The Merck axe has hit the union at WP!!

R&D deserved to be fired because of their lack of productivity! Even if R&D had a union, the union couldn't save their jobs because of gross incompetence, I dare say the TRUTH!!

troll, troll, troll. Don't you understand I have a master’s degree. I do nothing but you can’t write that. I am a scientist. Troll, troll, troll. Whenever you write anything detrimental about R&D I am going to write "don’t feed the troll". Even if it’s the truth. I know I suck but I have a master’s degree.

Once again. Troll alert. Do not feed the troll.

I am going back to doing nothing. Then I am going to my dysfunction wife who cheats on me. I will pretend it does not happen.

troll, troll, troll. Don't you understand I have a master’s degree. I do nothing but you can’t write that. I am a scientist. Troll, troll, troll. Whenever you write anything detrimental about R&D I am going to write "don’t feed the troll". Even if it’s the truth. I know I suck but I have a master’s degree.

Once again. Troll alert. Do not feed the troll.

I am going back to doing nothing. Then I am going to my dysfunction wife who cheats on me. I will pretend it does not happen.

Do you know your wife is screwing a Union Man!!

Your #'s are wrong. There are 1976 current members in the USW. "These numbers are accurate right now and you are off by almost 25%. Maybe this is why you are losing your job-simple math is a requirement in the pharmaceutical industry"[/QUOTE

No… you Dunce! I just analyzed the seniority list. 37 pages with 45 names on each page. DO THE MATH!!

Hint: 37x45= 166(?)

Hey Jackass,
There were 1976 members during contract negotiations and 26 took the enhanced separation and there are over 200+ members out on LTD (still part of our union moron) and the seniority lists were not 100% accurate as well. Many people went up to bump other employees that they knew had less seniority than they did and there name was not on our lists in the union office. And if you actually counted the sheets not every page had 45 names on it-some had more than others. And to add insult to your injured ego I am in the office on a daily basis so next time try to have your facts straight.

I think many good people laid off thought their work was the backbone of the company. :-(

Ho about we all stop following the "divide and conquer" game promulgated by the handful of greedy, heartless, pigs and start realizing that all of our jobs are being exported. How about we start to band together and get our congressional representatives to stand up for jobs in America rather than tax grants for shifting jobs overseas. How about some of that excess profit that goes untaxed in these transfer price shell games goes to building up infrastructure and skills right here in the US - where the bulk of the profit is generated. With increased skills and better infrastructure and reasonable taxation based on where profit is earned, the jobs will arrive here. They will not be identical to those that here 50 years ago but they will be in places where you don't have to change your citizenship to keep a job. 99.5% of the workers at Merck are in exactly the same boat. To read this thread, one might believe that some folks believe there problems arise mostly from their fellow workers and not from that 0.5% of them that have shown no responsibility for decisions that ultimately ruin the company (companies in fact). And no communication to federal leaders about ridiculous tax avoidance schemes that allow work to move offshore and onshore profits to go untaxed. Our schools are a train wreck, our infrastructure is crumbling, our information networks are held captive by a few communication giants that pump entertainment packages rather than educational possibilities. And we do little other than blame any other fellow worker group than ourselves and the bozos that multiply their salaries while dividing the workforce. Technicians, operators, scientists, sales professionals all have invested a lot of time and money to earn the right to work. Who speaks for them when that investment gets trashed. I say not less empowerment of organized labor, but more. Not the 6-7% that are now in the hollow shells of private sector days-gone-by unions but 75% of those that hold skilled jobs. Organize and consolidate so that your management and your government do not give away the future of this country for a few dollars' worth of temporary benefit to a tiny handful of already wealthy pigs. I invested $120,000 in direct and lost opportunity costs to get the education I did over the last 43 years; my children invested more than double that. My grandchildren may invest more than 5 times that. And society has invested a large sum as well. Who speaks for all of us when jobs move overseas in order to benefit a few undertaxed multinationals?

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