SUN Pharma = Sh*t Show

Must be intermission at the movie theatre? Three Stooges matinee in IMAX. Or you already got Mr. Zulu's autograph on the line around the block at the Comicon Convention in Cleveland. Save your tickets, there is a free Slurpee and Beef Jerky to the first 100 redeemers.

Jealous are you? Hahaha. I will give you a hint. I am on the Derm side of business. Now try and catch me if you can.

This place is deteriorating week over week, but I think we're close to bottom, for now.

Morale is just miserable.

Could it get any worse ?

Levulan price increase IS going to make it worse. Also, RG is going to teach all of us how to sell the spread of this increase so we have a huge increase in final quarter to help blunt Biofrontera getting their jcode. He will do the wink wink nod nod once again. If you dont sell this way and teach our customers about this spread you wont get the sales. Key is to record everything he and our managers say. Don't put yourself at risk for these morons. Its us reps that will get in trouble. Best thing to do is have your manager demonstrate how to sell this with a customer and record the whole thing. Save yourself!

Levulan price increase IS going to make it worse. Also, RG is going to teach all of us how to sell the spread of this increase so we have a huge increase in final quarter to help blunt Biofrontera getting their jcode. He will do the wink wink nod nod once again. If you dont sell this way and teach our customers about this spread you wont get the sales. Key is to record everything he and our managers say. Don't put yourself at risk for these morons. Its us reps that will get in trouble. Best thing to do is have your manager demonstrate how to sell this with a customer and record the whole thing. Save yourself!

I've been recording my manager for months. If that troll ever F's with me I will bury him!

the fact that you shit bags are still there is a huge embarrassment.

Selling an old persons blue light glow stick combo 1950s derm treatment and bitching about it

SHUT UP. Your career sucks. You suck.

Can anyone explain why a 1 day PDT in-service would be legal? The handbook says we must do 2-day in-services but my manager says to do 1 day in-services. I recorded him telling me this. Should I report him?

There is probably no illegality. That would be determined by product labeling, product instructions, or a REM being violated. The 1-day vs. 2-day inservice is most likely an SOP (standard operating procedure) put in place to properly educate the office and avoid liability issues to them or SUN. The SOP should be in writing, should be reproducible, and should be followed to the letter or changed properly by SUN in writing. If you are uncomfortable with the situation, by all means report the matter to compliance. You already have the supposed recorded manager quote. Rather than threaten or heighten the situation with the manager, I would ask the manager to clarify how the 1-day rule is mandated. Assuming it is an SOP or handbook suggestion, it should be in writing either way and part of sales training if it is a mandate that affects education, proper product use, legality, patient safety, etc. If you have any discomfort, the matter should be reported to SUN compliance.

There is probably no illegality. That would be determined by product labeling, product instructions, or a REM being violated. The 1-day vs. 2-day inservice is most likely an SOP (standard operating procedure) put in place to properly educate the office and avoid liability issues to them or SUN. The SOP should be in writing, should be reproducible, and should be followed to the letter or changed properly by SUN in writing. If you are uncomfortable with the situation, by all means report the matter to compliance. You already have the supposed recorded manager quote. Rather than threaten or heighten the situation with the manager, I would ask the manager to clarify how the 1-day rule is mandated. Assuming it is an SOP or handbook suggestion, it should be in writing either way and part of sales training if it is a mandate that affects education, proper product use, legality, patient safety, etc. If you have any discomfort, the matter should be reported to SUN compliance.

Since the label states that there should be 14-18 hour incubation and if the office only does 1-3 hour incubation, if I am doing an in-service for 1 day then I am pretty much supporting off-label use. Isn't that why the in-service guide says do a 2 day in-service? If it is okay to do a 1 day in-service even though the office is using the product off label, how come we are told that if the office does extremities we are not to be in the room because it is off label? Why is one off label use okay to be in the room and the other it isn't? If it is okay to do a 1 day in-service then how come that isn't clearly stated in writing in the in-service guide?

