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No more President council and Quota trips...thoughts?

Take, take, take, and more take! That is what Lilly is constantly doing! They don't pay for a new phone, pay for phone bill, pay your internet, we pay $150/month for our car! Our quarterly payouts are far below other pharmaceutical companies, now no more quota trips! I hope they start raising our base salaries soon! This company SUCKS big time in their R&D too! Nothing in our pipeline too!

If it sucks so bad, then leave. The sense of entitlement some people have is amazing to me. I came from another work world to industry and am am thankful for what i DO get instead of focusing on always what i DONT get. Bitter people that complain need to leave. But no..all they do is continue to complain. It gets old.

If it sucks so bad, then leave. The sense of entitlement some people have is amazing to me. I came from another work world to industry and am am thankful for what i DO get instead of focusing on always what i DONT get. Bitter people that complain need to leave. But no..all they do is continue to complain. It gets old.

Lazy managers, "if you don't like it, then leave." Why don't you managers get off your lazy a**es and put some effort into motivating and inspiring your people. Losing employees causes huge $$ financial strain on the company with hiring, training, and dealing with vacant positions. If supervisors were held accountable rather than saying "leave if you don't like it" possibly it would be a start in restoring employee satisfaction and ultimately job performance and results.

Thank goodness we finally canceled the White Racist Presidential Trip - clearly this hold over from the Civil War was another White Power Message

Cancel Presidents Trip Save Diversity !!! Fight White Power !!!

Thank goodness we finally canceled the White Racist Presidential Trip - clearly this hold over from the Civil War was another White Power Message

Cancel Presidents Trip Save Diversity !!! Fight White Power !!!
We need to destroy the flags at the corporate center that reflect Sharia Law. If there is still a Saudi flag there, then tear it down. Why support a country with medicine that doesn't let women drive much less vote?

Be glad you still have a job. If you want to complain, take yourself somewhere else and see if you can work so little for the pay you already have. This is the entitlement that many have and probably why trips need to change.

For real, Shut It with the "be happy you have a job crap". Seriously!!

The job sucks on so many levels. They ask us to lie about calls and then they threaten to fire us for telling that same lie. That alone makes enjoying any part of this job impossible. The quota trips were at least an enjoyable bonus. I've been on a lot of them and with the exception of this last one, they were excellent.

Lilly hasn't just taken away the quota trip, they took away cell phone reimbursement, free Lilly meds, presidents council trips and more. It takes freaking 10 years to get an additional 3 measly days of vacation!!! It's the whittling away of good things and there will be more. We can complain about the frustration of that and we don't need some baby whining that we come across entitled.

Cafepharma isn't here so we can talk about how nice the flowers are in the front lobby in Indy. It's here we can whine. So back the F off!!! Lol

For real, Shut It with the "be happy you have a job crap". Seriously!!

The job sucks on so many levels. They ask us to lie about calls and then they threaten to fire us for telling that same lie. That alone makes enjoying any part of this job impossible. The quota trips were at least an enjoyable bonus. I've been on a lot of them and with the exception of this last one, they were excellent.

Lilly hasn't just taken away the quota trip, they took away cell phone reimbursement, free Lilly meds, presidents council trips and more. It takes freaking 10 years to get an additional 3 measly days of vacation!!! It's the whittling away of good things and there will be more. We can complain about the frustration of that and we don't need some baby whining that we come across entitled.

Cafepharma isn't here so we can talk about how nice the flowers are in the front lobby in Indy. It's here we can whine. So back the F off!!! Lol

Leave. You don't deserve to work here. MHS are all whiners and need to go. Most of us hope this next round of cuts takes all of you. Overpaid, lazy, whiners. See what it's like to really work somewhere for a lot less money. You need to leave. How's that for telling it like it is? I won't back off because it's people like you who give all of us a bad rap. (can you say entitlement)