The Fall and Decline of the Pharma Rep

Look, those at the top have no intention of staying here for 2 more years. This is all a part of their exit strategy.
They can make a hell of a lot more money in a lot less time by selling the company and cashing in their contracted golden parachute. Then they will move on and destroy another company. The only puzzlement is why they didn't take the opportunity when Pfizer came calling with an offer of over $80 per share. Maybe they didn't have enough cheap stock options or the terms of their contract would have cut their exit package because they hadn't been here long enough. There has to a reason why the stockholders lost over half of their equity in AZ stock. I am surprised the stockholders haven't come to Wilmington with pitchforks and torches.

Cv hospital with AZ over 15 years while I'm glad those CNS yahoos were whacked, I know our days are numbered.
I plan on "the all day lie" even more!
My manager is playing along.

I would do what Trump is going to do in our bloated bureaucratic government agencies. Drain the swamp.
Start by interviewing everyone in headquarters and mid level management positions. Simple question, how much do your earn per year here and what do you do to earn it. Don't give me a job description, What do you do that brings value to this company? In other words, what do you do to justify your bloated pay?
Trump will end the gravy train in D.C. Eliminating people who have been getting rich by exploiting the stupidity of our government culture. We should do the same.


I would do what Trump is going to do in our bloated bureaucratic government agencies. Drain the swamp.
Start by interviewing everyone in headquarters and mid level management positions. Simple question, how much do your earn per year here and what do you do to earn it. Don't give me a job description, What do you do that brings value to this company? In other words, what do you do to justify your bloated pay?
Trump will end the gravy train in D.C. Eliminating people who have been getting rich by exploiting the stupidity of our government culture. We should do the same.


That was an all time great post about the rep and what she thinks is supposed to happen but the reality is that we have been hiring people over the past 10 years with no sales or science background and then wonder why a physician does not want to engage them in a conversation about a disease state that they have no interest in knowing about more than what they needed to learn in modules 1-7 to pass a quiz. Doctors used to be personally rewarded for what they wrote and now it is the opposite. They get personally scrutinized about how much they deviated from the system formulary. The rep is no more. You cannot sell what you cannot track and no one can track anything anymore. Game set match.

My neighbor is an oncologist and we had a great discussion about the industry at our neighborhood party. He said he sold out to a hospital two years ago and reps are not allowed at any of the sites and the staff are specifically directed that they cannot accept lunches. Only educational content for patients and caregivers. He talked about the old days of running his own chemo site but almost all of that is now regulated - no more tricks for reimbursement so no more treats from the pharma side. We won't need more than a couple hundred reps and even those will have a tough time seeing anyone

My neighbor is an oncologist and we had a great discussion about the industry at our neighborhood party. He said he sold out to a hospital two years ago and reps are not allowed at any of the sites and the staff are specifically directed that they cannot accept lunches. Only educational content for patients and caregivers. He talked about the old days of running his own chemo site but almost all of that is now regulated - no more tricks for reimbursement so no more treats from the pharma side. We won't need more than a couple hundred reps and even those will have a tough time seeing anyone
Yup!.. That's why you're fucked! Get a real job loser!

The thread title should be "the fall and decline of AstraZeneca ". Now, that would be a story at least 10 years in the making. I used to be halfway proud of this job, the "envy of many of my friends " , now it's become almost embarrassing. Every time I hear a manager, rep...or above say what a great company AZ is...I just want to shake them and say, "really?" Get with it,man....come back to planet Earth. Anyone who was here during the Pulmicort, Nexium,Crestor, Toprol XL days know exactly where I'm coming's like if someone says "who is AZ? response is well, we launched (the aforementioned products ). Now, it's like the only big ,truly recognized products people say "oh yeah,I've heard of that,or see commercials"....are products long since gone generic. Those medicines truly were AZ'S finest "hour" . Its just such a shell of what a great company it once was. Really sad when you think about it. Its like a once great ncaa college football program that's just awful now. A nice legacy, but nothing currently to get excited about. At least we still get a steady paycheck, for now.

Boom nailed it.. I remember first Xmas after Nexium expansion (2000), we got a 250$ check instead of an Xmas party. Now we barely squeak out damn phone reimbursement. Still waiting on those 2 product launches a year lol

I cant help but think that a company such as AZ with so many continuous reductions in their workforce can only mean one thing, poor management. A well run company has leaders with vision beyond 1-2 years, can accurately forecast long term plans and adjust accordingly. Constant restructuring means those who are in "leadership" just cant seem to get it right. Meanwhie, those who carry out the orders pay the price for stupidity of those who give them, while these leaders get yet another chance to try to right the ship. No accountability on their part. I agree its time to drain the swamp as well.

1-2 years!? They can't see past the quarter.. earlier this year we were actually told key decisions were being made on month to month basis.. God have mercy on you if you ran your territory like that though.

