Tips About DSI Job Openings (Especially San Diego)

Clueless here ... I've only been with DSI about 9 months idiot but a rep for some time... I can say in my 7 years as a rep and the interviews myself or friends are on, we've NEVER met a recruiter unless it was CSO..... And I have NEVER , nor have my friends doing this 10-15 years... Have we EVER had someone pull out rankings of current company.. Capiche?
Sounds like you're a dinosaur of the industry just like a lot of the doctors you've probably been taking donuts and starbucks to for years now idiot. Wake up and get a reality check. You probably haven't interviewed with a company worth a shit if you are currently with Dsi after 10-15 years of experience!! Wow, that's legendary to wind up at the worst company in the industry after years of relationships and networking let's just join the worst paying company with the worst products!! lol

Yes I am a real dinosaur at 33. Let's see my last company folded- I did work at specialty companies and yes I had a referral from a friend who left soon after.... So yeah.... I have interviewed quite a bit.... I would have stayed at last company had nit been sold off! . Nice that you are so lonely or just immature and clueless (I say both A&B) so this will be my last post to you.... I have to go see a doctor now and read him some lines of my IVA verbatim ... Have a nice day...

You got me beat I made $0 all year merit or IC but at least I got promoted up to specialty so now recruiters are calling and you know you can just lie on rank they don't check I figured that out
So let me get this correct.... Last ranked reps are getting promoted to specialty and hospital, tier promotions are gone, avg merit raises $100, platinum gone....umm, what's left?! Sounds like everyone better job search real quick before their fusion or Altima gets reposed since DSI can't pay their bills

Yes I am a real dinosaur at 33. Let's see my last company folded- I did work at specialty companies and yes I had a referral from a friend who left soon after.... So yeah.... I have interviewed quite a bit.... I would have stayed at last company had nit been sold off! . Nice that you are so lonely or just immature and clueless (I say both A&B) so this will be my last post to you.... I have to go see a doctor now and read him some lines of my IVA verbatim ... Have a nice day...
Sounds like you have an excellent track record of joining all the companies who fold. At least you know how Cobra works my friend. Great choice on DSI

Sounds like you have an excellent track record of joining all the companies who fold. At least you know how Cobra works my friend. Great choice on DSI
Funny you have no idea what you are saying or who that rep is... I do and if you could read Cobra never entered this story.... You are really a psycho - I hope we don't know you ... What a miserable nasty person you are... Oh and get some glasses or lay off the liquor before spouting off here LOL

So let me get this correct.... Last ranked reps are getting promoted to specialty and hospital, tier promotions are gone, avg merit raises $100, platinum gone....umm, what's left?! Sounds like everyone better job search real quick before their fusion or Altima gets reposed since DSI can't pay their bills
I completely agree. Every bit of incentive comp, awards, and bonuses have been stripped. Dsi has really lost it. It used to be at least a decent place to get started in pharma about 3-4 years ago but not anymore. As for the dinosaurs that have joined, maybe that's a good thing to have some pharma lifers with experience to weather this storm (I mean tsunami) that's heading DSIs way. Good luck DSI, you used to be a good stepping stone to a brighter future elsewhere

Please stand corrected I actually made $632 merit raise this year!! Stellar selling
This is why the legit reps leave. You can't be rewarded so poorly for Nrx especially with the low pay on new Savaysa Rx when we are selling a niche drug, not covered, last in class. That's a lot of work. That's why the low ranked are willing to stay and hang onto a job and probably get promoted

I couldn't agree more. When a rep who is ranked for Gold Cup loses to a rep who is literally at the bottom of the nation, you know that the hiring process is flawed to say the least.
This happened in Chicago too. A bottom feeder rep just got promoted over the top ranked candidates. Something is up with this awful promotion strategy

This is why the legit reps leave. You can't be rewarded so poorly for Nrx especially with the low pay on new Savaysa Rx when we are selling a niche drug, not covered, last in class. That's a lot of work. That's why the low ranked are willing to stay and hang onto a job and probably get promoted
When DSI had the balls to pay specialty reps $50 per New Writer and $25 per NRx, but Primary Care $100 per New Writer and $50 per NRx for selling the same drug, when specialty and hospital reps were doing all the work while primary care sat on their ass, that was the writing on the way to get off the sinking ship.

Well HR is on a slippery slope. They have a huge lawsuit that just closed, automatic promotions with no interviews, promotions recently of awful reps over highly ranked, and upcoming lay offs that will hit at an all time high when Benicar goes off patent. No wonder they took away the exit interviews. Who could bare to listen to all the stuff they can't possibly fix. HR needs to focus on training Dms on FCrs before they get another blockbuster lawsuit instead of waiting on a blockbuster product for the next 5 years before the well runs dry.
All of these illegal unwarranted promotions are going to wind this disasterous company up in another huge lawsuit when they are already dead broke. Not looking good

Yes I am a real dinosaur at 33. Let's see my last company folded- I did work at specialty companies and yes I had a referral from a friend who left soon after.... So yeah.... I have interviewed quite a bit.... I would have stayed at last company had nit been sold off! . Nice that you are so lonely or just immature and clueless (I say both A&B) so this will be my last post to you.... I have to go see a doctor now and read him some lines of my IVA verbatim ... Have a nice day...
If you chose Dsi with your stellar experience you must be one of these terrible dead last ranked reps so good choice you'll probably get promoted soon like the loser in San Diego lol

Thanks for calling me a dummy- coward! If needing a job so I can pay for my child's major medical care ... I guess so... I guess I am desperate ! Last I checked medical issues are quite expensive without a job!
Something tells me you are about" 24"... No nothing of real life problems ...(except for what beer is on sale this week!) . You can go live free at Mom and Daddy's if you get cut....Got bullied all your life so you come on here bullying others anonymously ... Good for you!

Thanks for calling me a dummy- coward! If needing a job so I can pay for my child's major medical care ... I guess so... I guess I am desperate ! Last I checked medical issues are quite expensive without a job!
Something tells me you are about" 24"... No nothing of real life problems ...(except for what beer is on sale this week!) . You can go live free at Mom and Daddy's if you ypcut....Got bullied all your life so you come on here bullying others anonymously ... Good for you!

Do your family a favor and find a new job. Our new leadership does not care one bit about people at all. I have heard stories of people moving to take promos only to be laid off. Hopefully you are on the interview process. Besides you know things are bad when your new Vp sales has the nickname of Gonorrhea. Good luck!

I am looking for a new job this was just a stop gap... Only problem is employers look at you funny with less than a year at current company... That's fun to explain ...
Agreed. Just search quickly and get out. Who cares if it's under 1 year with a company, because any recruiter worth a shit knows that DSI is a real ticking time bomb so you can get out even after a month and recruiters understand why. Oh and here's another piece of advice..... make sure you do only about 3-4 calls per day and rank as low as possible so that you can get a promotion for another $2-3k before you leave

I am looking for a new job this was just a stop gap... Only problem is employers look at you funny with less than a year at current company... That's fun to explain ...
Don't worry about the jump buddy. The word is out on the streets and anyone in another company is aware that dsi doesn't have a pipeline and is in big trouble. Get out before they lay you off. That's when it's tougher to explain why they got rid of you. Get rid of them first

would you go to a CSO job over DSI? It seems that's all I see out there ...
absolutely make the move over to a CSO because more companies are going that route and converting people over to full time employees after you prove yourself..... i would jump ship as soon as possible because it's about to get ugly