top ten incompetent senior managers at Merck now

Leadership is so bad.......

Almost all assays that went out are now returning because the leader(s) in charge are unable balance a checkbook. Balancing is covered in middle school. Result? Over budget and under productive. But it's not our fault, never our fault.

Accountability for this embarrassment? None

Folks, exercise is over please turn in your access card, be careful through the gate and avoid concussions.

Is anyone in the front office watching the field? How are these idiots still around? Maybe the rumor of change will squeeze these leaders out and we can go back to work.

It is unbelievable how badly they blew the budget and yet managed to impede progress. Hey Joe, wake up and take out the trash!

Right? Can't count beans, stall science and support favorite programs. How do they have jobs? Is anyone alive at higher levels watching the circus? Think this would continue at Apple or Goigle? No because they are productive.

Board of directors should pay attention It's obvious Joe is slacking. Another reason to put Merck on PIP

Leadership is so bad.......

Almost all assays that went out are now returning because the leader(s) in charge are unable balance a checkbook. Balancing is covered in middle school. Result? Over budget and under productive. But it's not our fault, never our fault.

Accountability for this embarrassment? None

Folks, exercise is over please turn in your access card, be careful through the gate and avoid concussions.

Depends where you attended high school. No shame = no soul. Will this ever end?

There really is no point to this thread. Senior "Leaders" at Merck will never be held accountable for their results or how they work with others. It's all about how well they manage UP.

Leadership is so bad.......

Almost all assays that went out are now returning because the leader(s) in charge are unable balance a checkbook. Balancing is covered in middle school. Result? Over budget and under productive. But it's not our fault, never our fault.

Accountability for this embarrassment? None

Folks, exercise is over please turn in your access card, be careful through the gate and avoid concussions.

They let go of experienced scientists when assays were externalized and now that assays are coming back in-house they will staff the labs with contract workers for half the price.
The joke was on us. They got what they ultimately wanted without having to deal with the potential lawsuits and PR mess

They let go of experienced scientists when assays were externalized and now that assays are coming back in-house they will staff the labs with contract workers for half the price.
The joke was on us. They got what they ultimately wanted without having to deal with the potential lawsuits and PR mess

Thank you Peter Kim.

They let go of experienced scientists when assays were externalized and now that assays are coming back in-house they will staff the labs with contract workers for half the price.
The joke was on us. They got what they ultimately wanted without having to deal with the potential lawsuits and PR mess

We are unable to keep most of our contractors. Half off sale will not have buyers the word is out Merck is a miserable place for R/D due to incompetent managers who protect like minded garbage, allowing power, deceit, micro managing and process to replace science. Could go on forever with the observation and wonder how these micro managing ass kissing clean out types are allowed past the front gate. They have taken a first rate discovery company and made it an experiment of survival. Thank you for killing our company and may you wake up and realize you are the problem. I came here believing it's about making drugs to help people. Wake up Ken, Joe and Roger I'm the one working every day while handcuffed in this mess what about you? Do you think Apple, Google and Disney worry about process and micromanaging? Meanwhile enjoy that iPhone and think about how it was developed.

We are unable to keep most of our contractors. Half off sale will not have buyers the word is out Merck is a miserable place for R/D due to incompetent managers who protect like minded garbage, allowing power, deceit, micro managing and process to replace science. Could go on forever with the observation and wonder how these micro managing ass kissing clean out types are allowed past the front gate. They have taken a first rate discovery company and made it an experiment of survival. Thank you for killing our company and may you wake up and realize you are the problem. I came here believing it's about making drugs to help people. Wake up Ken, Joe and Roger I'm the one working every day while handcuffed in this mess what about you? Do you think Apple, Google and Disney worry about process and micromanaging? Meanwhile enjoy that iPhone and think about how it was developed.

Toss the garbage.... Roger townhall was a waste of time.

what has become of my beloved West Point? It's a shell of its former self. The downfall began with that acronym that can no longer be spoken, by the VPs that can no longer be named. It has been downhill since then, accelerated by the poor choices for new leadership. Can a pharmacology group ever match the one that Hunter dismantled? Can anyone tell me how the concept of a one-site, one-therapeutic area model morphed into an even more complex system of a little bit of this here and little bit of that in KW and little bit in Boston and some externalized programs in China and some in Germany and, wait bring it all back cause we overestimate our externalizations budget, wait we let go of everyone doing the work, lets hire contractors, oh look they are already looking for their next full time jobs, there's no continuity or skin in the game for them, etc.

This place has become a joke.

what has become of my beloved West Point? It's a shell of its former self. The downfall began with that acronym that can no longer be spoken, by the VPs that can no longer be named. It has been downhill since then, accelerated by the poor choices for new leadership. Can a pharmacology group ever match the one that Hunter dismantled? Can anyone tell me how the concept of a one-site, one-therapeutic area model morphed into an even more complex system of a little bit of this here and little bit of that in KW and little bit in Boston and some externalized programs in China and some in Germany and, wait bring it all back cause we overestimate our externalizations budget, wait we let go of everyone doing the work, lets hire contractors, oh look they are already looking for their next full time jobs, there's no continuity or skin in the game for them, etc.

This place has become a joke.
BRGOS, clean out and the take over of Yes Sir leadership. Pharmacology was a wonderful department which could do anything.