Bldg 1 is scheduled to go down July 1
Bldg 1 is scheduled to go down July 1
Merck pipeline = Keytruda and recycled vaccines. Next merger coming soon
neuro LT announcement soon
Hands down, Thomas L. Lyon III one of the worst and most selfish backstabbing corporate psychopaths in the history of Merck management.
London site will be neuro reboot. Bye bye
Have only witnessed the crowned knitting at MRL. Social awkwardness and lessens outburst.....move over Martha Stewart...
Whoever had been listed here has just been replaced by ALL OF Merck's IT management. The incompetence and ignorance that allowed this global hack and shutdown of IT is beyond description.
The top incompetent was centered in Tampa and contemptuously known as Silver Back an absolute scumbag!depression era bread line a half mile long at the IT help desk every morning suggests win10 upgrade not going well either
When will positions for lunch and poster session organizers post at London site?
Tillyer gone, who will be new lead of site closures and layoffs?
agree!Ken Frazier - worse CEO ever. Has no value for employees at all, is only interested in lining his own pockets. He'll retire VERY well while everyone else will suffer. It's a shame.
The trailer trash is reappearing from his twenty year old trailer. Cerebrally challenged humanoid!haha you fucks!!!!! good enough for all of you. love to read of your fucking misery. hope you get a lot more of it