This defines Labcorp to a Tee

Listen Dumbass. You are obviously benefiting from the status quo and could give a rats ass about anything other than yourself. However, that is a publicly traded corporation that performs a service for the public, gets a large portion of its earnings at taxpayer expense, exists at the behest of the state, and is bound by laws thereof. You are an employee there like everyone else who works there. Who the hell do you think you are?

We, as Americans, who either fought and bled in or had a family member who fought this country's wars, bled, risked life and limb for or even died have a human right to demand to be treated with respect and someone other than a host to a bunch of souless parasites running a fkn scamming punzy scheme. There has been and still exists differing types off slavery. The racist slave system that built this country was unique. Not only did they have to work or be killed, they were worked to death. Sound familiar?
You sound like a fool who responds to the complaint of a whistleblower by telling him/her to leave this country if you don't t like it here. I say NO!! Open up that can of worm and expose the harsh ugly truth in order to improve quality of life for everyone. You may be the Wallmart of labs, but even Wallmart had to smarten up, start listening and make changes to its business model.

I am far from a dumbass or fool. Do you even work here? I don't think so. Judging from your post you're the kind of person who loves to talk just to hear your own voice but rarely makes sense. I work hard, do a good job and make a good living. Like I said if someone doesn't like their job then they should leave. If they want to blow their whistle then blow it on your way out the door. Accomplish 2 things at once but please just go.

like I said, you benefit from the status quo, and if you make a good living, you are one of those parasites in the upper region of the food chain and you do not have a clue what hard work is. That is, unless your job is to find new ways to cheat, bully, and manipulate employees and commit wage theft. That must be so tough for you.

Now now children from the several previous posts...don't you see you are also part of the problem? If you are not happy take your toxic selves somewhere else. You and senior management need to leave so we can get some new talent and leadership in the doors. It is time for a change, a new approach, recognize your ways are dated, stupid and less than motivating. If things don't change we are all doomed!:eek:

Now now children from the several previous posts...don't you see you are also part of the problem? If you are not happy take your toxic selves somewhere else. You and senior management need to leave so we can get some new talent and leadership in the doors. It is time for a change, a new approach, recognize your ways are dated, stupid and less than motivating. If things don't change we are all doomed!:eek:
And you call yourself happy? What a joke. Give us a break and follow your own advice.

I am happy with my life, family, kids, wife. I am not happy here but I need to live. So I will drink the kool aid but I will add a couple shots of jameson to make it all better.

 Company has the most unqualified leadership in the industry. Everyone blames the other guy. Horrible culture. Wish I could get out but recruiters know this place is full of uneducated rejects. Island of misfit toys. I've been with quality companies but got stuck in this swamp. It's crazy how many folks don't have a college degree here. Just got an offer with a hospital lab and will never look back. Hey DK your management sucks and have zero leadership skills. Nobody respects upper management as they treat reps like shit. Goodbye LC.