Thoughts on Executive Rep Promotions

You're taking your opinion and presenting it as fact. Your comments that people are promoted by "doing useless news letters and websites that add no benefit, completing annoying, useless projects that should be completed by inside associates, beg team mates to take part in these "projects" to achieve "team involvement and interest" and are consistently trying to mentor others for the sole purpose of getting another check mark on their PM document" is your opinion of why they got promoted, as well as your opinion of the value of the things they did to get promoted. That doesn't mean there's a problem with the promotion criteria, it just means you don't like it. What you deem useless may have value to someone else and they may view it as leadership in action. Regardless of whether or not you liked what they did to get promoted, all of those things are going above and beyond what their daily job requires of them. That's why people get promoted.

You paint those who have been promoted with a broad brush, and it's obvious that you don't like them. Is that a problem with them or with you? Of course when it comes to you, you somehow NEVER did anything like that, and you EARNED your promotion, right? So, somehow, everyone except you did a bunch of BS to get promoted, and you alone are the only person who got promoted by doing thing the right way. That's not a very self-serving argument, is it?

Once again you missed the point. You must be a Director, manager, HR representative. Or recently promoted Executive Sales Rep. Damn you's stoopid!

Promotions are currently achieved by doing projects NOT individual sales. Our culture has taught us Projects = leadership, you have been trained well padre. Lilly has DISTRICT sales goals and instead of focusing on excelling on their "daily job" of sales, those wanting to get promoted separate themselves from the "pack" by perfecting the art of managing upward and doing a never ending list of projects that relate to everything but their daily job of selling. Why waste time trying to sell when doing "projects" sets me apart from team sales results? I'm not stoopid.

You incorrectly conclude disatiifaction or unhappiness. We are informing you our take on what it takes to get promoted in recent years. Nope, you don't like accepting the fact that promotions are not based on a sales rep core job of "selling" but "leadership" projects that can be put on a PM document.

Dear cheer leader of the current system or whoever you are, this perception of Lilly's current day promotion process may be hard for you to swallow but now that we think about it, "swallowing" is probably something you excel at. Did you put that on your PM document?

I couldn't have said it better myself! The whole promotion steps are bullshit! Just have one title and a base pay range from $55,00- $125,00 and reps get raises based on performance, leadership and integrity! It would avoid all the kissing up to managers and walking all over team mates! The calibration "system" is a joke!!! "Sorry Joe you didn't get the promotion because this rep did a shoe drive at a launch meeting and that shows true leadership" and as we know we only have room to promote a couple of reps per year! You might try "pulling a Bruce Jenner" so next year you can get noticed by the other managers! You may just have a shot at that one!

You nailed it! This is EXACTLY why Lilly reps and management are the JOKE of the industry. Other companies promote for performance. Lilly promotes for shoe drives, toiletry drives etc... What's sad is that these losers trying to do this stupid stuff to get promoted OBVIOUSLY have never done a day of charity work in their lives that Lilly didn't force them to do. Some of us do charity work on a regular basis so don't need or want to do it to get promoted at work. Another example of Lilly reps living a total lie everyday, "Look at me, I'm such a giving person" (while I stab everyone on my team in the back on a daily basis). I know for a fact that the toiletries that we took to one meeting NEVER made it to the women's shelter they were supposed to be going to. I worked there (on my on time, not paid for by Lilly) that weekend and nobody ever saw them. Another fine Lilly rep in action.

The most annoying rep on my team got promoted by mailing us crap (an idea that he stole off the internet) that our dm forced us to carry in our car with us everyday! I am not lying. Are we in kindergarten? What kind of "career" forces you to play along with these STUPID games. Try having to explain to people who have real careers why you are carrying that crap around in your car. So your dm doesn't get mad at you? Omg this job has hit rock bottom.

You're taking your opinion and presenting it as fact. Your comments that people are promoted by "doing useless news letters and websites that add no benefit, completing annoying, useless projects that should be completed by inside associates, beg team mates to take part in these "projects" to achieve "team involvement and interest" and are consistently trying to mentor others for the sole purpose of getting another check mark on their PM document" is your opinion of why they got promoted, as well as your opinion of the value of the things they did to get promoted. That doesn't mean there's a problem with the promotion criteria, it just means you don't like it. What you deem useless may have value to someone else and they may view it as leadership in action. Regardless of whether or not you liked what they did to get promoted, all of those things are going above and beyond what their daily job requires of them. That's why people get promoted.

