You said, “stop misrepresenting our profession”. What a total load of shit! Let me break it down for you. First, it’s not a PROFESSION ! It’s a damn job and nothing more. A “profession “ is like a nurse, doctor, plumber, electrician, etc. Those skills are always in demand. When you get canned the next go around, here’s what you will do. You will hit the job boards looking for pharmaceutical rep openings!! You have no real skills that the market wants, except say a good personality. There is no other place to go that you can make this kind of money and have no skills, lie about what you do daily, and get away with it. But we are not the worst in this industry by any means! There is absolutely nothing more useless in the bus world than a pharmaceutical district manager!!!! NOTHING! They are the epitome of a non-revenue producing slouch! Then go up the line!

No, the ALL DAY LIE was immortalized on the AZ Cafepharma website! It has even spread to other company websites because everyone can identify with it. It’s honest and straight forward.

May you live in infamy sir, your words are to embrace, emboldened and etch in the pillars of life, I commend you for the person that you are; A true American patriot. Amen and God bless you.

Zero Access! It’s closed in NY and NJ. If you’ve got samples they might meet you outside and get a signature that’s it. Trying to justify this stupid ridiculous job each and every day!!! Waiting on a package.

Funny, I have decent access is some of those areas. Bring something of value and your luck might change.

Big talker. I'm sure you opened soooooooooooooooooo many of your closed offices with the "value" you bring. Perhaps you could help me out? How do you access doctors in offices with signs on the door that say "NO PHARMACEUTICAL REPS?" Now when you walk in and try your best you are told "Can't you read? Get out!" Please enlighten us I'm dying to hear your access stories.

Funny, I have decent access is some of those areas. Bring something of value and your luck might change.

What's funny!, No live access in my geo. am very well liked and smooze the gatekeepers and they eat it up. Accounts are closed. Decent size group practice, when I ask to speak to fat-ass CMA so & so, the gatekeepers politely let me know, I'm not allowed in the reception area...'cause I'm a rep! I thank them, leave my file 13 propaganda and wish them a lovely day.
So take your bring value diatribe and get out of here! Today, NO! means 100% NO!

Funny, I have decent access is some of those areas. Bring something of value and your luck might change.
Spoken like a true dumbass manager. There are many of them running around right now in all companies saying this type of bullshit. My reply to these idiots is, well, I have been at this for over 23 years and I have yet to be able to make a doctor or office do what they say they are NOT going to do when it comes to access. Please be the big time rock star DM you fancy yourself to be, and come ride with me each day so you can show me how it is done BIG BOY! I would love to have you with me each day to get me in these offices. PLEASE!! Such dumbass people in middle management right now. Put up or STFU!

Spoken like a true dumbass manager. There are many of them running around right now in all companies saying this type of bullshit. My reply to these idiots is, well, I have been at this for over 23 years and I have yet to be able to make a doctor or office do what they say they are NOT going to do when it comes to access. Please be the big time rock star DM you fancy yourself to be, and come ride with me each day so you can show me how it is done BIG BOY! I would love to have you with me each day to get me in these offices. PLEASE!! Such dumbass people in middle management right now. Put up or STFU!

No truer words or an honest challenge.

I "carried a detail bag" from 80s on and then managed for second half of career. And you might of thought differently of me as I never acted like I had the silver bullet to your real, selling world troubles like access. I simply worked with the rep in reasonable expectations; not condescend.

Two quick things,

1) Most my family is in the medical or pharmacy professions. They see continued decline in the real value of pharma reps. That even includes the arrogant biologics reps and orphan disease reps (less some reimbursement help here and there).

2) Leaders in Pharmaceutical "Leadership" training (both internal and external) all say the same thing to me these days
  • The decline in the quality of pharmaceutical sales managers (includes regional) is it's own "pandemic".
  • All the training and dollars in the world is not making these people "leaders" of business people.

Thoughts, as I have been happily retired for 3 years?

No truer words or an honest challenge.

I "carried a detail bag" from 80s on and then managed for second half of career. And you might of thought differently of me as I never acted like I had the silver bullet to your real, selling world troubles like access. I simply worked with the rep in reasonable expectations; not condescend.

Two quick things,

1) Most my family is in the medical or pharmacy professions. They see continued decline in the real value of pharma reps. That even includes the arrogant biologics reps and orphan disease reps (less some reimbursement help here and there).

2) Leaders in Pharmaceutical "Leadership" training (both internal and external) all say the same thing to me these days
  • The decline in the quality of pharmaceutical sales managers (includes regional) is it's own "pandemic".
  • All the training and dollars in the world is not making these people "leaders" of business people.

Thoughts, as I have been happily retired for 3 years?
I like my DM, I really do. But when he and others in his position start to talk about their "leadership", it's really hard not to laugh. I mean, come on. You approve expense reports and occasionally listen in on a virtual detail. I know, you are just doing what you can do - I get that. But spare me your thoughts on "leadership" - you don't lead the troops in to battle, for God's sake. Bring it down a notch, big fella!

No truer words or an honest challenge.

I "carried a detail bag" from 80s on and then managed for second half of career. And you might of thought differently of me as I never acted like I had the silver bullet to your real, selling world troubles like access. I simply worked with the rep in reasonable expectations; not condescend.

Two quick things,

1) Most my family is in the medical or pharmacy professions. They see continued decline in the real value of pharma reps. That even includes the arrogant biologics reps and orphan disease reps (less some reimbursement help here and there).

2) Leaders in Pharmaceutical "Leadership" training (both internal and external) all say the same thing to me these days
  • The decline in the quality of pharmaceutical sales managers (includes regional) is it's own "pandemic".
  • All the training and dollars in the world is not making these people "leaders" of business people.

Thoughts, as I have been happily retired for 3 years?

BILL BRASKY?!! How the hell are you doing you sonavabish!!

I like my DM, I really do. But when he and others in his position start to talk about their "leadership", it's really hard not to laugh. I mean, come on. You approve expense reports and occasionally listen in on a virtual detail. I know, you are just doing what you can do - I get that. But spare me your thoughts on "leadership" - you don't lead the troops in to battle, for God's sake. Bring it down a notch, big fella!
Really, I am out there fighting for you and our patients each and everyday!! How ungrateful you SOB, that’s the thanks I get for doing what I do for you ungrateful bastards!! Well you can take your opinion and shove them right where the sunshine’s. Damn, I know it’s lonely at the top, but never would I think the troops would turn on me......

Really, I am out there fighting for you and our patients each and everyday!! How ungrateful you SOB, that’s the thanks I get for doing what I do for you ungrateful bastards!! Well you can take your opinion and shove them right where the sunshine’s. Damn, I know it’s lonely at the top, but never would I think the troops would turn on me......

Ummmm you mean where "the sun don't shine"

We have 1440 minutes per day
70-75% of day in survival mode which means 25-30% are being used proactively.

How do you plan on moving the needle out of the survival mode to AZ productive mode?