This defines Labcorp to a Tee

I did get an exit interview. I think it is the 'same old' world there. I have hardly seen HR taking any action against managers. They work for management and not for the regular employees. Who cares anymore? That place stinks anyways.

HR doesn't work for management.. They work for Labcorp legal.. I only left 3 weeks ago bur my point was the above poster, sounded like he or she worked for HR, with all the questions. I don't really care that i didn't get an exit interview, my point was if management wants to retain and attract future talent and have their employees in good positions to succeed and limiting turnover, they would do exit interviews in a manner that allows for better outcomes in the future. That was all

HR doesn't work for management.. They work for Labcorp legal.. I only left 3 weeks ago bur my point was the above poster, sounded like he or she worked for HR, with all the questions. I don't really care that i didn't get an exit interview, my point was if management wants to retain and attract future talent and have their employees in good positions to succeed and limiting turnover, they would do exit interviews in a manner that allows for better outcomes in the future. That was all
What's the point if HR doesn't listen to the exit interviews. They stopped these years ago. Probably tired of just listening to the same damn complaints each and every time. Anyway our HR dishes out rules but doesn't really enforce them with senior leaders. The things that come out of from some people are grounds for harassment. We don't welcome those comments ever but we still hear them. Just plain disgusting.

I did get an exit interview. I think it is the 'same old' world there. I have hardly seen HR taking any action against managers. They work for management and not for the regular employees. Who cares anymore? That place stinks anyways.
Exit interviews are not intended to bring existing issues to the forefront. The purpose is to to protect the company from any legal action that may be taken by the employee. HR is trained to ask specific questions and document anything that may come back to haunt them. What you might think is a confidential discussion , never is. It is all reported up the food chain and put into your personal file , just in case! Managers may be spoken to about any potential problems the manager could be creating with thier direct reports but not for the purpose of making a better workplace for the employee, it's to protect the company.

The culture of this company is like nothing I have ever experienced. It's shocking how employees are treated here.

If you are not a corporate drone, everybody knows this. Nobody cares from manager on up. Good thing is, this is america and at will employment on both sides. This is not North Korea or communist USSR. You can go work wherever you want. Do yourself a favor and LEAVE

We all need to sue the shit out of this slave house.

Even though labcorp has the financial means to buy the competition and therefore corner the market and purchasing/bargaining power - every dog still has its day. When you are the walmart of the industry, sooner or later people and vendors will be sick and tired of being sick and tired of horrendous service. And they will look past saving a couple bucks and opt for better service and product. Mcdonald is taking a nosedive, walmart is closimg stores, target is. Time to get back to ownership giving a shit about employees and patients/customers. This place acts like they do but they really don't! They care about saving money and means possible

If I could give advice to anyone hoping to work here I would just say run away, far far away. If you decide to ignore this warning expect to do the job of 3 people and don't expect to get an invite to a holiday party. :confused:

If I could give advice to anyone hoping to work here I would just say run away, far far away. If you decide to ignore this warning expect to do the job of 3 people and don't expect to get an invite to a holiday party. :confused:

Well it is for sure you are not a supervisor or a manager because those lazy wenches sit on their asses and bark out orders like plantation, more like madams or pimps, or vampires. They get off on how miserable they can make our lives. Gives them a purpose and the only way to please their draining every availability bit of energy from you, the soulless blood suckers.

And holiday party? You are not worthy and when would you find the time, anyway.If they had their way, we would all work 7 days a week, Thanksgiving Day, Xmas, and New Years Day. Plantation or white slavery. What's the difference?

Well it is for sure you are not a supervisor or a manager because those lazy wenches sit on their asses and bark out orders like plantation, more like madams or pimps, or vampires. They get off on how miserable they can make our lives. Gives them a purpose and the only way to please their draining every availability bit of energy from you, the soulless blood suckers.

And holiday party? You are not worthy and when would you find the time, anyway.If they had their way, we would all work 7 days a week, Thanksgiving Day, Xmas, and New Years Day. Plantation or white slavery. What's the difference?

Then quit. If it's so bad nobody is making you stay. Don't compare yourself to a slave. Slaves had no choice but to stay or be killed. I love how all these people love to bitch but they are all still here. I smell something fishy. Holiday party? What? Are we in kindergarten?

I think so. When's recess?
Listen Dumbass. You are obviously benefiting from the status quo and could give a rats ass about anything other than yourself. However, that is a publicly traded corporation that performs a service for the public, gets a large portion of its earnings at taxpayer expense, exists at the behest of the state, and is bound by laws thereof. You are an employee there like everyone else who works there. Who the hell do you think you are?

We, as Americans, who either fought and bled in or had a family member who fought this country's wars, bled, risked life and limb for or even died have a human right to demand to be treated with respect and someone other than a host to a bunch of souless parasites running a fkn scamming punzy scheme. There has been and still exists differing types off slavery. The racist slave system that built this country was unique. Not only did they have to work or be killed, they were worked to death. Sound familiar?

You sound like a fool who responds to the complaint of a whistleblower by telling him/her to leave this country if you don't t like it here. I say NO!! Open up that can of worm and expose the harsh ugly truth in order to improve quality of life for everyone. You may be the Wallmart of labs, but even Wallmart had to smarten up, start listening and make changes to its business model.

Listen Dumbass. You are obviously benefiting from the status quo and could give a rats ass about anything other than yourself. However, that is a publicly traded corporation that performs a service for the public, gets a large portion of its earnings at taxpayer expense, exists at the behest of the state, and is bound by laws thereof. You are an employee there like everyone else who works there. Who the hell do you think you are?

We, as Americans, who either fought and bled in or had a family member who fought this country's wars, bled, risked life and limb for or even died have a human right to demand to be treated with respect and someone other than a host to a bunch of souless parasites running a fkn scamming punzy scheme. There has been and still exists differing types off slavery. The racist slave system that built this country was unique. Not only did they have to work or be killed, they were worked to death. Sound familiar?

You sound like a fool who responds to the complaint of a whistleblower by telling him/her to leave this country if you don't t like it here. I say NO!! Open up that can of worm and expose the harsh ugly truth in order to improve quality of life for everyone. You may be the Wallmart of labs, but even Wallmart had to smarten up, start listening and make changes to its business model.

AMEN !!!!

Listen Dumbass. You are obviously benefiting from the status quo and could give a rats ass about anything other than yourself. However, that is a publicly traded corporation that performs a service for the public, gets a large portion of its earnings at taxpayer expense, exists at the behest of the state, and is bound by laws thereof. You are an employee there like everyone else who works there. Who the hell do you think you are?

We, as Americans, who either fought and bled in or had a family member who fought this country's wars, bled, risked life and limb for or even died have a human right to demand to be treated with respect and someone other than a host to a bunch of souless parasites running a fkn scamming punzy scheme. There has been and still exists differing types off slavery. The racist slave system that built this country was unique. Not only did they have to work or be killed, they were worked to death. Sound familiar?

You sound like a fool who responds to the complaint of a whistleblower by telling him/her to leave this country if you don't t like it here. I say NO!! Open up that can of worm and expose the harsh ugly truth in order to improve quality of life for everyone. You may be the Wallmart of labs, but even Wallmart had to smarten up, start listening and make changes to its business model.