Tips About DSI Job Openings (Especially San Diego)

You're exactly right they did make a big deal to point out turnover issues at the POA and they even said how everyone's leaving to make more money. They basically know at this point they are going to have to promote shitty reps like this guy because he sounds like the type that will stick around forever since he doesn't care about rankings. They can hang onto a guy like that forever because he can't get hired externally and DSI knows it

Lol! I thought that was so funny. They definitely flubbed those #s. Of course most people are leaving for more money, but I found it even better that they said reps aren't leaving because of bad managers. Ummmmmm FALSE! Even one of the SoCal reps and I were laughing our butts off when they brought that up. To what you said about promoting shitty reps, spot on! I've seen that happen on more than one occasion in my region too and it is so frustrating. However, whenever they do promote the good reps they only stay for about another 6 months because they are recruited out by other companies. Which of course, isn't hard because DSI is so low paying!

The guy that got promoted was probably so excited to get a whopping $3000 raise since he hasn't seen an IC payout in 2 years with that type of rank. I bet it was a struggle to read the offer letter and try to understand what IC even means

To those of you who got passed over by the shitty rep for the "promotion" if that's what you want to call it LOL.... Please send the rep and upper management a thank you card and get out of that place. It's pretty much a ticking time bomb with Benicar going off patent at the end of the year and then throw in Effient a year after that.

There are a ton of better companies hiring right now!!! Go apply for the jobs and stamp Out of Territory every single day to do so!! Put in the notes "Job Search Since I was Passed Over for a job by the worst ranked rep in the nation"

I noticed all the openings in San Diego and I guess this thread explains it. Looks like the entire Primary Care team got cleaned out from the looks of all the job postings. If there's anyone left I'm sure they are already interviewing to get out after that one really poorly ranked rep got promoted. It makes sense. I did apply for the San Diego opening but I'm not going to accept an interview if I get one because it doesn't sound like a very promising company to join. From the sounds of things it's a worst case scenario, desperation, "fill an unemployment gap" type of job. No thanks!!!

I noticed all the openings in San Diego and I guess this thread explains it. Looks like the entire Primary Care team got cleaned out from the looks of all the job postings. If there's anyone left I'm sure they are already interviewing to get out after that one really poorly ranked rep got promoted. It makes sense. I did apply for the San Diego opening but I'm not going to accept an interview if I get one because it doesn't sound like a very promising company to join. From the sounds of things it's a worst case scenario, desperation, "fill an unemployment gap" type of job. No thanks!!!
You're exactly right. Everyone is job searching to get out quick, so plenty more spots will open in the next 2-3 months. If you want a little experience and to buy time while you continue job searching take a job here because it's really a part time 20 hour max per week job and just buy your time. The manager doesn't care about sales ranking, so just fake it to make it for a year and get out.

Top Reps To Promote:
Lowest calls per day
Lowest ranked
Most amount of years at DSI
No need to make $
zero IC in several years
Kiss ass to the manager
In the field 10:00-2:00

You're Promoted! Perfect fit!!!!
We'll give you a merit raise of $50 congrats!

Top Reps To Promote:
Lowest calls per day
Lowest ranked
Most amount of years at DSI
No need to make $
zero IC in several years
Kiss ass to the manager
In the field 10:00-2:00

You're Promoted! Perfect fit!!!!
We'll give you a merit raise of $50 congrats!

Alright!!! $50! I can do so much with that! Especially considering I haven't made any IC in the last two years because my rank was so low!

If you haven't noticed there are about 100+ job openings at DSI currently and we're not just talking just the Primary Care openings, instead we're actually talking about Specialty and Hospital positions as well. If you are considering joining DSI only do so if you are absolutely desperate to get into Pharma and have zero connections elsewhere. This place is a very unusual and here's a few things to beware of when/if you join that I wish someone would have told me:

Reps are promoted based on politics, not their sales performance and rankings like other companies. To get promoted stay home 4-5 hours per day and just be a kiss ass to your manager and help with administrative duties that they don't want to do and that's how you get a promotion. Invite your manager to lunch all of the time in order to inappropriately gossip about your peers. DSI seriously promotes reps ranked DEAD LAST in the entire company. Also, what DSI considers to be a "promotion" is about $3-7k increase, when other companies already pay $40-50k more than DSI. If you join DSI stay 1 year and GET OUT. Take your experience and run for dear life to a much better company, which isn't tough to find. Recruiters know that once you've dealt with DSI and sold these products you can sell anything, anywhere, anytime. Also, the company just did a big wave of automatic promotions where they promoted whoever they wanted to without the candidates even applying or interviewing and as you can imagine that didn't sit well with the sales force.

Managers have the ability to do ride alongs over and over with their favorite reps so that they can increase their rankings quicker on the FCR scores (which can help a last in nation ranked reps get promoted). To get promoted you must have primarily 4-5's on your FCR scores, therefore more field rides mean you have more opportunity to increase your FCR scores. Managers are also able to select who they want to help them lead conference calls, training sessions, sales spreadsheets to track data and then they can increase their FCR scores for doing extra work. If you ever switch managers, just know that you can have all 4-5's, however if the new manager doesn't like you (even if you are top ranked) they can choose to move your FCR rankings downward to 1's and 2's for no reason. Bottom line, make sure you know that your manager can screw you over on FCR scores if they wish too. If you get the wrong manager on a rampage to destroy your career, watch out for this. Make sure to challenge your manager on FCR scores and make sure to get 3's or higher as quickly as possible. If they cancel or postpone your ride alongs often, document the dates.

