Thoughts on Executive Rep Promotions

This whole thread makes me laugh. You guys are so terribly bitter that it's funny. Just as a note, you hand out awards, not promotions, for sales results alone. Promotions require LEADERSHIP, not just sales results. There are functional competencies that measure your capacity to perform as a good sales rep, and there are leadership competencies that measure your capacity for a promotion to the top of the heap. You don't get it, which is why 15 years from now, if you haven't been fired, you'll find yourself in the same job you're in right now. You might be happy with that, which is fine, but quit banging on those people who are willing to do more than just the basics of their current job and, in turn, EARN a promotion.

The leadership component which is what gets you promoted is unique to Lilly. Other companies do not require this. And how do you define leadership that qualifies for promotion at Lilly. Doing cmference calls and calling your teammates with nonsense does not make you a leader. How about when Lilly gives out these promotions, they also let others know what were the things that the person did to prove leadership. Why not let peers vote and get their opinions on if someone is considered a leader. Just a thought. While Lilly has its reps trying to be leaders to get promoted, our competitors our leading physicians toward their products.

And our compettors (in the Diabetes market) are rewarding their reps with well deserved bonus for their sales efforts.

Lilly should conduct one of the many surveys and ask reps what they think of the current promotion system. Just a thought.

If Lilly wants to be the Diabetes leader and wants to save the company with its Diabetes products, they need to incentivize reps. With the current model, there is no reason to go above and beyond. Many reps have left Lilly for novo and yes there may be a little more stress but it's worth the increase in incentives. Even BI reps making more in bonuses.

This whole thread makes me laugh. You guys are so terribly bitter that it's funny. Just as a note, you hand out awards, not promotions, for sales results alone. Promotions require LEADERSHIP, not just sales results. There are functional competencies that measure your capacity to perform as a good sales rep, and there are leadership competencies that measure your capacity for a promotion to the top of the heap. You don't get it, which is why 15 years from now, if you haven't been fired, you'll find yourself in the same job you're in right now. You might be happy with that, which is fine, but quit banging on those people who are willing to do more than just the basics of their current job and, in turn, EARN a promotion.

Bullshit. 15 years from now 90% of us will have been shown the door.

Use for a few years and throw away. That is Lilly HR policy.

If Lilly wants to be the Diabetes leader and wants to save the company with its Diabetes products, they need to incentivize reps. With the current model, there is no reason to go above and beyond. Many reps have left Lilly for novo and yes there may be a little more stress but it's worth the increase in incentives. Even BI reps making more in bonuses.


NOVO is a better company

The leadership component which is what gets you promoted is unique to Lilly. Other companies do not require this. And how do you define leadership that qualifies for promotion at Lilly. Doing cmference calls and calling your teammates with nonsense does not make you a leader. How about when Lilly gives out these promotions, they also let others know what were the things that the person did to prove leadership. Why not let peers vote and get their opinions on if someone is considered a leader. Just a thought. While Lilly has its reps trying to be leaders to get promoted, our competitors our leading physicians toward their products.

And our compettors (in the Diabetes market) are rewarding their reps with well deserved bonus for their sales efforts.

Lilly should conduct one of the many surveys and ask reps what they think of the current promotion system. Just a thought.

If you think this system is unique to Lilly, then you haven't worked anywhere else. I don't know of a single company in pharma that promotes solely based upon sales numbers. Plus, why have peers vote? Is a popularity contest the best way to determine who gets promoted? The idea is that you need to do more than just your job to get promoted to the Executive level. That's true anywhere.

But, the issues people have on this board regarding those who get promoted are the same ones everyone has. You can go read the "my manager is terrible and can't even do my job" to see that there's always bitterness towards those who get a promotion when you don't. The reaction of those on this site is that it must be due to something either outside of your control or due to something other than that person's abilities. It's a joke. Get over it.

If you think this system is unique to Lilly, then you haven't worked anywhere else. I don't know of a single company in pharma that promotes solely based upon sales numbers. Plus, why have peers vote? Is a popularity contest the best way to determine who gets promoted? The idea is that you need to do more than just your job to get promoted to the Executive level. That's true anywhere.

But, the issues people have on this board regarding those who get promoted are the same ones everyone has. You can go read the "my manager is terrible and can't even do my job" to see that there's always bitterness towards those who get a promotion when you don't. The reaction of those on this site is that it must be due to something either outside of your control or due to something other than that person's abilities. It's a joke. Get over it.

