Surprise Rumor on ZVP

BI only wants men in high positions.
Legal action to follow.
You watch.
Karen squeezed out for idiot Tom
Sheri leaves for senior sales position at Pfizer leaving room for another white male.
It is a male company at BI.
Only males.
Wanted: Fired white men from big pharma to fill BI positions.

...and don't forget responsible for turning a blind eye to gender discrimination while at their previous employer.

BJ leaving and taking his troupe of sycophants with him would only improve morale.

His transparency always astounds as in "we learned our lesson with Spiriva and will NEVER copromote another one of our products" or "contract reps are actually more expensive than BI reps" or "we value our salesforce as our most valuable asset"or "we want to empower you to run your territory like it's your business" etc etc.

We can only hope the rumors are true.

I'm proud to report to Sheri Staak and I will go to any company she moves to. It's time she became a Senior Sales Leader. She is always true to her team. She deserves better than BI!

Hi every one I'm your BOSS.
I worked in marketing and know nothing about sales. I can lead you to the promised land. Sales people know nothing. Who cares about making a sales call. I know marketing.
If I fail, I will be saved. I'm in marketing and I'm your BOSS.
The art of the sale? Na, I'm a marketer.
Follow me,
Senior Sales Leader

PS Mind getting rid of the term sales in my title. I'm a marketer!

Staak can't leave BI. The ripple effects throughout the sales organization would be long lasting. Upper management may not be smart, but certainly not stupid.

It would be as if a huge sign were posted at the front door. GET OUT.

It's nice to read a positive thread. I've worked for Katen :( and now Tom
:( wish I could work for Sheri. Tom may be better than Karen, but I don't see it. We have never, ever had a good ZVP out here. My friend in fly over country said he has learned more working for Sheri than any other manager. I can't say that about any of my bosses over the years of BI. Thank goodness there is one leader that brings vision to even those of us not on her team. If she leaves the company I would be surprised. BI may make many poor strategic moves like putting a marketer in charge of sales, but I certainly don't see management not fighting to keep top sales talent. Then again, the offer may be too big financially for Staak to say no. In the days of old a talent like Sheri wouldn't even consider breaking loyalty and leaving a company. Then again, companies use to be more loyal.
I will be following to see if this rumor is true.
Then again, Sheri leaves and that gives marketing a chance to destroy sales again. That would be a zinger and a slap in the face of every BI sales person who has dedicated his life to sales. There you go an opportunity for strategic disaster from BIs best. HaHa. They say that history repeats itself. I guess stupid moves repeat themselves even faster.
Sheri, be loyal, don't leave us high and dry in sales when we need your leadership and stability most!

Oh my God! What a bunch of Ass-Kissers! Sheri is the most micro-managing, spreadsheet making, list-monitoring "Leader" in this company! She has done more to hinder sales than anyone at BI! How long can you manage by fear and intimidation before everyone turns on you. There is Zero Quality of Life in Zone 2. Enough from the RDs and DMs, let's hear from the reps who have encountered the unfair wrath of Sheri!

Oh my God! What a bunch of Ass-Kissers! Sheri is the most micro-managing, spreadsheet making, list-monitoring "Leader" in this company! She has done more to hinder sales than anyone at BI! How long can you manage by fear and intimidation before everyone turns on you. There is Zero Quality of Life in Zone 2. Enough from the RDs and DMs, let's hear from the reps who have encountered the unfair wrath of Sheri!

Finally a post from someone who is not Sheri nor a Sheri sychophant. Word!

Oh my God! What a bunch of Ass-Kissers! Sheri is the most micro-managing, spreadsheet making, list-monitoring "Leader" in this company! She has done more to hinder sales than anyone at BI! How long can you manage by fear and intimidation before everyone turns on you. There is Zero Quality of Life in Zone 2. Enough from the RDs and DMs, let's hear from the reps who have encountered the unfair wrath of Sheri!

I don't work for her but I figure this is closer to the truth. Most of ZVPs have been bags of hot air. I'm not sure what function they serve other than being another layer of over paid management that implements poorly planned strategies and creates more paperwork.

Oh my God! What a bunch of Ass-Kissers! Sheri is the most micro-managing, spreadsheet making, list-monitoring "Leader" in this company! She has done more to hinder sales than anyone at BI! How long can you manage by fear and intimidation before everyone turns on you. There is Zero Quality of Life in Zone 2. Enough from the RDs and DMs, let's hear from the reps who have encountered the unfair wrath of Sheri! life in Zone 2. Little does she realize we do all the busy work when we are supposed to be making calls. BI your so stupid!