I would really like to know how many reps still owe all of the $4300 or a portion of it and will we still need to that back once this nightmare of year ends? If we still do then it could be July of next year before these reps start seeing a commission check.
Oh and where is the comp plan and quota? We were told it would be in our hands last month... I bet they are waiting to see the sales numbers come in for November so they can increase quotas for next year based on the baselines going up.
I guess we still have the Q4 contest though right? Here is a question, how can you pay someone in December based on sales results that we will not see until February? If they reward someone for winning and it turns out they really didnt win because when the numbers come out the sales just were not there do they take back the 5-7k? hmmmm..... another well thought out idea.
Its like Africa all over again! What other company that you know of sends reps on a President's Club trips that they didn't deserve? Its hard to take that one back, huh? Funny that all those reps that won that trip have left the company anyway! (including the President) What a debacle...