The Quality of Field Managers at Vanda

Does anyone get an impression that Vanda is getting in bigger legal challenges? Seems like shit is about to hit the fan? Let's see what happens!
Papa Poly hired a full time Chief Corporate Affairs Officer aka Spin Doctor. Maybe he has realized that he looks and sounds like a fool every time he opens his mouth.

I am an ANSR came onboard few months ago. I have come across some very talented people in the company. Some of the NSRs have wealth of knowledge and experience but I am surprised the company does not actively use their skills and experience. They hardly ever get asked to provide ideas, suggestions or input. Why is that? Is the management team so insecure and feel challenged or threatened by them?

I am an ANSR came onboard few months ago. I have come across some very talented people in the company. Some of the NSRs have wealth of knowledge and experience but I am surprised the company does not actively use their skills and experience. They hardly ever get asked to provide ideas, suggestions or input. Why is that? Is the management team so insecure and feel challenged or threatened by them?
Thank you from an NSR that is still at Vanda but looking for a real job. Vanda management from MP down are incompetent and afraid to be shown up by anyone in the field. Good NSRs that tried to contribute to the betterment of Vanda were purged. Vanda does not free thinkers or intelligence. You would be wise to find a job where you are actually appreciated.

I am an ANSR came onboard few months ago. I have come across some very talented people in the company. Some of the NSRs have wealth of knowledge and experience but I am surprised the company does not actively use their skills and experience. They hardly ever get asked to provide ideas, suggestions or input. Why is that? Is the management team so insecure and feel challenged or threatened by them?
ANSR here. Are you saying you get to provide ideas and suggestions but the NSRs in your district do not??? In my district, ANSRs are treated like first graders but a manager that I cannot believe even had enough brain to graduate high school

A seasoned NSR here as well! Like the the previous poster stated Vanda Management doesn't want to hear anything constructive. They want brain dead, brain washed individuals who are also good ass kissers and "yes" people. I do feel Vanda management feels challenged by folks that have come here from elite circles and lot of accomplishments to their credit. They want people that do not reason or don't have the capability to reason. If you carry a brain and are intelligent, your days may be limited. I just do my job, put the numbers on the table, don't engage in any asskissing activities, i just let the management do their stupid stuff and say nothing, just play dumb and lead my life as a Vanda NSR.

A seasoned NSR here as well! Like the the previous poster stated Vanda Management doesn't want to hear anything constructive. They want brain dead, brain washed individuals who are also good ass kissers and "yes" people. I do feel Vanda management feels challenged by folks that have come here from elite circles and lot of accomplishments to their credit. They want people that do not reason or don't have the capability to reason. If you carry a brain and are intelligent, your days may be limited. I just do my job, put the numbers on the table, don't engage in any asskissing activities, i just let the management do their stupid stuff and say nothing, just play dumb and lead my life as a Vanda NSR.
Thank you. I had some constructive suggestions that made it up the chain to GP and rather than think about or appreciate the suggestions, his response was that reps are to sell and follow directives from superiors. This is SAD but it IS Vanda

A seasoned NSR here as well! Like the the previous poster stated Vanda Management doesn't want to hear anything constructive. They want brain dead, brain washed individuals who are also good ass kissers and "yes" people. I do feel Vanda management feels challenged by folks that have come here from elite circles and lot of accomplishments to their credit. They want people that do not reason or don't have the capability to reason. If you carry a brain and are intelligent, your days may be limited. I just do my job, put the numbers on the table, don't engage in any asskissing activities, i just let the management do their stupid stuff and say nothing, just play dumb and lead my life as a Vanda NSR.

Not to put you on the spot but somehow I think I know who you are. I might be part of the same district. Not sure about the management, but every rep in the district respects you and your wisdom!!

Boy, I have read a lot of negative threads here at CP from different companies, but Vanda beats them all. There is nothing positive here. The company was looking not too long ago for a rep in Seattle...offering $50000 a year. It will take 3 years just to buy a garage here with that salary!!!

Boy, I have read a lot of negative threads here at CP from different companies, but Vanda beats them all. There is nothing positive here. The company was looking not too long ago for a rep in Seattle...offering $50000 a year. It will take 3 years just to buy a garage here with that salary!!!
That is Vanda, a delusional CEO that thinks people should lick his feet to get a job. Those of us that stupidly did that realze that Vanda is a dysfunctional company run by an egomaniac with no common sense or any people skills. Sadly, he is a psychiatrist. Thank God is not practicing or those patents would be fucked. He cares nothing about patients but only about himself.

That is Vanda, a delusional CEO that thinks people should lick his feet to get a job. Those of us that stupidly did that realze that Vanda is a dysfunctional company run by an egomaniac with no common sense or any people skills. Sadly, he is a psychiatrist. Thank God is not practicing or those patents would be fucked. He cares nothing about patients but only about himself.
Accurate. I met his highness and he was a cold person with so much arrogance. As someone else said, thank your higher power that the psychiatrist polymeropolous is not treating patients. He would be a complete failure, just as he is as CEO