The Merck axe has hit the union at WP!!

I'm sure your 19 year old shift manager at BK will set you up quote nicely. Hope your mortgage isn't based on OT checks!

True to mercktard form the sentiment is lost. Do you have any idea how our products are made?

If any dimwit could do it they would have asked you to help but since that is not the case they will have you drool in your cubicle on your year end list of fake accomplishments you hope to achieve next year ......if you still have a job

Do they make contractors do that or is that for the true reta!rds

Our Union is filing suit against MRK! We will get our jobs back!

Doubt it. Merck can point to the fact that this is a broad reduction in workforce affecting all areas. Union jobs are not immune to downsizing, particularly as most of these jobs fall under the realm of support. Close buildings, sell off sites, diminish production capacity and all of that support is no longer required. There is no such thing as a job for life despite what your union rep whispers in your ear. Touch luck pal, welcome to reality.