You missed the point. It is one thing to get promoted based on true leadership but promotions at Lilly are nonsenical and don't perpetuate leadership but encourage looking busy. People in recent years get promoted for doing useless news letters and websites that add no benefit, completing annoying, useless projects that should be completed by inside associates, beg team mates to take part in these "projects" to achieve "team involvement and interest" and are consistently trying to mentor others for the sole purpose of getting another check mark on their PM document.

We all know what is going on and either play the game or just ignore the nonsense. Those in my world that have been promoted in recent years have common characteristics: are annoying, uninspiring, not respected, and just tolerated by team mates but adored by management since these reps have perfected the art of "managing upward" at the expense of walking over and annoying the shit out of their co workers. Adding the fact that we now have team goals, individual sales do not play a part in the promotion equation wgich only spirals these individuals to set them selves apart by doing as many petty, meaningless projects as possible.

As an Executive Sales Rep myself, no hard feelings here and am only expressing views on why the current promotion model is viewed as a joke and holds no credibility by reps.

You missed the point. It is one thing to get promoted based on true leadership but promotions at Lilly are nonsenical and don't perpetuate leadership but encourage looking busy. People in recent years get promoted for doing useless news letters and websites that add no benefit, completing annoying, useless projects that should be completed by inside associates, beg team mates to take part in these "projects" to achieve "team involvement and interest" and are consistently trying to mentor others for the sole purpose of getting another check mark on their PM document.

We all know what is going on and either play the game or just ignore the nonsense. Those in my world that have been promoted in recent years have common characteristics: are annoying, uninspiring, not respected, and just tolerated by team mates but adored by management since these reps have perfected the art of "managing upward" at the expense of walking over and annoying the shit out of their co workers. Adding the fact that we now have team goals, individual sales do not play a part in the promotion equation wgich only spirals these individuals to set them selves apart by doing as many petty, meaningless projects as possible.

As an Executive Sales Rep myself, no hard feelings here and am only expressing views on why the current promotion model is viewed as a joke and holds no credibility by reps.

What is there to sell? The innovation was reallocated.

This whole thread makes me laugh. You guys are so terribly bitter that it's funny. Just as a note, you hand out awards, not promotions, for sales results alone. Promotions require LEADERSHIP, not just sales results. There are functional competencies that measure your capacity to perform as a good sales rep, and there are leadership competencies that measure your capacity for a promotion to the top of the heap. You don't get it, which is why 15 years from now, if you haven't been fired, you'll find yourself in the same job you're in right now. You might be happy with that, which is fine, but quit banging on those people who are willing to do more than just the basics of their current job and, in turn, EARN a promotion.
You are correct in that observable leadership behaviors should be required to earn a promotion to a supervisory position. However the primary job function of a sales rep is to generate sales.
Are you saying that someone should be promoted when they have never demonstrated the ability to excel at the primary function of their job?

You are correct in that observable leadership behaviors should be required to earn a promotion to a supervisory position. However the primary job function of a sales rep is to generate sales.
Are you saying that someone should be promoted when they have never demonstrated the ability to excel at the primary function of their job?


C.Banks - what an a-hole. Our whole team hates the guy. How did he ever make it to DM to begin with?

Are you kidding me? Carlos is a DSM? I thought he was taken out years ago. He is in way above his head. Couldn't 'manage' himself out of an empty room with one door, let alone lead and coach a team of people. What a disappointment to all the exceptionally talented DSMs who walked away 2 years ago. Unbelievable!!!

So if I compare Lilly with another diabetes company, let's see:

1. Lilly pays less in bonuses.
2. No,individual quotas
3. To get promoted to another level such as executive rep, sales don't matter.
4. Company car for standard fusion is 150
5. Physicians view other diabetes company as the leader.

So, Lilly, as an experienced rep who has been with Lilly years with top results, why should I stay. There is no incentive for top reps to stay anymore.

Soon , Lilly will be filled with those just out of school who are willing to work for less and have no sales of real life experience.

And Lilly really thinks the company will be saved by Diabetes division. Motivate reps if you want to see that.

