. I can share that Doug Cole would routinely monitor and post on CP to help shape morale. If your name was absent from the first email on 2/11, there is true cause for concern. Today's effort was the only cards leadership had to play. Be wise, and take care!

There is no doubt this was a ploy by leadership to keep you guys engaged through end of year. Probably says the cut will be end of March instead of this week. I can share that Doug Cole would routinely monitor and post on CP to help shape morale. If your name was absent from the first email on 2/11, there is true cause for concern. Today's effort was the only cards leadership had to play. Be wise, and take care!

You sound smart, I believe the first email was real and accurate. Part of my reason for believing you is how determined the sender was. Two attempts on 2/11, then another the following Friday morning, then no denial by leadership for obvious legal reasons. I did not receive the first email which is why I am actively engaged in job searching. Good luck to all.

There is no doubt this was a ploy by leadership to keep you guys engaged through end of year. Probably says the cut will be end of March instead of this week. I can share that Doug Cole would routinely monitor and post on CP to help shape morale. If your name was absent from the first email on 2/11, there is true cause for concern. Today's effort was the only cards leadership had to play. Be wise, and take care!

List wasn’t of people who made the cut......but who are likely getting cut/decisions to be made.


Saying no more.

You sound smart, I believe the first email was real and accurate. Part of my reason for believing you is how determined the sender was. Two attempts on 2/11, then another the following Friday morning, then no denial by leadership for obvious legal reasons. I did not receive the first email which is why I am actively engaged in job searching. Good luck to all.

Spot on!! Today was a hoax by Senior Mgt. These people are incredible!

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