The truth about working at AbbVie

Well there once was this Asian babe here who was both the hottest and smartest person in company and the dumbo azz kissing brothers were threatened by her and Sabotaged her.

Stupidest reps in the industry. This place is horrible. Bunch of swingers at national sales meetings. This place is AWEFUL

Legacy Abbott reps are some of the best in the industry. I will however agree that the new people coming on are trash having been hired because of racial quotas such as the Derm SD who is useless.

The company was never racist. At least not on the sales side. In fact, since many years back every one of my minority referrals got the job. But now we are hiring just because of skin color which is racist and stupid. Only qualifications and competencies should ever matter when hiring.

The fun is gone, the culture now sucks, and the senior leadership is terrible. Feels more like a college campus pushing wokeness rather than a professional place to work.

Legacy Abbott reps are some of the best in the industry. I will however agree that the new people coming on are trash having been hired because of racial quotas such as the Derm SD who is useless.

The company was never racist. At least not on the sales side. In fact, since many years back every one of my minority referrals got the job. But now we are hiring just because of skin color which is racist and stupid. Only qualifications and competencies should ever matter when hiring.

The fun is gone, the culture now sucks, and the senior leadership is terrible. Feels more like a college campus pushing wokeness rather than a professional place to work.
Shame on you! Your post is 100% Fake News!