Surprise Rumor on ZVP

But what do they do? We have so many layers of upper management for a small organization. I simply can't figure out what their job is.

They do many things, but perhaps one of the most valuable is to insulate their Zones from as much of the Corporate BS as possible. One of the key differentiators of the quality of a VP (and the value that he/she brings to their respective teams) is their ability to perform such insulation.

Even though it may seem that alot of sh** rolls down hill, you would be surprised to see how much of it a good VP has been able to hold back from you. Given the nature of our operating environment (the regulations under which we operate in the US and the anal manner in which our regulatory/legal/compliance personnel interpret risk), no VP can bat .1000 insulating their Zones ... but most of them are surprisingly effective and I, for one, am thankful for their efforts.

It truly is a 24/7 type of job. Cut them some slack, as I am certain that they work harder than you.

They do many things, but perhaps one of the most valuable is to insulate their Zones from as much of the Corporate BS as possible. One of the key differentiators of the quality of a VP (and the value that he/she brings to their respective teams) is their ability to perform such insulation.

Even though it may seem that alot of sh** rolls down hill, you would be surprised to see how much of it a good VP has been able to hold back from you. Given the nature of our operating environment (the regulations under which we operate in the US and the anal manner in which our regulatory/legal/compliance personnel interpret risk), no VP can bat .1000 insulating their Zones ... but most of them are surprisingly effective and I, for one, am thankful for their efforts.

It truly is a 24/7 type of job. Cut them some slack, as I am certain that they work harder than you.

RDs and DMs insulated sales from BS for many years under the previous structure.
Bottom line is that BIPI is working under an obsolete business model. Many other drug companies still follow the Madison avenue model of reach and frequency delivery of a shop message, so Boehringer is not alone. See lemmings.
This formula has resulted in a lack of respect for our industry and less access to prescribers and payers.

Regarding ZVP: is "insulating zone from corporate BS" part of their job description? I doubt that. I'm not saying they don't work all the time but the job usually becomes their lives. We have RDs who should fulfill the same role. I remember before ZVP's not only did the RDs have more autonomy and leadership than they do now, they filled the function of insulating or in some cases adding to corporate BS. ZVP seems to be an unnecessary position and in fact, they reduce the ability of RDs to do the job they are supposed to do.