SUN Pharma = Sh*t Show

Whatever you think of SUN, Taro, Dusa, Ranbaxy, India---If the company is not working for you or your needs then you should quit--the sooner the better for your own sake. As for not having faith in the products where you are changing a script to a competitor--you should definitely quit. Now you are admitting that you are willing to misrepresent products to the prescribers and patients. In doing so, you are nothing more than a prostitute. If you are happy receiving and paycheck, bonus, car, security for your family---and not believe in the products that you sell-poor outlook to you and your future. Very sad.

Whatever you think of SUN, Taro, Dusa, Ranbaxy, India---If the company is not working for you or your needs then you should quit--the sooner the better for your own sake. As for not having faith in the products where you are changing a script to a competitor--you should definitely quit. Now you are admitting that you are willing to misrepresent products to the prescribers and patients. In doing so, you are nothing more than a prostitute. If you are happy receiving and paycheck, bonus, car, security for your family---and not believe in the products that you sell-poor outlook to you and your future. Very sad.

How about non of the above. I like having dual income and shafting Sun in the process. I dispise Sun and in so doing I am getting the best payback...Fing u for extra money for my family. I use Sun for the car anf my gives me a car allowance so zi am raking it in. My other company has no idea I ever worked for Sun. Catch me if you can!! Bahahahahaha

Whatever you think of SUN, Taro, Dusa, Ranbaxy, India---If the company is not working for you or your needs then you should quit--the sooner the better for your own sake. As for not having faith in the products where you are changing a script to a competitor--you should definitely quit. Now you are admitting that you are willing to misrepresent products to the prescribers and patients. In doing so, you are nothing more than a prostitute. If you are happy receiving and paycheck, bonus, car, security for your family---and not believe in the products that you sell-poor outlook to you and your future. Very sad.

Sadly, that is EXACTLY what is happening! Many good people have left (and I admit some not so good ones have left), many more are looking, and the others are just working for the paycheck.

Hey jack*ss:

No one said that people in your region left.

Turnover rates are calculated at a level higher than 'your region' - e.g. National level, and in this case, across acne and PDT.

It's an stat that even AG is concerned with - so if it's high for him, it must be really high.

Your narrow thinking is indicative of why you are what you are.

You will get caught asshole. Because your mouth is as big as your ego. Losers always lose in the end. Eventually, SUN will find out and will contact your current employer (if it is even true). Unless you are on work release from a local prison. Then you will be fired from both places and you will be forced go back to your college major of making milk shakes at McDonalds. Save your paycheck dickhead. Free government cheese in is your future. You are the reason GPS and management oversight is in place in the new and real world.

You will get caught asshole. Because your mouth is as big as your ego. Losers always lose in the end. Eventually, SUN will find out and will contact your current employer (if it is even true). Unless you are on work release from a local prison. Then you will be fired from both places and you will be forced go back to your college major of making milk shakes at McDonalds. Save your paycheck dickhead. Free government cheese in is your future. You are the reason GPS and management oversight is in place in the new and real world.

I love the one suck up manager that is on here trying to defend this dump...He manager get a life. BTW I will NEVER be caught double dipping because I am not on social media at all, my current company doesnt know I ever worked for Sun, and I am the best at faking calls. My customers also cover for me when my dumbass hick manager is with me. Bahahahaha go F yourself!!!!

Best at faking calls and doctors covering for your laziness. Your mother should be proud. Real accomplishments in life. Good qualities to sell yourself for your next job at the post office or motor vehicles. Look at the brighter side, you will get free porno magazines and may even figure out how to win the Publisher's Clearinghouse contest to become a millionaire for life without putting in a honest day's work.

I love the one suck up manager that is on here trying to defend this dump...He manager get a life. BTW I will NEVER be caught double dipping because I am not on social media at all, my current company doesnt know I ever worked for Sun, and I am the best at faking calls. My customers also cover for me when my dumbass hick manager is with me. Bahahahaha go F yourself!!!!

I'm doing it too.

At least going to the movies is doing something productive with your day. Beats hanging cats. Maybe your next job can be collecting tickets at the front door, sweeping up the old popcorn, or putting rubbery cheese out of a can on tacos? Remember to put the newspaper or your cowboy hat across your lap when you are watching the movie.

Best at faking calls and doctors covering for your laziness. Your mother should be proud. Real accomplishments in life. Good qualities to sell yourself for your next job at the post office or motor vehicles. Look at the brighter side, you will get free porno magazines and may even figure out how to win the Publisher's Clearinghouse contest to become a millionaire for life without putting in a honest day's work.

I already found out how to become a millionaire. Screwing Sun will get me there fast. I am putting over 100K a year away in the bank doing it. It feels great!

Must be intermission at the movie theatre? Three Stooges matinee in IMAX. Or you already got Mr. Zulu's autograph on the line around the block at the Comicon Convention in Cleveland. Save your tickets, there is a free Slurpee and Beef Jerky to the first 100 redeemers.