You paint those who have been promoted with a broad brush, and it's obvious that you don't like them. Is that a problem with them or with you? Of course when it comes to you, you somehow NEVER did anything like that, and you EARNED your promotion, right? So, somehow, everyone except you did a bunch of BS to get promoted, and you alone are the only person who got promoted by doing thing the right way. That's not a very self-serving argument, is it?

I have been Senior Executive Rep since first year of eligibility. I didn't really "earn" it. Just played along and did all the ridiculous stuff I knew I had to do instead of selling that year. It worked and will be retiring next year full pension. Agree it's total BS but Lilly forces you to do it. Nothing like promotions outside of industry. That's why pharma reps have such terrible reputations.

You nailed it! This is EXACTLY why Lilly reps and management are the JOKE of the industry. Other companies promote for performance. Lilly promotes for shoe drives, toiletry drives etc... What's sad is that these losers trying to do this stupid stuff to get promoted OBVIOUSLY have never done a day of charity work in their lives that Lilly didn't force them to do. Some of us do charity work on a regular basis so don't need or want to do it to get promoted at work. Another example of Lilly reps living a total lie everyday, "Look at me, I'm such a giving person" (while I stab everyone on my team in the back on a daily basis). I know for a fact that the toiletries that we took to one meeting NEVER made it to the women's shelter they were supposed to be going to. I worked there (on my on time, not paid for by Lilly) that weekend and nobody ever saw them. Another fine Lilly rep in action.

The most annoying rep on my team got promoted by mailing us crap (an idea that he stole off the internet) that our dm forced us to carry in our car with us everyday! I am not lying. Are we in kindergarten? What kind of "career" forces you to play along with these STUPID games. Try having to explain to people who have real careers why you are carrying that crap around in your car. So your dm doesn't get mad at you? Omg this job has hit rock bottom.

U must be on my team. We have that guy too. Same exact thing he did to us. We have no money for lunches but we have money for him to buy and mail a bunch of garbage he and the manager knows we just throw in the trash when it comes. He should be taking science or biology classes in his free time instead but thinks his looks/athlete status is enough for him to get by.

Once again you missed the point. You must be a Director, manager, HR representative. Or recently promoted Executive Sales Rep. Damn you's stoopid!

Promotions are currently achieved by doing projects NOT individual sales. Our culture has taught us Projects = leadership, you have been trained well padre. Lilly has DISTRICT sales goals and instead of focusing on excelling on their "daily job" of sales, those wanting to get promoted separate themselves from the "pack" by perfecting the art of managing upward and doing a never ending list of projects that relate to everything but their daily job of selling. Why waste time trying to sell when doing "projects" sets me apart from team sales results? I'm not stoopid.

You incorrectly conclude disatiifaction or unhappiness. We are informing you our take on what it takes to get promoted in recent years. Nope, you don't like accepting the fact that promotions are not based on a sales rep core job of "selling" but "leadership" projects that can be put on a PM document.

Dear cheer leader of the current system or whoever you are, this perception of Lilly's current day promotion process may be hard for you to swallow but now that we think about it, "swallowing" is probably something you excel at. Did you put that on your PM document?

Agree 100%!

Are you kidding me? Carlos is a DSM? I thought he was taken out years ago. He is in way above his head. Couldn't 'manage' himself out of an empty room with one door, let alone lead and coach a team of people. What a disappointment to all the exceptionally talented DSMs who walked away 2 years ago. Unbelievable!!!

CB is no longer a DSM. He was removed from that position when his entire team (including African Americans) rebelled against him in early 2008.
He is now just a fool masquerading as an exec sales rep in the Diabetes Division.

Once again you missed the point. You must be a Director, manager, HR representative. Or recently promoted Executive Sales Rep. Damn you's stoopid!

Promotions are currently achieved by doing projects NOT individual sales. Our culture has taught us Projects = leadership, you have been trained well padre. Lilly has DISTRICT sales goals and instead of focusing on excelling on their "daily job" of sales, those wanting to get promoted separate themselves from the "pack" by perfecting the art of managing upward and doing a never ending list of projects that relate to everything but their daily job of selling. Why waste time trying to sell when doing "projects" sets me apart from team sales results? I'm not stoopid.

