The Quality of Field Managers at Vanda

There are some NSRs that I know of (don't want to mention any names here) whom will make outstanding Managers. I wonder what are their chance of career advancement at this God forsaken company?
Naming a NSR that is talented, ethical and respected will make them a target of the unethical, asskisser DSMs and RSMs. Thank you for being kind.

I heard there are some NSRs at Vanda that were managers with other big pharma companies. Are these folks not qualified to lead at Vanda or they just don't want to be managers?

I heard there are some NSRs at Vanda that were managers with other big pharma companies. Are these folks not qualified to lead at Vanda or they just don't want to be managers?
Ha ha ha ha. Being a manager at Vanda requires you to sell your soul to Satan. Why would anyone EVER want to work for the clowns in "leadership". There is so managing allowed, only berating and belittling.

He left, like any smart DM to get out of this hell on earth. Went over to a start up company where you can actually make a difference in patients lives and not working for a CEO who only cares about money.

Good for him! Which company because I need to get out of here too?
Intra-Cellular. You are late to game though. They are already pretty deep into interview process. He isn't the greatest guy which matches the other managers they hired. But ANY pharma company is better than Vanda on it's best days. It is a shit stain on a resume.

I get it. Newly graduated, 50k is a lot of money when you are still living with your parents. Go for it. Urine test, not hair. If you just “tried” it it wouldn’t show anyway. But I gotta say, if you really want to come here anyway you must still be high.
Read the posts again, seriously. Why come to a company and work for less than half as your colleagues? NSRs are all making over 100k base. AMs are all making over 130k. And you will have the same goals, same bullshit and same worthless managers. Keep your integrity intact. This company does not survive the next 12 months. Do you hate yourself that much?

Y’all are a bunch of narcs trying to record the POA’s and shit. Go get some intakes losers
You are obviously one of Dr P's ass kisser yes men. Hey loser. Vanda is breaking federal law and not helping end this is the same as doing it yourself. Good job to those also helping to expose Vanda's illegal practices. Expose the illegal, immoral, unethical garbage steering the ship.

What is this intake getter the one that miraculously has 29 intakes each quarter when data shows it is a rare disease and less than 100 people nationwide have Non 24 in sighted.? But only to maximize the IC plan as said by mad managers and Regionals? Stop doing illegal selling. Always bad apples at any company but this one is the worst.

Please post the source you are quoting, that states only about 100 sighted individuals nationwide, have been diagnosed with Non 24. I am pretty confident that source does not exist.

I am glad Vanda came to existence - it offered the opportunity to those losers become Managers that would have never been hired in the leadership roles at other professional pharmaceuticals companies. Some of them actually most of them are rejects from other companies that are playing important and snotty here!!

I am glad Vanda came to existence - it offered the opportunity to those losers become Managers that would have never been hired in the leadership roles at other professional pharmaceuticals companies. Some of them actually most of them are rejects from other companies that are playing important and snotty here!!
LOL - That is so accurate. These low-skilled Vanda managers tend to be just that "managers" and NOT Leaders. They rule not Lead. I bet most of them can't even define "Leader".