The truth about working at AbbVie

Like most of these companies, a lot of whether or not this is a good job is going to come down to your individual manager and their ability to handle the crap rolling downhill from, ultimately, their VP.

In sales, if you get a real goofball like SB it isn't going to be a fun time. Definitely avoid anything that has legacy Forrest anywhere near it; they're dead-set on the challenger sales model that is a 110% turn-off for everyone. As for the rest of the company, I'm sure there are some OK areas.

Just do your due diligence and make sure the VP isn't a total psycho and that you jibe well with your DM.

the key here being -AVOID ANYONE in management that is LEGACY FOREST. These self absorbed, intelligence limited managers have actually been living in their antiquated Forest bubble for decades. The company name they carry may have changed from Forest to Actavis to Allergan to AbbVie but these stagnant stale middle management dolts will suck the enthusiasm out of you. They are easy to spot as they generally herd together, patting each other on the back and look like former frat boys in desperate need of Propecia, Testosterone and/or Nutrisystem.

We are all getting a good laugh at one more empty speech publically POSTED and made by Tara to say interventional glaucoma supports woman in Optom/Ophthal all while having only 1 female in ALL of management under Gregg who has an all male leadership team. And his endless bragging about his attrition rate at every meeting!

As a female in this division, we know to keep our mouths shut. We have all seen how he takes care of things here. The culture is SO PATHETIC. How is this acceptable at Abbvie?

We are all getting a good laugh at one more empty speech publically POSTED and made by Tara to say interventional glaucoma supports woman in Optom/Ophthal all while having only 1 female in ALL of management under Gregg who has an all male leadership team. And his endless bragging about his attrition rate at every meeting!

As a female in this division, we know to keep our mouths shut. We have all seen how he takes care of things here. The culture is SO PATHETIC. How is this acceptable at Abbvie?
Shut yo mouth biatch unless someone asks - got it?

susie B? She still around. I did enjoy her hitting on me but she’s the absolute devil. One of CR’s evil protégés. Nothing good can come from her

Still around and parading pictures of her expensive Mt. Kilimanjaro vacation at POA's. Not only tone-deaf, but someone clearly ill-equipped to lead (ask the sherpas)!

I hope she treated her sherpas better than she treats us.

Migraine is miserable. I have never been so unhappy and frustrated with a company. All of the bs busy work that our manager has us do is mind boggling. Even though I’m winning Sunmit, I absolutely despise this job, my manager and Abbvie. It is a toxic environment that is about over for me in 2 weeks when I go to another company. Get out of here; life is too damn short. I’m tired of feeling like a used car salesman with challenger etc

Did you end up leaving?!
Nope still here enjoying the show. Preclinical device+ding dong learning on the job how to develop a drug. True thing of beauty. Their naivety combined with quiet confidence is fun. It’s so perfect that their boss hasn’t done anything meaningful in the industry either. Who makes the decisions to put these people in charge??? Going to work every day seeing their uh-oh’s is like sitcom tv. I am never leaving!

Hello. Couple
Of positions open I see for Abbvie. Can anyone tell me their policies on calls per day. What is the challenger model exactly? Any and all opinions welcome.

Thank you