top ten incompetent senior managers at Merck now

Destroyed a great department.

Prime time Debut of D Schoepp. If 10% of the reorganization rumors true the department is dead.

True. Reorganization makes little sense.

Promotions of key individuals make little sense

Neutralizing key individuals who have made product makes no sense

The entire department is questioning leadership and decisions. Is he paying attention?

Our new kid on the block, Mathai Mammen, also looks like a good candidate: A human, evnen humble branding on social media, but much like your standard Harvard megalomaniac in real life.

Danielle Menture and Stacey Starkman. Safety leads. Danielle is the tyrant with Stacey the henchman who will promote her incompetent cronies. Working mother with kids? Bye bye! 15 years in the company? Bye bye! Ever wonder why safety sucks? These two! Metrics, numbers, punishment and revenge. No real ethics to keep people safe or retain the good ones.

Couldn't be further from the truth. He spent over a year and half cleaning up the lack of talent in Procurement area while also fixing outside manufacturing relationships and building a supplier performance improvement process. Has delivered best results and built a team that is hugely committed and loyal to the work.