The Merck axe has hit the union at WP!!

I meant "Stop your lying and fear mongering". Just beating you to the punch.

We were told:
We're not doing indiscriminate cuts in research and development, we're doing surgery around where we should invest.

Then R&D gets hammered. No one really knows what is going on because it changes weekly. Summit opened, Summit closing. By next year it could be opening again. Who knows anymore. Working quarter by quarter is the new theme. I don't think anyone feels really confident they will be here in 9 months.

That sounds like the biggest piece of bs I ever heard - 1% of WP is union. It is higher than that jumbo.

I hope you dont work in stats or accounting.

It's not a is true. I and several friends say that manufacturing will be transferred by--hopefully--2015. Yes, and we work with the product, so we are in the trenches.

I think I'm going back to the threads blaming upper management for the failures of this company. It's more, entertaining, relevant, and accurate. Blaming the bottom layer of the workforce... what a typical ridiculous sophomoric reaction to a stressful time. Have fun eating each other!

We were told:
We're not doing indiscriminate cuts in research and development, we're doing surgery around where we should invest.

Then R&D gets hammered. No one really knows what is going on because it changes weekly. Summit opened, Summit closing. By next year it could be opening again. Who knows anymore. Working quarter by quarter is the new theme. I don't think anyone feels really confident they will be here in 9 months.

Not to mention selling Danville then having to buy it back again for 4X the cost. These are the blunders which have cost this company, and the people responsible are the management team.

Blaming the people in the trenches is stupid and does nothing but create more stress and animosity!

Your Draconian points of view are inaccurate:
Interoffice mail was outsourced to non union contractors.
Your second point is absurd. Maybe that is how things were in the 80's and early 90's, but not now.

I'm betting you are not actually employed by Merck and have no idea how their unions operate.

It's exactly like that. I work in Rahway and we cant get anything done because the union is so inflexible and management so scared of being grieved.

Sad but true.

Not to mention selling Danville then having to buy it back again for 4X the cost. These are the blunders which have cost this company, and the people responsible are the management team.

Blaming the people in the trenches is stupid and does nothing but create more stress and animosity!

The sell and buy back disaster was a result of the minority contractor initiative. Minority owner who bought it could not run it so we bought it back at inflated price to essentially replace all the money the minority owner would have lost had it imploded under their management.

True story.

I'm betting you are not actually employed by Merck and have no idea how their unions operate.

It's exactly like that. I work in Rahway and we cant get anything done because the union is so inflexible and management so scared of being grieved.

Sad but true.

How much do you want to bet that I am not USW?

It's real hard to go out and sell compared to making a product in a sterile core isn't it

As for batch records they are inadequate to follow and make a product

We union folk handle millions in product everyday when is the last time the company asked a salesperson manager or director to actually touch a product?


It's real hard to go out and sell compared to making a product in a sterile core isn't it

As for batch records they are inadequate to follow and make a product

We union folk handle millions in product everyday when is the last time the company asked a salesperson manager or director to actually touch a product?


The 7th class is English, you might want to take it.

The minority owned company that almost ran Danville into bankruptcy is PRWT. They are also the same company that does all the facility maintenance under JLL at all the non-mixed use U.S. sites.

Welcome to the no bid world of Willie Deese. I just wish I was one of his close friends so I could make the big $$$$$$$

I can't believe the board of directors allows pissing all this money away on dirty procurement deals!

In some areas, the union workers were very hard to manage. My friend was a union supervisor in the sterile unit and literally had a stroke because of the stress.

Also remember that WP did not manufacture the greatest stuff when then have been issued numerous warning letters and 483's. Just for comparison, the manufacturing plant in Wilson, NC has not had a single warning letter!

I have heard stories that would curl your stomach, so I think it may be best for a fresh start.

Many union workers have higher educations and more experience than their supervisors. Your friend probably almost stroked out because he/she was an incompetent r*****. Go to NC and see how much they have manufactured-next to nothing because the FDA almost shut them down in February. They voluntarily stopped production before the FDA stopped it.

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