So if I compare Lilly with another diabetes company, let's see:

1. Lilly pays less in bonuses.
2. No,individual quotas
3. To get promoted to another level such as executive rep, sales don't matter.
4. Company car for standard fusion is 150
5. Physicians view other diabetes company as the leader.

So, Lilly, as an experienced rep who has been with Lilly years with top results, why should I stay. There is no incentive for top reps to stay anymore.

Soon , Lilly will be filled with those just out of school who are willing to work for less and have no sales of real life experience.

And Lilly really thinks the company will be saved by Diabetes division. Motivate reps if you want to see that.

I thought we were being saved by Animal Health (and mass firings and stock buybacks).

But I guess that medical decisions will be more and more data-driven... just keep those sponsored search results at the top of the page and we should be okay

You missed the point. It is one thing to get promoted based on true leadership but promotions at Lilly are nonsenical and don't perpetuate leadership but encourage looking busy. People in recent years get promoted for doing useless news letters and websites that add no benefit, completing annoying, useless projects that should be completed by inside associates, beg team mates to take part in these "projects" to achieve "team involvement and interest" and are consistently trying to mentor others for the sole purpose of getting another check mark on their PM document.

We all know what is going on and either play the game or just ignore the nonsense. Those in my world that have been promoted in recent years have common characteristics: are annoying, uninspiring, not respected, and just tolerated by team mates but adored by management since these reps have perfected the art of "managing upward" at the expense of walking over and annoying the shit out of their co workers. Adding the fact that we now have team goals, individual sales do not play a part in the promotion equation wgich only spirals these individuals to set them selves apart by doing as many petty, meaningless projects as possible.

As an Executive Sales Rep myself, no hard feelings here and am only expressing views on why the current promotion model is viewed as a joke and holds no credibility by reps.

I couldn't have said it better myself! The whole promotion steps are bullshit! Just have one title and a base pay range from $55,00- $125,00 and reps get raises based on performance, leadership and integrity! It would avoid all the kissing up to managers and walking all over team mates! The calibration "system" is a joke!!! "Sorry Joe you didn't get the promotion because this rep did a shoe drive at a launch meeting and that shows true leadership" and as we know we only have room to promote a couple of reps per year! You might try "pulling a Bruce Jenner" so next year you can get noticed by the other managers! You may just have a shot at that one!

You missed the point. It is one thing to get promoted based on true leadership but promotions at Lilly are nonsenical and don't perpetuate leadership but encourage looking busy. People in recent years get promoted for doing useless news letters and websites that add no benefit, completing annoying, useless projects that should be completed by inside associates, beg team mates to take part in these "projects" to achieve "team involvement and interest" and are consistently trying to mentor others for the sole purpose of getting another check mark on their PM document .

We all know what is going on and either play the game or just ignore the nonsense. Those in my world that have been promoted in recent years have common characteristics: are annoying, uninspiring, not respected, and just tolerated by team mates but adored by management since these reps have perfected the art of "managing upward" at the expense of walking over and annoying the shit out of their co workers. Adding the fact that we now have team goals, individual sales do not play a part in the promotion equation wgich only spirals these individuals to set them selves apart by doing as many petty, meaningless projects as possible.

As an Executive Sales Rep myself, no hard feelings here and am only expressing views on why the current promotion model is viewed as a joke and holds no credibility by reps.

You're taking your opinion and presenting it as fact. Your comments that people are promoted by "doing useless news letters and websites that add no benefit, completing annoying, useless projects that should be completed by inside associates, beg team mates to take part in these "projects" to achieve "team involvement and interest" and are consistently trying to mentor others for the sole purpose of getting another check mark on their PM document" is your opinion of why they got promoted, as well as your opinion of the value of the things they did to get promoted. That doesn't mean there's a problem with the promotion criteria, it just means you don't like it. What you deem useless may have value to someone else and they may view it as leadership in action. Regardless of whether or not you liked what they did to get promoted, all of those things are going above and beyond what their daily job requires of them. That's why people get promoted.

You paint those who have been promoted with a broad brush, and it's obvious that you don't like them. Is that a problem with them or with you? Of course when it comes to you, you somehow NEVER did anything like that, and you EARNED your promotion, right? So, somehow, everyone except you did a bunch of BS to get promoted, and you alone are the only person who got promoted by doing thing the right way. That's not a very self-serving argument, is it?

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