Thee poster mentioned selling Nexium in 2000 and getting a Xmas check. That is when the arms race started. The Pfizer boys were walking around in the early 2000s with Norvasc, Lipitor and Viagra samples and literally every office was waiting for them to come by with those samples and all the other goodies that came along with the visit. You will also remember dine n dash and gas n go and spa detailing. Later that night there were roundtables where all the participants received an honorarium for coming and one speaker got the most. Pharma paid all those tabs in the name of science. Between 2000 and 2007 we added over 50,000 reps to the 50,000 that were there. That is 100,000 reps for 800,000 doctors. We swarmed and polluted their offices until we have what we have today. Keep Out signs everywhere. What happens when we cannot even bring lunch? What then? Our access is below 40% now and without lunch there will be nothing. No one wants the samples and it is only a matter of time before providers ban copay cards from their systems. The end isn;t near. It is here.

I remember the GRPI meetings that we had maybe in 2003? or thereabouts and the whole concept was based on the fact that we were all fighting with each other over whether MC1-4 or MC6-10 could hold the lunch on Wednesday and whose DSM could come that day. Petty squabbles and infighting and how come no one inside every noticed that the 8 calls per day were made by 8 reps on the same doctor? No one wanted to know that's why. It has always been our dirty little csecret. Well no more.

What's worse is that oncologists almost never see reps and with the new specialty drugs it is all protocol driven so no need for reps there either. Maybe a rep can see a white bagger out in the middle of nowhere Oregon but not anywhere that counts. Goodbye AZ and good luck Medimmune you will need it

1-2 years!? They can't see past the quarter.. earlier this year we were actually told key decisions were being made on month to month basis.. God have mercy on you if you ran your territory like that though.

And just think of all those who think they will climb the corporate ladder, working their asses off networking with people who wont be wirh AZ next month, doing extra projects that they hope will get them on the "fast track" . Fast track to where lmao? Wilmington will be gone soon, any "real" jobs left with AZ are in MD. You better make big money to live in close proximity to that location. And dont even get started with Oncology sales. External candidates only. Yep, like the poster above says. But AZ is all about developing their people though.

I remember the GRPI meetings that we had maybe in 2003? or thereabouts and the whole concept was based on the fact that we were all fighting with each other over whether MC1-4 or MC6-10 could hold the lunch on Wednesday and whose DSM could come that day. Petty squabbles and infighting and how come no one inside every noticed that the 8 calls per day were made by 8 reps on the same doctor? No one wanted to know that's why. It has always been our dirty little csecret. Well no more.

What's worse is that oncologists almost never see reps and with the new specialty drugs it is all protocol driven so no need for reps there either. Maybe a rep can see a white bagger out in the middle of nowhere Oregon but not anywhere that counts. Goodbye AZ and good luck Medimmune you will need it

You mention "white bagger". 99% of sales force have no idea what you are talking about. I know an ONC rep when I asked them, had no idea what it meant either. Sad.

WOW!!!! You are now just seeing the end. I was a detail rep 86-89 just when signatures were starting , it was my first medical job. Was mostly older guys (NOW MY AGE ) very few posers (female reps) Access was becoming an issue. Moved onto device sales , and recently left device. Access is becoming an issue. Have fun what ever you are doing save your money, invest , and move on .Loyalty to people not companies !

This year we hired an NFL cheerleader with no sales and no science background and put her through 6 weeks of test passing and role playing and then stood her up in front of physicians. This shows how little we think of our customers and even less of our own profession. Shame on pharma.

This year we hired an NFL cheerleader with no sales and no science background and put her through 6 weeks of test passing and role playing and then stood her up in front of physicians. This shows how little we think of our customers and even less of our own profession. Shame on pharma.

Yup but that horny old doctor will bring her in the office and give her time while your begging for signatures.. so much for your sales and science background

About 59% of our reps are former cheerleaders with no sales or science background and they have all been taught to deliver lunch via EZCater so why bring this up now. This has been true for decades. This is why we cannot get in anymore. We had another major health system close their doors to us completely. In Colorado you cannot get in anywhere. Need the kush just to stay hopeful.

About 59% of our reps are former cheerleaders with no sales or science background and they have all been taught to deliver lunch via EZCater so why bring this up now. This has been true for decades. This is why we cannot get in anymore. We had another major health system close their doors to us completely. In Colorado you cannot get in anywhere. Need the kush just to stay hopeful.

Same here in New England. Only a matter of time before we follow CV/MET & MAPS onto the unemployment line.

Same here in New England. Only a matter of time before we follow CV/MET & MAPS onto the unemployment line.

We are all in a holding pattern. Those in the know have already left or feathering their nest for their future departure. If you want to see your future then come to Wilmington HQ. Nothing but walking dead and the echoes of empty hallways and cubicles. You could fire a cannon down most hallways and never hit a soul.

This year we hired an NFL cheerleader with no sales and no science background and put her through 6 weeks of test passing and role playing and then stood her up in front of physicians. This shows how little we think of our customers and even less of our own profession. Shame on pharma.

yes did she get a touchdown by the doctor?

There is a presentation from a vendor that MAPS uses about Drug Spending and here is what they are telling health systems and hospitals they should do to rein in drug costs. 1) Do not allow pharma reps in your facilities 2) Hire pharmacists to counter detail and monitor exceptions to system wide formularies and 3) Limit or eliminate copay cards from EMR systems. When all that happens there will be zero access which is where this is all headed. Even for Oncology. Especially for oncology. They will not even listen to a pharma rep about specialty drugs.