SUN Pharma = Sh*t Show

I've scrolled through this thread and am really surprised to see both the depth and breadth of comments here for such a relatively new and small company.

Growing pains are to be expected, but what I've been experiencing since joining is a raw collapse of support, structure, strategy, process and culture.

Can this continue and for how long ? I didn't get the sense from our t-con a few weeks ago that things are going to improve.

I've scrolled through this thread and am really surprised to see both the depth and breadth of comments here for such a relatively new and small company.

Growing pains are to be expected, but what I've been experiencing since joining is a raw collapse of support, structure, strategy, process and culture.

Can this continue and for how long ? I didn't get the sense from our t-con a few weeks ago that things are going to improve.

Here is a quick question: What leader in any division do you respect and why? I am on PDT side and have zero respect for any manager or NSD. They all lie like crazy and act like they are better than us. Zero trust between leadership and sales force. They want us to sell off label and then say now remember you cant sell off label? WTF? Lots of wink winks...How about other business groups?

I've scrolled through this thread and am really surprised to see both the depth and breadth of comments here for such a relatively new and small company.

Growing pains are to be expected, but what I've been experiencing since joining is a raw collapse of support, structure, strategy, process and culture.

Can this continue and for how long ? I didn't get the sense from our t-con a few weeks ago that things are going to improve.

Because the majority of the people hired here cannot find employment elsewhere this is a place where 100% Americans are kissing the ass of an India company, stabbing colleagues in the back, looking the other way, working in silos, not communicating


Oh and add in someone never told Dilip his pharmaceutical flea market of products ranks as one of the lowest overall collection of garage sale items in swap meet history.

This is not where one man's junk is another man's treasure.

Dilip is a fine man, my friend. You Americans lack discipline and our culture is far superior.

You mean a culture where the US CEO F bombs a woman in front of others and thinks its ok? You mean that kind of culture?

or are you talking about teaching people off label marketing verbally and then in writing saying dont do off label marketing. Is that what you mean stinky?

It's the worst I've ever seen. The few good executives and staff were terminated or left on their own. Everyone else has checked out. It is very hard to get anything done because no one in the home office has a vested interest anymore. No communication. Old technology. Terrible HR department. Constant budget issues. Sexist culture. Need I say more?

It's the worst I've ever seen. The few good executives and staff were terminated or left on their own. Everyone else has checked out. It is very hard to get anything done because no one in the home office has a vested interest anymore. No communication. Old technology. Terrible HR department. Constant budget issues. Sexist culture. Need I say more?

The indians don't understand the US market or how Americans want to be treated. Nobody cares here anymore and if they say they do they are lying. If you are not looking to get out of here you are a fool...mic drop!

somehow during the course of a recruiter discussion, I'd mentioned we're on Lotus Notes. The recruiter couldn't believe it - and come to think of it, the program pre-dates my post college employment.

A small, yet insight to the raw cheapness of the company.

One more thing: a couple of months ago I asked a 5 year tenured colleague if they'd ever take one of our products. Quickly, and without hestitation, they said 'no'!

Then, last week, my daughter got a prescription. When we picked it up from the pharmacy, it was a Taro product. I thought, I'm not comfortable with this. Knowing that Dilip can't solve the FDA quality issues at Halol for two years, why should I have confidence in any 'Sun' product.

We called the pediatrician and got an Rx for another product.

I definitely am going to leave ... that was a wake up call for me. No confidence in a Sun product for personal use.

Let's not mix pineapples with oranges! Yes, there is a change in SUN management and style. Yes the new management is from India, however, Ranbaxy is/was India based too. The Lotus notes thing is an artifact of Indian culture and being thrifty. It works--why fix it? As for the brand quality, lets get real. The Halol site deal is the FDA being as racist as our President. Easy and more effective politically to beat up on Sun and not bully Pfizer or Bristol Myers Squibb. Once Dilip pays the fines and fixes the ever growing FDA charges, Halol will open and thrive until the US Government needs more easy cash to pay for Obamacare and Puerto Rico. All Taro products...old and new are made in the USA by the same contract manufacturers who make products for Galderma, Glaxo, Astellas, etc. If you think you will do better with a Fougera product or some other crap made in are as dumb as you sound!