DSI's pipeline is awful. We are still selling a drug that is 6 pills per day when other drugs have much greater efficacy and are QD. Next, we have a anticoagulant that was supposedly a blockbuster and it is a 4th in class drug that's not covered and is not selling. Our hypertension meds go off patent at the end of 2015, so get ready for lay offs, as this franchise is approximately 25-30% of DSI's revenue. Also, the anti platelet is off patent at the end of 2016 and it's already losing ground quickly to competitors who actually have a budget to pay speakers. Finally we added a constipation drug that is not selling either and this is a co promotion with AZ and they have already gathered that DSI reps are not very good, so good luck for future co promotion opportunities for DSI. The lack of a pipeline is what crushes DSI, because without a pipeline they don't have revenue to pay reps or provide more in service budget, which creates a nasty cycle of lay offs and comp plan changes frequently so that the place doesn't go bankrupt.

You will have a tiny budget to buy lunches, breakfasts, or snacks. Be prepared to be known as the dead broke rep who can't afford anything except Sonic, Subway, In and Out, El Pollo Loco, which are all the things that the offices will not want to eat. They will often cancel your lunch and put someone with a larger budget on the calendar, so that they can have something to eat that they actually want. Also, every sales meeting you will have a roommate, which is unheard of for any other company.

Look at all of the job openings in San Diego and across the US. It's not a coincidence. Everyone leaves as soon as they get 1 year under their belt, maybe 2 years if they can handle it. Once you're ready to leave you can make $40-50k more easily. If the company would invest more in the sales force up front, they could avoid all of the turnover costs and create a much better culture in which they have a competitive sales force excited to get out and sell and boost the companies overall revenue instead of searching for jobs and submitting resumes all day long.

Good luck if you choose to join just be careful and really watch out for some of the managers. A lot of them are great, but if you get the wrong one they can really screw over your career and promotions at DSI.

This is pretty Accurate with a few minor changes...
1) PROMOTIONS: I think you meant percentage. Promotions are % 1-3% is the industry standard on top of your base.

2) FCR scores: Who the F cares anyway??! Only the last 3 lines were correct about this.


4)The "Roommate Issue" just to save money is disgusting! It's a budget issue, once upon a time DSI used to be like the other Pharma companies & you would have your own room, but that was a loooooooong time ago.

5)TurnOver: High turn over rate....its a ripple effect bc then your missing a person on your team, district, balls!

This is pretty Accurate with a few minor changes...
1) PROMOTIONS: I think you meant percentage. Promotions are % 1-3% is the industry standard on top of your base.

2) FCR scores: Who the F cares anyway??! Only the last 3 lines were correct about this.


4)The "Roommate Issue" just to save money is disgusting! It's a budget issue, once upon a time DSI used to be like the other Pharma companies & you would have your own room, but that was a loooooooong time ago.

5)TurnOver: High turn over rate....its a ripple effect bc then your missing a person on your team, district, balls!

I agree that the FCR scores do not mean a damn thing except for this S Cal territory the specialty and hospital managers say that reps need 4's and 5's on their FCR's to promote, so when you have a DM who favors certain reps and gives them 4-5's like they're passing out candy then you're screwed in this particular region.

A piss poor shitty rep can get promoted in this region with FCR 4-5's just bc a manager favors them for doing all the admin work that they don't want to deal with.

Lowest ranked shitty reps can promote with these FCR scores that get them promoted bc that is common knowledge in this region that's who gets promoted the biggest con jobs that aren't ranked worth a shit but the manager likes them so they get FCR scores higher than the top ranked reps

So this tip applies to this region in particular, just keep your FCR scores up and don't worry about selling

I agree that the FCR scores do not mean a damn thing except for this S Cal territory the specialty and hospital managers say that reps need 4's and 5's on their FCR's to promote, so when you have a DM who favors certain reps and gives them 4-5's like they're passing out candy then you're screwed in this particular region.

A piss poor shitty rep can get promoted in this region with FCR 4-5's just bc a manager favors them for doing all the admin work that they don't want to deal with.

Lowest ranked shitty reps can promote with these FCR scores that get them promoted bc that is common knowledge in this region that's who gets promoted the biggest con jobs that aren't ranked worth a shit but the manager likes them so they get FCR scores higher than the top ranked reps

So this tip applies to this region in particular, just keep your FCR scores up and don't worry about selling

from what I hear the manager out there is tough to get along with. being friendly is a full time job in itself

Look, you obviously got burned by someone who positioned and SOLD themselves better than you. Don't be salty.

And just because you might have better numbers than someone else, that's doesn't mean you be a better DM or leader than that other person in the future. Sales numbers only get you so far. Stop depending on the and EXPECTING a pat on the back and automatic promotion. It's only a part of moving ahead. And stop calling me names like a third grader. As I mentioned in my first response, grow up.
I couldn't disagree with this comment any more bc there's no way anyone with awful sales numbers should EVER be considered for a leadership role. I agree that not everyone has leadership ability, however there are enough highly ranked and talented sales people who DO have leadership capacity as well. Select the top ranked with the capacity and don't settle for less. Who in their right mind would possibly take a really shitty performer on any team and make them the coach or leader!!!!! Someone would have to be really stupid to think that any sales person would listen or what to be led by some idiot who couldn't ever succeed in sales!! Look around at all the DM's they won gold cups and were top ranked to get their jobs duh! I wouldn't hold your breath on your big DM promotion coming up LOL!!!!