top ten incompetent senior managers at Merck now

They let go of experienced scientists when assays were externalized and now that assays are coming back in-house they will staff the labs with contract workers for half the price.
The joke was on us. They got what they ultimately wanted without having to deal with the potential lawsuits and PR mess

people dislike the current environment and leave with few headcount replacement. 5 Phd level and numerous MS vacated Pharmacology in last year while everyone sees the pattern. one in chemistry, few in ID.

people dislike the current environment and leave with few headcount replacement. 5 Phd level and numerous MS vacated Pharmacology in last year while everyone sees the pattern. one in chemistry, few in ID.

Another announced this week! 2 last month more to come. The environment is so wonderful we cannot stand to stay. No one ever transfers in to the department to open positions and everyone is clawing out.

Accomplishments in last few years "clean out", kiss up, over spend, outsource, over spend, slow down productivity, kill innovation, over spend

That's definitely happening in the Vaccine Division. They also hire soft serve backstabbing suckups like Thomas L. Lyon III who had no experience in Vaccines and very little management experience from the pill side to be a Vaccine DCO. This guy guts his region of the most tenured and well respected vaccine reps, CTL's and account managers after stealing all of their ideas in mandatory meetings that he sets up and replaces them with like minded backstabbing suckups like himself that he brought over from the pill side. The result have been a lot of lies by the field in sales production because they are getting no access because they don't know how to treat vaccine customers, a lot of rep in fighting to get noticed by Tom in order to get promoted or advance and a lot of CTL and exec rep turnover because Tom is a relentless, over confident prick who burns out his region with busy work that does absolutely nothing to improve sales. The guy's region has only been ranked at the top once back in 2009 or 2010 yet he keeps his job with all the chaos he causes. Just spend a few minutes talking to this guy if you can get a word in edgewise because he's usually talking nonstop about himself and you will see why he's a legend on this site.

Who's to blame for the tragic downfall of this once great R&D organization?

This epic collapse is rivaled only by the destruction of DuPont. Such a shame. The people left here don't even care. They're doing what they can to get out.

Who's to blame for the tragic downfall of this once great R&D organization?

This epic collapse is rivaled only by the destruction of DuPont. Such a shame. The people left here don't even care. They're doing what they can to get out.

Who really is to blame, CEO, VPs, mergers, all? Drug discovery at Merck was top tier. since BRGOS integrated a different culture and self preserving losers. One of the biggest losers recently boasting reports are so well trained are marketable and in demand. They could not be jumping ship? Put down the pipe reality is going to hurt after the buzz is gone.

Who really is to blame, CEO, VPs, mergers, all? Drug discovery at Merck was top tier. since BRGOS integrated a different culture and self preserving losers. One of the biggest losers recently boasting reports are so well trained are marketable and in demand. They could not be jumping ship? Put down the pipe reality is going to hurt after the buzz is gone.

Based on this mumbo jumbo, you should have put down the pipe before opining.

That's definitely happening in the Vaccine Division. They also hire soft serve backstabbing suckups like Thomas L. Lyon III who had no experience in Vaccines and very little management experience from the pill side to be a Vaccine DCO. This guy guts his region of the most tenured and well respected vaccine reps, CTL's and account managers after stealing all of their ideas in mandatory meetings that he sets up and replaces them with like minded backstabbing suckups like himself that he brought over from the pill side. The result have been a lot of lies by the field in sales production because they are getting no access because they don't know how to treat vaccine customers, a lot of rep in fighting to get noticed by Tom in order to get promoted or advance and a lot of CTL and exec rep turnover because Tom is a relentless, over confident prick who burns out his region with busy work that does absolutely nothing to improve sales. The guy's region has only been ranked at the top once back in 2009 or 2010 yet he keeps his job with all the chaos he causes. Just spend a few minutes talking to this guy if you can get a word in edgewise because he's usually talking nonstop about himself and you will see why he's a legend on this site.

When in WP, this fellow seemed like a harmless goober. Apparently others supported his ascent to glory and infamy in the Vaccine Division. But it all makes sense, since upper management doesn't seem to know the meaning of the word "effective".

Who's to blame for the tragic downfall of this once great R&D organization?

This epic collapse is rivaled only by the destruction of DuPont. Such a shame. The people left here don't even care. They're doing what they can to get out.

Merger and incompetent leaders from the organization. Meanwhile Joe is wasting away in margaritaville

Jamie Garrison of the Lakeland region has to be on this list. She is by far the worst manager but also the worst person because she everything she says and does is fake. She lies to your face, the only exception to this is her favorite pet rep Rachel Dew. Of course Rachel is is one of the most annoying reps to have in group breakout session. They are peas in a pod. A DCO and a rep besties.

Jamie Garrison of the Lakeland region has to be on this list. She is by far the worst manager but also the worst person because she everything she says and does is fake. She lies to your face, the only exception to this is her favorite pet rep Rachel Dew. Of course Rachel is is one of the most annoying reps to have in group breakout session. They are peas in a pod. A DCO and a rep besties.

JG did Marketing for Zostavax in Vaccines. She got off on humiliating reps about their product knowledge at meetings. She loved to facilitate roleplays and tear reps down on their messaging so she could feel superior. She is really full of herself. She ran from Vaccines when she realized there was no message in the world that was going to overcome crappy Zostavax reimbursement and the fact that primary care offices don't give sh!t about Vaccines. Good luck with that nutjob. She caused enough pain and suffering in Vaccines.

JG did Marketing for Zostavax in Vaccines. She got off on humiliating reps about their product knowledge at meetings. She loved to facilitate roleplays and tear reps down on their messaging so she could feel superior. She is really full of herself. She ran from Vaccines when she realized there was no message in the world that was going to overcome crappy Zostavax reimbursement and the fact that primary care offices don't give sh!t about Vaccines. Good luck with that nutjob. She caused enough pain and suffering in Vaccines.

I love her. What's the problem?

person leaving didn't contribute anything in the first place, who cares?

Decrease the sugar beverage. Said person's management has been slow on the contribution. In fairness must recognize the implementation of process and killing capabilities making the company sssuuupppeeerrr competitive.... for a buyout.

The departed are not all wrong, just very well developed. Everyone cares.