The Merck axe has hit the union at WP!!

One could argue that the odds of loosing a company job is a much higher probability than loosing a union job

Thus who is more likely to work for Burger King in the near future?

They must not have taught stat. In the Kmart school for drug sales reps

Individuals of the USW have been given their notice of lay off on Wednesday at the West Point facility, with many more to come. This is bad news, since many of the affected areas are in "Big Money" buildings. There is no single person or group you can blame for this lay off (IMO), so when u see the people that make these great drugs getting booted to the street, you KNOW there is a bigger problem. Merck Corporate loves to bash the union for all sorts of things, but never-the-less.... they make good stuff. The resentment is high even within the ranks as well.... For example, You see new fresh eager faces off the street with 4-yr degrees placed on a sat-wed 3rd shift at 33% less than their counterparts and when the axe comes swinging they are the first to go. Why are you chopping off the educated, cheaper, eager workers? And throw on top that many of the premium shifts and highest paid biotechs DO NOT have any degrees (most of them were service workers... toilet scrubbers usually out on FMLA). So what should Mother Merck do? Simple, you can still follow all seniority starting with the older techs with 4yr science degrees and you have the FDA set a mandate stating that anyone who works with the product needs a 4 yr science degree (which is now a great requirement to become a biotech)... PERIOD! Kick out the 6-classers, sluggs and FMLA Hoggs and set new standards. The 6 classers weezled through a loop hole anyway. Send the Pain in the butts back to waxing floors and then welcome in the new union folks with new fresh ideas that will take their places. That will save mother Merck a lot of money, get rid of some fat and then the company can go chase its tail in circles somewhere else. You see.... in a few minutes I saved Merck a ton of Money and hassle and stuck to the guidelines of the contract!

Good riddance

FU, amigo!

Well, that was uncalled for hombre. Believe me, I got more stress and complained about incompetent coworkers, bosses, & upper management over the years than I ever felt about USW folks that worked for me or with me. So, your attempt to tell me to do something unnatural to myself doesn't really rattle me. But I hope it makes you feel better. Anyway, the Contract can't stop a mass layoff, but it gives the rules by which it can happen, when and if it does. Seniority rules. Good luck. I'm not rooting for one side or the other. It's sad that mis-management has come to this. Previous layoffs have gotten rid of poor performers on the company side. It's been their not-so-subtle way to "manage" them. Now, good folks are getting the axe and its really going to hurt.

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