Fall car order???

az & fleet in the final stages of on-board tracking negotiations before ordering. thanks to all those who posted garbage in the all day lie thread. you'll be watched and gone if you practice. no questions asked. at will firings commencing soon!

I hope everyone has not gotten stuck on the RAV4, I suggest you go look at one in person, it’s not even a small SUV. I think some of you are confusing it with the highlander. I urge you to go to a dealership and look at the RAV4. It’s more like a distorted looking a small car.It is extremely small, and the 2019 model, is even smaller and uglier. The sedan’s that are available are actually bigger inside. Go look at the other options before holding out, you might regret holding out for the RAV4.
We aren’t stupid, and we aren’t confusing a RAV4 with a Highlander. Other companies give Highlanders and Vans. This company is cheap, and gives the cheapest SUV they can get, the RAV4. However, hands down ANY SUV is better than a sedan any day of the week. I hate sedans, no matter how large they are. You have to fall down into them and get up and down all day. An SUV is the perfect height for getting in and out all day for a sales person. Plus, NOTHING fits in a sedan. It is nice to have the SUV for the fold down seats for when you need to put something larger in your car. AZ gave me the freaking Subaru sedan. I had to go buy and SUV, just to do life.

I don't know who you are but your language is offensive and you do not belong at AZ. If you want a car allowance, go work for a contract company. They will give you the low salary you deserve.
You are just jealous that you don’t have the car allowance. I worked at AZ oncology and quit due to the cars being ridiculous and no SUV’s with the leather/backup cameras, etc.My new oncology company as others I have had in the past gives 800-1300 a month for car allowance, plus a gas card. I had a bmw x5 for 2019-2020. I bought an Audi Q5 at the end of 2020. I am about to sell it and get a Range Rover, Jaguar F-pace or a Kia Telluride, which are all nicer in my opinion (not an Audi fan, although I have had zero issues…which I shouldn’t have any with only 22,000 miles on it). The point is: we get to pick what we want and we are all happier. Plus, is saves the company money to give the allowance vs. a fleet vehicle. We have to pay for our own insurance and maintenance, but my new company pays for up to 100 dollars in oil changes every 5,000 miles. I always buy German made cars, so I lose on that reimbursement, since oil changes cost about 150, but I only have to get an oil change every 10,000-14,000 miles. My boss drives a Mercedes, and my teammates drive, loaded trucks, Range Rovers, Cadillac Escallon and Yukon Denali’s. Get out of big Pharma and you too can have a nice car and all gas paid for.

Interesting. I was contacted back in March about being part of the spring vehicle replacement. I guess because I’m in CA im part of the electric car initiative. All my other coworkers that drive too many miles we’re not eligible and ordered in March. It’s now past middle of August and me and the others who were part of the electric car initiative have heard nothing.

All of us have reached out to fleet and they said they hope to hear something soon. That was months ago now they don’t even respond.

I’m fine with my current car given it’s in good shape but it’s just hit the 100,000 mile mark. Never had a car this long before.

AZ needs to step it up from a fleet standpoint. There are a lot of good things about the company and I like it here but I've never seen such cheap and stripped down car options at any pharma company.

Many reps spend a lot of time in their cars putting a lot of miles on the road each year. For many, it is basically an office and office chair. Is it too much to ask that basic safety and ergonomic type comfort features be included in all fleet cars? Why would any fleet option not have automatic head/tail lights (a basic safety feature in most cars for 5-10 years now)? How about uncomfortable drivers seats with hard, stripped down materials lacking lumbar, etc support options?

Some will say this is just complaining but these type of things really should be standard features on fleet cars at any company. Also, driving cars for 85-100k miles is beyond anything you'll see at other industry companies and can increase the risk of vehicle problems and safety issues as well.

It is nice AZ fleet wants to be environmentally conscious and their choice of fleet cars now reflect that. However, that needs to be balanced with conscientiousness regarding field employee safety and comfort as well.

well said and I couldn’t agree more!! I love my job here and am grateful to now have an suv, but as someone who works in an enormous territory (average daily commute is >5hours), there is definitely room for AZ to step it up in terms of fleet choices.

Isn't it ironic that the major pharmaceutical companies want you to sell products and charge premium prices for drugs of dubious improved quality (say, taking 3 tired old generic products, putting them in one inhaler, and charging $500 for it) and then turn around and want you to have the cheapest possible stuff they can give you (software, hardware, cars). Their attitude is it is good enough to get the job done. So are generic budesonide, formotorol, and glycopyrrolate. If sales used corporate's line of thinking...................................................

Funny that our “new” counterparts on the Alexion side are driving around in Range Rovers and have car allowances in the $1000’s yet “we” drive the biggest crap boxes in pharma. Change the rules for all of us!

I ordered last year. Selector was sent mid to late August. Car delivered in December. Now, I will say this. We had a new person hired in our district, and they gave her a new car that had been ordered by a rep who was then fired during the December Massacre. According to DM, there were several such cars in storage. Don't know how many, but I have a feeling that a few people will be assigned whatever cars are left, and some will get to order what they want.

Quityer bitchin'. The cars we provide are safe and fuel efficient. They are roomy enough for you to carry multiple trays of food for your daily feeding of the office cows. They are good enough to practice the all day lie with.