You incorrectly conclude disatiifaction or unhappiness. We are informing you our take on what it takes to get promoted in recent years. Nope, you don't like accepting the fact that promotions are not based on a sales rep core job of "selling" but "leadership" projects that can be put on a PM document.

Dear cheer leader of the current system or whoever you are, this perception of Lilly's current day promotion process may be hard for you to swallow but now that we think about it, "swallowing" is probably something you excel at. Did you put that on your PM document?

Snap! You go girl!

Once again you missed the point. You must be a Director, manager, HR representative. Or recently promoted Executive Sales Rep. Damn you's stoopid!

Promotions are currently achieved by doing projects NOT individual sales. Our culture has taught us Projects = leadership, you have been trained well padre. Lilly has DISTRICT sales goals and instead of focusing on excelling on their "daily job" of sales, those wanting to get promoted separate themselves from the "pack" by perfecting the art of managing upward and doing a never ending list of projects that relate to everything but their daily job of selling. Why waste time trying to sell when doing "projects" sets me apart from team sales results? I'm not stoopid.

You incorrectly conclude disatiifaction or unhappiness. We are informing you our take on what it takes to get promoted in recent years. Nope, you don't like accepting the fact that promotions are not based on a sales rep core job of "selling" but "leadership" projects that can be put on a PM document.

Dear cheer leader of the current system or whoever you are, this perception of Lilly's current day promotion process may be hard for you to swallow but now that we think about it, "swallowing" is probably something you excel at. Did you put that on your PM document?

You just stated the same point you've already made once again. You don't like the criteria, so it must be wrong, huh? And, forgive me for concluding that you are dissatisfied and/or unhappy - when you continually insult those who were promoted and those who offer a viewpoint different than yours, it's a pretty good sign that you're disgruntled.

Go anywhere and see what the requirements are to be promoted to the highest level. You'll be surprised by what you learn - it's all about leadership, not sales numbers. Again, we give awards for sales numbers and promotions for leadership. There's a difference.

We are talking here about promotions for sales rep to another sales rep level. It's a title with more money. Same exact job. I agree promotions to leadership should not be and or not based on numbers elsewhere.
But we are talking here about sales reps who are content in being sales reps. In order to get a higher salary it's not based on numbers, it's based in BS projects.
So someone who did well in their territory can make less then someone who did not do as well but basically busied themselves with projects that do not matter.
Something is not right with this system.

We are talking here about promotions for sales rep to another sales rep level. It's a title with more money. Same exact job. I agree promotions to leadership should not be and or not based on numbers elsewhere.
But we are talking here about sales reps who are content in being sales reps. In order to get a higher salary it's not based on numbers, it's based in BS projects.
So someone who did well in their territory can make less then someone who did not do as well but basically busied themselves with projects that do not matter.
Something is not right with this system.

It's not just the system its the entire company that is dysfunctional due to inept leadership.

You just stated the same point you've already made once again. You don't like the criteria, so it must be wrong, huh? And, forgive me for concluding that you are dissatisfied and/or unhappy - when you continually insult those who were promoted and those who offer a viewpoint different than yours, it's a pretty good sign that you're disgruntled.

Go anywhere and see what the requirements are to be promoted to the highest level. You'll be surprised by what you learn - it's all about leadership, not sales numbers. Again, we give awards for sales numbers and promotions for leadership. There's a difference.

A good example of the tools Lilly has promoted, idiots! This back and forth twisting of thoughts brings back horrible memories of my time at Lilly and reinforces my decision to leave Lilly was the right one!

No matter what people say, sales promotions as of a couple years ago when I left we based on everything but individual sales results and it sounds like nothing has changed. The poster saying otherwise is probably from HR so my advice is to ignore them and play the game if you choose to stay at that God forsaken hell hole!!

Even better, perfect your ability to look busy and kiss butt and you will get promoted in no time. Play the game everyone!

