The Quality of Field Managers at Vanda

Talking of Pricing , Fanapt still has some patient value, it is improving patient lives, but Hetlioz, for Pete's sake is nothing more than a melatonin agonist at a price tage of 18K per month. Polymeropolous wants to bankrupt Insurance companies. Where are the federal watchdogs? these kind of unrealistic pricing is what is making the US Healthcare costs fly through the roof!!

Talking of Pricing , Fanapt still has some patient value, it is improving patient lives, but Hetlioz, for Pete's sake is nothing more than a melatonin agonist at a price tage of 18K per month. Polymeropolous wants to bankrupt Insurance companies. Where are the federal watchdogs? these kind of unrealistic pricing is what is making the US Healthcare costs fly through the roof!!

Talking of Pricing , Fanapt still has some patient value, it is improving patient lives, but Hetlioz, for Pete's sake is nothing more than a melatonin agonist at a price tage of 18K per month. Polymeropolous wants to bankrupt Insurance companies. Where are the federal watchdogs? these kind of unrealistic pricing is what is making the US Healthcare costs fly through the roof!!
Spot on!! Pharma companies have lost their moral compass years ago....

Talking of Pricing , Fanapt still has some patient value, it is improving patient lives, but Hetlioz, for Pete's sake is nothing more than a melatonin agonist at a price tage of 18K per month. Polymeropolous wants to bankrupt Insurance companies. Where are the federal watchdogs? these kind of unrealistic pricing is what is making the US Healthcare costs fly through the roof!!
He may be a doctor but patient care is last on his list. He is an arrogant SOB that puts profits WAY above patients.

Have others noticed a sudden increase in micro-management being implemented by district managers? Not sure if the managers have grown extra brain or whether this admin bullshit is coming down from the top?

Have others noticed a sudden increase in micro-management being implemented by district managers? Not sure if the managers have grown extra brain or whether this admin bullshit is coming down from the top?
EVERYTHING comes from the top. Managers only pass along the orders, they have no brains of their own.

We have read it and we have heard it many times over that employees don't leave the company they leave the Managers. I would say that is the most proven fact most of time. Just look around, lot of top performing reps have left recently and if you dig deeper you'll realize they all had losers for managers. How sad is that.

We have read it and we have heard it many times over that employees don't leave the company they leave the Managers. I would say that is the most proven fact most of time. Just look around, lot of top performing reps have left recently and if you dig deeper you'll realize they all had losers for managers. How sad is that.
True but all of the managers have nothing but losers above them. Vanda is top heavy with dead weight losers, especially the CEO that is the laughingstock of the industry.

I get a kick out of watching these shallow no-skills Vanda managers feeling so important when they are called to conduct skills/sales training. They start behaving as if they are the most special, best thing ever happened to the pharma world. They may not possess any skills themselves but they find these opportunities to showcase their ability of ass kissing. They develop shallow, worthless workshops and dump it on the field force. They care less about the content, subject matter or the importance of the topic or the skill - they just want to look official and important in the eyes of the higher ups. They forget they work for lousy Vanda and not Pfizer, Merck or J&J. Holy Shit WTF I signed up for....!!

I get a kick out of watching these shallow no-skills Vanda managers feeling so important when they are called to conduct skills/sales training. They start behaving as if they are the most special, best thing ever happened to the pharma world. They may not possess any skills themselves but they find these opportunities to showcase their ability of ass kissing. They develop shallow, worthless workshops and dump it on the field force. They care less about the content, subject matter or the importance of the topic or the skill - they just want to look official and important in the eyes of the higher ups. They forget they work for lousy Vanda and not Pfizer, Merck or J&J. Holy Shit WTF I signed up for....!!
All true.

All the Vanda managers do is threaten you, belittle you and tell you how horrible you are. You can’t tell me this is motivation! If senior leadership is not going to ever do what is right then why would the sales reps sell? No bonus no sales. That is what you get Vanda. You will be caught for pushing and threatening for any patient possible is good enough for Vanda. Who cares about laws and compliance. I can’t wait to get out. When I get the two year mark and this retention bonus I am gone in January 1st.