top ten incompetent senior managers at Merck now

Roy might have been a great CEO but he hated the sales force more than anybody in upper management now, hard to believe but true. He thought new drugs like Proscar would sell themselves...the infamous experiment in Indiana where there was no personal promotion for almost a year. He then destroyed the hospital sales team and made all of them Prostate Health Specialists trying to sell to PCPs and Urologists. That really worked well. We received no bonus for two years after being told "big money" was coming our way.

Lack of transparency is killing MRL. The best managers are decisive but also inclusive in the decision making process. Getting at least some buy in makes for smoother transitions in the ever changing research environment. Weber, Parmee, etc. have made their decisions in a vacuum without consideration of the people most effected. Not unlike Metters who became the face of BRGOS, they have become the face of layoffs. Everyone is forgetting their contributions to drug discovery; leaving only their legacy of the destruction of MRL.

No transparency = no trust.
No trust = no leadership.
No leadership = no Merck.

Well past time for some serious management turnover.

Transparency has improved. Nice job MRL. BUT where is the management change? Zero action from upper management = still problems Joe. Everyone knows we need change to remove barriers.

Roy might have been a great CEO but he hated the sales force more than anybody in upper management now, hard to believe but true. He thought new drugs like Proscar would sell themselves...the infamous experiment in Indiana where there was no personal promotion for almost a year. He then destroyed the hospital sales team and made all of them Prostate Health Specialists trying to sell to PCPs and Urologists. That really worked well. We received no bonus for two years after being told "big money" was coming our way.

I have no idea where you worked. We made large bonuses in the PHT every year. One thing you have correct. P Roy hated sales but on the other hand we hated him!

I use to work for Joyce Levine. She is not a DM anymore. We had sex a lot during our field really rides. I must say she sucks as a manager th same as a bj!

Do you mean you USED to work for Joyce?

While each of you may have had lots of sex, it's not likely you had it with each other.
Your field "really" exploits were more likely self-induced.

Quentin Roach. People leave his office crying. Very arrogant individual, did the same at BMS, lasted three years. Slick Willie cronies

Couldn't be further from the truth. He spent over a year and half cleaning up the lack of talent in Procurement area while also fixing outside manufacturing relationships and building a supplier performance improvement process. Has delivered best results and built a team that is hugely committed and loyal to the work.

I second Quentin Roach has sessions that he makes people get up and present and he yells and mock's them in front of room of people & and call's in's to hear his rant's.

You must have been one that was asked to leave for the organization up skill of talent or have not worked there through the real change that has been made to improve processes, improve supplier relationships and delivery results that have been beneficial. High expectations, but very fair - has a real following of talented people that have gone through many companies with him. Not a typical Merck leader - but has been refreshing and courageous.

As a former direct report to QR, i speak from experience. Rants, management by fear and ego dominate his leadership style. And, sadly, he is not that smart. Don't challenge him. You'll be drown by the institution. Fortunately the parting gifts are handsome.

As current direct report, don't find this at all. Clearly someone that was asked to depart of the company.

I use to work for Joyce Levine. She is not a DM anymore. We had sex a lot during our field really rides. I must say she sucks as a manager th same as a bj!

And so it goes---losers choosing an anonymous public board as outlets for their suppressed sex fantasies and "payback" for managers they didn't like much. What a chest-pounder!

Grow up, Junior.

How is it possible that the year is coming to an end and he and his gang of cronies still draw salaries? I guess the Peter Principle is proven correct once again.

Whole team needs change. Hunter is nice but better leadership exists. Cronies like Houghton? Hermes? Richie T? Impact being clean out and compromised pipeline. The Cronies think so high of each other they believe without the company would not exist.

Leadership is so bad.......

Almost all assays that went out are now returning because the leader(s) in charge are unable balance a checkbook. Balancing is covered in middle school. Result? Over budget and under productive. But it's not our fault, never our fault.

Accountability for this embarrassment? None

Folks, exercise is over please turn in your access card, be careful through the gate and avoid concussions.

The damage is already done even if some are leaving. We can debate whether they were forced out or asked to retire. I think some just worked until their contract expired from after the merger. I wonder what the next 10 years will look like in terms of executive leadership, lots of grays.

The damage is already done even if some are leaving. We can debate whether they were forced out or asked to retire. I think some just worked until their contract expired from after the merger. I wonder what the next 10 years will look like in terms of executive leadership, lots of grays.

VP and Ex Dir level needs "retirement" and adding more personnel who instill honesty and have guts to make decisions and inspire the teams. Lead by example and foster teamwork. Put the leaders who have approved molecules in charge. Select leaders the opposite with small resumes, concerned about survival, imaginary power and just good enough science. No need for empire building people are jumping ship.

VP and Ex Dir level needs "retirement" and adding more personnel who instill honesty and have guts to make decisions and inspire the teams. Lead by example and foster teamwork. Put the leaders who have approved molecules in charge. Select leaders the opposite with small resumes, concerned about survival, imaginary power and just good enough science. No need for empire building people are jumping ship.

VP and Ex Dir level needs "retirement" and adding more personnel who instill honesty and have guts to make decisions and inspire the teams. Lead by example and foster teamwork. Put the leaders who have approved molecules in charge. Select leaders the opposite with small resumes, concerned about survival, imaginary power and just good enough science. No need for empire building people are jumping ship.

How's this going to happen anywhere in this company? The good old boys at the top keep rotating round & round. They love to surround themselves with men who look & act themselves. It's the only way they can validate themselves because outside of the tiny world of merck, they would be expose for the incompetent idiots they are.

How's this going to happen anywhere in this company? The good old boys at the top keep rotating round & round. They love to surround themselves with men who look & act themselves. It's the only way they can validate themselves because outside of the tiny world of merck, they would be expose for the incompetent idiots they are.

Don't forget the ladies!