Lotus notes is crude and antiquiated, but it serves our needs. Dilip is smart manufacturing in USA.
Unlike Americans, Indians are more in depth thinkers. American females love our sandals
amd white socks. They say our oils and scents smell good.

Lotus notes is crude and antiquiated, but it serves our needs. Dilip is smart manufacturing in USA.
Unlike Americans, Indians are more in depth thinkers. American females love our sandals
amd white socks. They say our oils and scents smell good.

99.99999% of companies use Outlook. Sun is the .00001% of companies that use Lotus Notes. Cheapness doesn't even explain it. Emails disappear, you can't use it off line, and it is so antiquated. We have complained about this for years but the dot heads dont care. Ridiculous.

Indian culture really? Just go over there and see what an f - upped culture is really like in particular if you are poor or a female. Abahay is a clueless arrogant jack ass. I guess your leadership does not work in the US market but keep taking the red eye flights and bragging about it. You are a joke. Finally, most if not all threads are right on. But the thread on Andy and Ashish are laughable. Those guys chase off managers and reps faster than anyone can count. if you really want proof just talk to the Taro reps and managers they are miserable the business in in the tank and you have virtually an entire division looking to leave as soon as they can. Hardly the answer for this place. The other derm teams should really be worried that Ashish is bringing his "magic" over to those groups. Absolute joke.

Lotus notes is crude and antiquiated, but it serves our needs. Dilip is smart manufacturing in USA.
Unlike Americans, Indians are more in depth thinkers. American females love our sandals
amd white socks. They say our oils and scents smell good.

Elegantly stated my friend. We are quite a sensation with American women who like our big cobras.

to the last two posts:

First, Lotus Notes has a negative impact on productivity. Two people who sit within direct sight of each other are on two different systems which prohibits a single calendar view when doing something as basic like setting up a meeting. So don't tell us 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it'.

Regarding Halol, Dilip is a complete mess. Two years this mfg facility has been shut down, yet he frets about a single territory in Nebraska. Now that's a demonstration of priorities and strategic thinking. Gives me a lot of confidence in the future of the company, not.

The point around not having confidence in our own products is simple - regardless of where there're made, and by the way even our contract mfrs have significant Quality issue e.g. Topical Steroids, the key issue is that Sun's own employees do not believe in their products for their own 'consumption'

And you really want to compare Halol to Trump ? Give me a break you idiot.

FDA would much rather go after the Pfizers and BMSs of the world as their pockets are much, much deeper and their products are taken by 1000-fold more patients.

Don't fool yourself to think that Sun is that important to be on the radar.

Lotus notes is crude and antiquiated, but it serves our needs. Dilip is smart manufacturing in USA.
Unlike Americans, Indians are more in depth thinkers. American females love our sandals
amd white socks. They say our oils and scents smell good.

Lotus works and the proof is in our upward climb in market share and consistent
profits. If it isnt broke, don't fix it !

Let's not mix pineapples with oranges! Yes, there is a change in SUN management and style. Yes the new management is from India, however, Ranbaxy is/was India based too. The Lotus notes thing is an artifact of Indian culture and being thrifty. It works--why fix it? As for the brand quality, lets get real. The Halol site deal is the FDA being as racist as our President. Easy and more effective politically to beat up on Sun and not bully Pfizer or Bristol Myers Squibb. Once Dilip pays the fines and fixes the ever growing FDA charges, Halol will open and thrive until the US Government needs more easy cash to pay for Obamacare and Puerto Rico. All Taro products...old and new are made in the USA by the same contract manufacturers who make products for Galderma, Glaxo, Astellas, etc. If you think you will do better with a Fougera product or some other crap made in are as dumb as you sound!

Yes, I cant get enough of the new Indian management style. Constant berating of Americans. Women are considered subpar and worthy of only entry level jobs. Indian thriftiness to the point of being unprepared for product launches in competitive markets. The arrogance of the Indian management is exemplified by bashing the FDA for the lack of quality controls at the Halol plant. This post perfectly explains why the employees are leaving.