It should be in writing. More important, it should not be ambiguous. The same clear and specific message should be in the guide, sales training, office in-service, and most important communicated by management. The whole idea of not being in the room when off-label use is going on seems fishy. If the rep gives the office off-label advice in sales materials, instructions, in-servicing, they are misbranding their product and off-label. Being out of the room does not avoid the issue. This seems like a matter that should be addressed with a sales wide phone call, not discussed as a contemplation matter on CaféPharma.

It should be in writing. More important, it should not be ambiguous. The same clear and specific message should be in the guide, sales training, office in-service, and most important communicated by management. The whole idea of not being in the room when off-label use is going on seems fishy. If the rep gives the office off-label advice in sales materials, instructions, in-servicing, they are misbranding their product and off-label. Being out of the room does not avoid the issue. This seems like a matter that should be addressed with a sales wide phone call, not discussed as a contemplation matter on CaféPharma.

They whole sale of this product is Fishy. If I ask any questions about this I am afraid I will be targeted. Just the way it is in this industry and especially here. I trust nobody...

The bottom line is the company turns a blind eye to off-label promotion, as well as selling the spread.

There's a long indelible history, and one day, the house of cards will fall.

Document everything.

The bottom line is the company turns a blind eye to off-label promotion, as well as selling the spread.

There's a long indelible history, and one day, the house of cards will fall.

Document everything.

Complaint has already been filed with OIG and people in management were named. Good luck with that Mfers!

Complaint has already been filed with OIG and people in management were named. Good luck with that Mfers!

I would not want to be the people that coached and trained how to sell off label and sell the spread all these years. You better have a lot of money saved for a good lawyer. Sun will throw you under the bus in a heartbeat.

Since the label states that there should be 14-18 hour incubation and if the office only does 1-3 hour incubation, if I am doing an in-service for 1 day then I am pretty much supporting off-label use. Isn't that why the in-service guide says do a 2 day in-service? If it is okay to do a 1 day in-service even though the office is using the product off label, how come we are told that if the office does extremities we are not to be in the room because it is off label? Why is one off label use okay to be in the room and the other it isn't? If it is okay to do a 1 day in-service then how come that isn't clearly stated in writing in the in-service guide?

Yes, it is as clear as day. The labeling states a 14-18 hour incubation period at least three times, same mention in the patient instructions. Recommendation to apply in afternoon and light the next morning. Seems that a 1-day in-service off those facts is off-label and misbranding. Internally, the effort to move to one day in-service is off SOP and in-service guide. Reps watch your back.

Yes, it is as clear as day. The labeling states a 14-18 hour incubation period at least three times, same mention in the patient instructions. Recommendation to apply in afternoon and light the next morning. Seems that a 1-day in-service off those facts is off-label and misbranding. Internally, the effort to move to one day in-service is off SOP and in-service guide. Reps watch your back.

The 1-day inservice is what is going to do this company in. It is a clear and evident strategy to promote off label. This direction came directly from the NSD and he even had all of us tracking this back in 2015. All the records are there. Plus all the Derms can testify that it was Sun/Dusa that encouraged 1 day inservices. It was also Kasten and Branca who taught us how to perform these in training. No wonder Kasten left...that won't save her though. They can still bust her. DO NOT DO A 1 DAY INSERVICE!!! If you manager asks you to do one have him put it in writing on email why it is legal.

The 1-day inservice is what is going to do this company in. It is a clear and evident strategy to promote off label. This direction came directly from the NSD and he even had all of us tracking this back in 2015. All the records are there. Plus all the Derms can testify that it was Sun/Dusa that encouraged 1 day inservices. It was also Kasten and Branca who taught us how to perform these in training. No wonder Kasten left...that won't save her though. They can still bust her. DO NOT DO A 1 DAY INSERVICE!!! If you manager asks you to do one have him put it in writing on email why it is legal.

I hope they all get prison time!