The truth about working at AbbVie

All these letters coming from leadership about racial equality is so ridiculous! Everyone of color at AbbVie knows that if the color of your skin brown or black you WILL be treated differently. For more than a decade National Sales Meeting were a sea of white. Recently on a leadership call, a black person said when she visited a physician the doctors said they were surprised to meet her. She asked why and the doctor replied, because AbbVie is a White company. You could hear a pin drop!

The awakening at AbbVie is too little to late for most that have endured years of discrimination. These letters make great fire starters. Black or brown down fit at AbbVie. Especially black or brown women.

Good luck to all in the new culture

Boo hoo….

Did you hear Elaine Sorg called every black person in the company? That didn't take long...

Brown people next?

They need to get rid of the toxic, lying DM's, employee relations is a joke.

Nothing will change at AbbVie until there is sweeping change in the C-Suite. Their behaviors were learned at Abbott and none of them are capable of change. They have permitted a culture that is opposite of inclusive and supportive to perpetuate itself at AbbVie. HR is powerless to stop or change it.

Nothing will change at AbbVie until there is sweeping change in the C-Suite. Their behaviors were learned at Abbott and none of them are capable of change. They have permitted a culture that is opposite of inclusive and supportive to perpetuate itself at AbbVie. HR is powerless to stop or change it.

Ricky lied about his credentials and Miles went along with it. Then folks started to ask questions and Miles told everyone to shut up. I worked at Abbott for 11 years and they are not a bad company. They do some good stuff only because Abbott has the money to get quality employees. Has nothing to do with good management. I assume Abbvie is the same...

Ricky lied about his credentials and Miles went along with it. Then folks started to ask questions and Miles told everyone to shut up. I worked at Abbott for 11 years and they are not a bad company. They do some good stuff only because Abbott has the money to get quality employees. Has nothing to do with good management. I assume Abbvie is the same...

I agree AbbVie isn’t a bad company, but they promote great individual contributors to people leaders when they have zero people skills. The company is forcing good people to leave because of bad leaders and bad policies, I.e. forcing people back in the office for no good reason.

Nothing will change at AbbVie until there is sweeping change in the C-Suite. Their behaviors were learned at Abbott and none of them are capable of change. They have permitted a culture that is opposite of inclusive and supportive to perpetuate itself at AbbVie. HR is powerless to stop or change it.

This is the truth about working at AbbVie. Zero prospects for change. The leaders are corrupt and some are abusive. Nothing is ever done. It is not an inclusive company - just the opposite. If you didn't work at Abbott, you will hate working at AbbVie. It is a cesspool for complacency and mediocrity.

Fortunately I’ll be giving notice and leaving this circus. Bonus is paid on 12/11. If I give two weeks now, am I eligible to receive this? Or wait until check has cleared on 12/11?

Fortunately I’ll be giving notice and leaving this circus. Bonus is paid on 12/11. If I give two weeks now, am I eligible to receive this? Or wait until check has cleared on 12/11?

You need internet advice on this. At your next stop try not to over due the foam on the lattes I am bringing to offices.

This is the truth about working at AbbVie. Zero prospects for change. The leaders are corrupt and some are abusive. Nothing is ever done. It is not an inclusive company - just the opposite. If you didn't work at Abbott, you will hate working at AbbVie. It is a cesspool for complacency and mediocrity.

This is truth. Couldn't be better said. What have I done?

This is the truth about working at AbbVie. Zero prospects for change. The leaders are corrupt and some are abusive. Nothing is ever done. It is not an inclusive company - just the opposite. If you didn't work at Abbott, you will hate working at AbbVie. It is a cesspool for complacency and mediocrity.

We are directed to sell off label - told not to report adverse events - help and write PA’s and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Dirty business.

This is the truth about working at AbbVie. Zero prospects for change. The leaders are corrupt and some are abusive. Nothing is ever done. It is not an inclusive company - just the opposite. If you didn't work at Abbott, you will hate working at AbbVie. It is a cesspool for complacency and mediocrity.


This is the truth about working at AbbVie. Zero prospects for change. The leaders are corrupt and some are abusive. Nothing is ever done. It is not an inclusive company - just the opposite. If you didn't work at Abbott, you will hate working at AbbVie. It is a cesspool for complacency and mediocrity.

You obviously must have a solution. If you were in charge and leading +100K people across the globe, what would you do?

You obviously must have a solution. If you were in charge and leading +100K people across the globe, what would you do?

Change has to start at the top. External hire for CEO will bring about a change in culture in 2-3 years when he or she can bring in new leaders below them. Need whole new C-suite. This company is broken and has become a bastion of mediocrity filled with people who just go along to get along and keep their Knollwood memberships until they can retire on their old-school Abbott pensions.