The truth about working at AbbVie

Easy to spot the man who has to go home to a woman that has a body like a cow and a face of a horse with posts like these. Damn brother, go find happiness.

Same type of lunatic that thinks the election was stolen, hoards mass quantities of ammunition, and rants (still) about Hillary’s emails. Unstable and pathetic.

Same type of lunatic that thinks the election was stolen, hoards mass quantities of ammunition, and rants (still) about Hillary’s emails. Unstable and pathetic.

The angry white man in his 50s with an explosive anger problem who resorts to sexual attacks and violence at the slightest hint of his unearned privilege being threatened

And yet you are here, an overpaid fat ugly blonde with a bad tramp stamp. You are a name dropping obnoxious bleach bottle blonde with a homeless lesbian mother.

Tramp stamps and bleach bottle blondes? Sounds like someone has a bad case of missing their glory days of the 80s and 90s. Go collect social security and retire, grandpa. Your days are over.

Easy to spot the man who has to go home to a woman that has a body like a cow and a face of a horse with posts like these. Damn brother, go find happiness.
You assume incorrectly that this a man that is disgusted by tramp stamp...She has used her gender and veiled threats of HR complaints to get promoted or given a lateral transfer.

You assume incorrectly that this a man that is disgusted by tramp stamp...She has used her gender and veiled threats of HR complaints to get promoted or given a lateral transfer.

hmm. This sounds like Susie B who is a hold over from Allergan/Forest

(I should put a counter on how fast she or her partner in crime CR get this removed)

Its a Costanza look-a-like whose thighs rub when he waddles . Guessing late 50s, twice divorced with a portfolio of <$150,000. Die hard Raiders fan who screams at the TV on Sundays.

nah, this guy is one of those delusional types who thinks he’s an extremely good looking Casanova but in reality is a semi-right below/at average 5 on a good day. Just super average but tries really hard to be special.

I can honestly tell you that the absolute worst interview experience of my life was with an Abbvie district manager who came from Allergan. He was awful. His communication was null and void after my 2nd interview. I was merely asking for an update on whether or not I would get the chance to move onto the next round. No response. In the interim, I turned down 3 job offers. I have been so unimpressed with a managers lack of communication! This manager made a very key physician in an important geography very mad when he wrote me a letter of recommendation, which he RARELY does and he then found out that I was not selected. He will be extremely important to the success of all products that are "launched" in his practice! He is very angry, so I really wish the DM luck trying to get that physician to prescribe Abbvie products. This physician is a national KOL, who could have been a huge advocate for Abbvie products, but not now. Abbvie needs to look long and hard at how managers can kill a territory in situations like this. Even the answer, "NO, you will not be advancing" would have been fine, but to not respond at all is the sign of a wimpy and pathetic manager!

I can honestly tell you that the absolute worst interview experience of my life was with an Abbvie district manager who came from Allergan. He was awful. His communication was null and void after my 2nd interview. I was merely asking for an update on whether or not I would get the chance to move onto the next round. No response. In the interim, I turned down 3 job offers. I have been so unimpressed with a managers lack of communication! This manager made a very key physician in an important geography very mad when he wrote me a letter of recommendation, which he RARELY does and he then found out that I was not selected. He will be extremely important to the success of all products that are "launched" in his practice! He is very angry, so I really wish the DM luck trying to get that physician to prescribe Abbvie products. This physician is a national KOL, who could have been a huge advocate for Abbvie products, but not now. Abbvie needs to look long and hard at how managers can kill a territory in situations like this. Even the answer, "NO, you will not be advancing" would have been fine, but to not respond at all is the sign of a wimpy and pathetic manager!

After this rant I can see why he stopped communicating with you. The word "Crazy" comes to mind after reading this.

I can honestly tell you that the absolute worst interview experience of my life was with an Abbvie district manager who came from Allergan. He was awful. His communication was null and void after my 2nd interview. I was merely asking for an update on whether or not I would get the chance to move onto the next round. No response. In the interim, I turned down 3 job offers. I have been so unimpressed with a managers lack of communication! This manager made a very key physician in an important geography very mad when he wrote me a letter of recommendation, which he RARELY does and he then found out that I was not selected. He will be extremely important to the success of all products that are "launched" in his practice! He is very angry, so I really wish the DM luck trying to get that physician to prescribe Abbvie products. This physician is a national KOL, who could have been a huge advocate for Abbvie products, but not now. Abbvie needs to look long and hard at how managers can kill a territory in situations like this. Even the answer, "NO, you will not be advancing" would have been fine, but to not respond at all is the sign of a wimpy and pathetic manager!

The 3 job offers you turned down would probably be open to discussing you coming back in the running. The turnover at Waffle House, Denny's and McDonald's is pretty high.

I can honestly tell you that the absolute worst interview experience of my life was with an Abbvie district manager who came from Allergan. He was awful. His communication was null and void after my 2nd interview. I was merely asking for an update on whether or not I would get the chance to move onto the next round. No response. In the interim, I turned down 3 job offers. I have been so unimpressed with a managers lack of communication! This manager made a very key physician in an important geography very mad when he wrote me a letter of recommendation, which he RARELY does and he then found out that I was not selected. He will be extremely important to the success of all products that are "launched" in his practice! He is very angry, so I really wish the DM luck trying to get that physician to prescribe Abbvie products. This physician is a national KOL, who could have been a huge advocate for Abbvie products, but not now. Abbvie needs to look long and hard at how managers can kill a territory in situations like this. Even the answer, "NO, you will not be advancing" would have been fine, but to not respond at all is the sign of a wimpy and pathetic manager!
Wah! Wah! Grow up little cry baby.