The Merck axe has hit the union at WP!!

Many union workers have higher educations and more experience than their supervisors. Your friend probably almost stroked out because he/she was an incompetent r*****. Go to NC and see how much they have manufactured-next to nothing because the FDA almost shut them down in February. They voluntarily stopped production before the FDA stopped it.

I did not know this about Durham. That is truly unacceptable. However, I will vouch for the intelligence of my friend and say that not all union labor is bad. My wrong there.

It's the union's own rule that allows senior people to pass down their layoff to less experienced workers. You must not have been there long or read your own rules. How else do you think these lazy POS long timers keep outrunning the ax? They have it in the contract - they're like roaches and will the very last to go.

Yes I will-long after you!!

Around 12,000 currently at WP. The union the OP is referencing has about 1600. These numbers are accurate (for now). YOU don't know your facts!

Your #'s are wrong. There are 1976 current members in the USW. "These numbers are accurate right now and you are off by almost 25%. Maybe this is why you are losing your job-simple math is a requirement in the pharmaceutical industry"

The 6 class thing was not a loophole - Merck made a conscious decision to lower the standards for their workforce.

If you're a brilliant degreed tech and you have great ideas to change things, leave the union.

Leave the union? Because there is so much job security outside of it? Because management is so receptive to ideas from low-level supervisors? Because 360-degree feedback is so effective at rewarding good employees and helping low-performers become high-performing Merck-bots? The fact is, the union employees have a role, as do (supposedly) the other layers of management. Yes, there are costs in $ and stress with this workforce. However, replacing these workers with contract workers...because floors won't mop themselves...only means that instead of paying the existing workers they will handsomely pay a contract firm instead, and absorb an increase in in-house contract "managers". It's an accounting trick, and unfortunately, people's livelihoods are affected. But hey, Human Resources was never a Merck's easier to deal with FTE's than "humans".

Leave the union? Because there is so much job security outside of it? Because management is so receptive to ideas from low-level supervisors? Because 360-degree feedback is so effective at rewarding good employees and helping low-performers become high-performing Merck-bots? The fact is, the union employees have a role, as do (supposedly) the other layers of management. Yes, there are costs in $ and stress with this workforce. However, replacing these workers with contract workers...because floors won't mop themselves...only means that instead of paying the existing workers they will handsomely pay a contract firm instead, and absorb an increase in in-house contract "managers". It's an accounting trick, and unfortunately, people's livelihoods are affected. But hey, Human Resources was never a Merck's easier to deal with FTE's than "humans".

You're at the wrong company if you're looking for job security.

I'm not sure you even work for Merck, the union has always been pretty well set and solid. I work in Rahway and the union is 110% untouchable, sone of the rank and file guys make some insane money. Much more than the Merck and JLL guys that supposedly "manage" them.

Your #'s are wrong. There are 1976 current members in the USW. "These numbers are accurate right now and you are off by almost 25%. Maybe this is why you are losing your job-simple math is a requirement in the pharmaceutical industry"[/QUOTE

No… you Dunce! I just analyzed the seniority list. 37 pages with 45 names on each page. DO THE MATH!!

Hint: 37x45= 166(?)

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