We are talking here about promotions for sales rep to another sales rep level. It's a title with more money. Same exact job. I agree promotions to leadership should not be and or not based on numbers elsewhere.
But we are talking here about sales reps who are content in being sales reps. In order to get a higher salary it's not based on numbers, it's based in BS projects.
So someone who did well in their territory can make less then someone who did not do as well but basically busied themselves with projects that do not matter.
Something is not right with this system.

Define leadership.

Is leadership blowing billions of dollars on a phony company that Martha Stewart could have warned you about? How the hell do you reward that kind of BS? In any normal company, the CEO would have been fired. Just what is the B.O.D. thinking? What kind of kickbacks are going on?

The damage from these stupid decisions continues to fall out.... we could have had a real pipeline, instead, the lab people continued to be fired by the dozen.

Not penny wise, but pound foolish is an understatement.

First open position I see for our diabetes competitor, I'm gone. My numbers have been good and consistently good throughout the years. I have refused to play the game so will look elsewhere where I am rewarded for my sales.
Good luck Lilly. Hope your few diabetes products can carry the company. Because most or products you are launching are not yours. They are BIs.
Management doesn't get it. They will continue this nonsense with no end in sight. Wake up to what's happening in the field. Sales reps need to be incentivized and rewarded for their results.
Think about it management, if you were the owner of a business, would you want your sales force out on the field or working on bs projects that takes them off of the field.
While reps are working on these bs projects, our competitors are in the field making calls on customers. Hmmmm.... Maybe that's why they are doing better and why CVM stills views them more favorable.

First open position I see for our diabetes competitor, I'm gone. My numbers have been good and consistently good throughout the years. I have refused to play the game so will look elsewhere where I am rewarded for my sales.
Good luck Lilly. Hope your few diabetes products can carry the company. Because most or products you are launching are not yours. They are BIs.
Management doesn't get it. They will continue this nonsense with no end in sight. Wake up to what's happening in the field. Sales reps need to be incentivized and rewarded for their results.
Think about it management, if you were the owner of a business, would you want your sales force out on the field or working on bs projects that takes them off of the field.
While reps are working on these bs projects, our competitors are in the field making calls on customers. Hmmmm.... Maybe that's why they are doing better and why CVM stills views them more favorable.

You are saying that because you are angry because you didn't get promoted and are jealous of the reps who were promoted based on there leadership behaviors.

Lilly reps are the best in the industry and getting promoted is only bestowed on the best of the best! Your stinky attitude is obvious in your posts so do us all a favor and leave if you hold such jealous and angry feelings. Bye bye loser!

You are saying that because you are angry because you didn't get promoted and are jealous of the reps who were promoted based on there leadership behaviors.

Lilly reps are the best in the industry and getting promoted is only bestowed on the best of the best! Your stinky attitude is obvious in your posts so do us all a favor and leave if you hold such jealous and angry feelings. Bye bye loser!

You are clearly the loser in the worst and least ethical HR dept in the industry!

If this was not a company town in a company state you would be in big trouble

You are saying that because you are angry because you didn't get promoted and are jealous of the reps who were promoted based on there leadership behaviors.

Lilly reps are the best in the industry and getting promoted is only bestowed on the best of the best! Your stinky attitude is obvious in your posts so do us all a favor and leave if you hold such jealous and angry feelings. Bye bye loser!

Oh DN, you are such an inspirational leader. I could read your comments forever.

You just stated the same point you've already made once again. You don't like the criteria, so it must be wrong, huh? And, forgive me for concluding that you are dissatisfied and/or unhappy - when you continually insult those who were promoted and those who offer a viewpoint different than yours, it's a pretty good sign that you're disgruntled.

Go anywhere and see what the requirements are to be promoted to the highest level. You'll be surprised by what you learn - it's all about leadership, not sales numbers. Again, we give awards for sales numbers and promotions for leadership. There's a difference.

You make me want to throw up. You are an example of how twisted and warped in the head someone has to be to stay here. You would NEVER make it at a "normal' corporation so you will stay here, lie about what you do all day, skate on your DH status until you get cut in one of the upcoming layoffs. It has taken me less than a year to realize how bad I was lied to during the interview process and that I need to get out of here as soon as possible so that I do not end up like you. Justifying unethical, immoral and just plain idiotic behavior on all levels that we have here. The longer people stay here the harder it is to get out. Other industries don't want you when they see "pharma" on your resume. Kiss of death I am finding out.

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