The Quality of Field Managers at Vanda

You are legally obligated to report adverse events even if Poly does not want them reported. Follow federal law and keep your hands clean. Poly is not above the law.
M Poly thinks he is above the law and is proud of the Vanda HQ Pennsylvania Ave NW address that is only two numbers different from the White House. He pays poverty wages to us but could save a million or two per year in rent if his ego would pick a cheaper office.

  • RealAM   Oct 09, 2019 at 01:08: PM
Performance plan?
If you seriously don’t know what a performance plan is then you are clearly one of the new recent college graduate hires. Welcome to Pharma. My guess is you will find out firsthand what a performance plan is all about soon. Good luck.

So called POA meetings are over - It gave the kiss ass managers the opportunity to show off their "power" and demonstrate ability to suck up to the senior management. How pathetic is this company that having gone through the expense of this absolutely unnecessary meeting 4 ANSRs have resigned already.They couldn't take the BS anymore. Good for them. It is easier said than done, these Regional directors and DSMs sit on their fat assess and tell us how to sell Hetlioz. They are quick to point out what we are not doing right - well I have an open challenge for them. Get out of your seats, get your asses moving and go out and make calls and prove the reps wrong by driving the Hetlioz intakes and if you cant drive the intakes Shut up and sit quietly.

So called POA meetings are over - It gave the kiss ass managers the opportunity to show off their "power" and demonstrate ability to suck up to the senior management. How pathetic is this company that having gone through the expense of this absolutely unnecessary meeting 4 ANSRs have resigned already.They couldn't take the BS anymore. Good for them. It is easier said than done, these Regional directors and DSMs sit on their fat assess and tell us how to sell Hetlioz. They are quick to point out what we are not doing right - well I have an open challenge for them. Get out of your seats, get your asses moving and go out and make calls and prove the reps wrong by driving the Hetlioz intakes and if you cant drive the intakes Shut up and sit quietly.

Which ones resigned? I know of two in the same freaking territory that left.

You don’t want management in the field because they only mess things up with customers and the numbers take a beating (I have seen this for myself when they try making calls here and there for vacant territories).

Which ones resigned? I know of two in the same freaking territory that left.

You don’t want management in the field because they only mess things up with customers and the numbers take a beating (I have seen this for myself when they try making calls here and there for vacant territories).

Mostly on the West coast. I hear manager there is a real beauty - if you know what I mean!! Another one of Vanda's exemplary management personnel that can't differentiate between Shit and Shine!

Mostly on the West coast. I hear manager there is a real beauty - if you know what I mean!! Another one of Vanda's exemplary management personnel that can't differentiate between Shit and Shine!
Ol' Rusty Marshall doesn't know how to coach or hire. He does know how to fire though....especially if it makes him look tough. Don't trust the good old boy act. He is as much of a snake as Hedden.

Ol' Rusty Marshall doesn't know how to coach or hire. He does know how to fire though....especially if it makes him look tough. Don't trust the good old boy act. He is as much of a snake as Hedden.
This thread should be titled "is there any respectable, intelligent, empowering, engaging and ethical leaders at any level of management or at Vanda?" I am waiting or one intelligent idea or thought from any of them.

There are some NSRs that I know of (don't want to mention any names here) whom will make outstanding Managers. I wonder what are their chance of career advancement at this God forsaken company?