Suit vs PCRX

Can anyone name one substinative thing Murphy evar said, presented, initiatied, or created? Ever.

Bueller, Bueller....

But in a larger sense, we can not dedicate we can not consecrate we can not hallow this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember, what we say here, but can never forget what they did here.

It is for us, the living, rather to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they have, thus far, so nobly carried on. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain; that this nation shall have a new birth of freedom; and that this government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.

I just read the suit. According to the filing, RA reported multiple acts of MA selling efforts, the misuse of grants, the paying of KOLs to do studies that were never conducted, and sexual harrassment. These were reported to HR, Murphy and Reiser on at least four occasions in person or by email. To each she was told, "To mind her own business."
She also includeds the extra stock grants and RSSs given to FODs (Friends of Dave) and how MA staff was included in COE trips and had actively sold in sales calls with SASs.
Suit was filed as a whistleblower case and she's asking got $1M. If there was nothing substantive this would have been dismissed shortly after it was filed in last 2018.

I just read the suit. According to the filing, RA reported multiple acts of MA selling efforts, the misuse of grants, the paying of KOLs to do studies that were never conducted, and sexual harrassment. These were reported to HR, Murphy and Reiser on at least four occasions in person or by email. To each she was told, "To mind her own business."
She also includeds the extra stock grants and RSSs given to FODs (Friends of Dave) and how MA staff was included in COE trips and had actively sold in sales calls with SASs.
Suit was filed as a whistleblower case and she's asking got $1M. If there was nothing substantive this would have been dismissed shortly after it was filed in last 2018.

Anyone who worked at Pacira when RA was there, knows she has a very good case. And, yes, if there was nothing substantive, it would have gone away a while ago. My guess is it will be settled by Consent Order, with confidentiality agreement in place. Sadly, NO heads will role, certainly not DS - maybe a sacrificial lamb in the form of HR VP, since no one cares about him or the HR dept anyway. DS sees them as a nuisance. And current HR P is a liability to the company in his own right.

Anyone who worked at Pacira when RA was there, knows she has a very good case. And, yes, if there was nothing substantive, it would have gone away a while ago. My guess is it will be settled by Consent Order, with confidentiality agreement in place. Sadly, NO heads will role, certainly not DS - maybe a sacrificial lamb in the form of HR VP, since no one cares about him or the HR dept anyway. DS sees them as a nuisance. And current HR VP is a liability to the company in his own right.

Kahr has been central to so many Internal HR issues. Remember he told LH she was too old to advance with Pacira. Then the she, the only competent person in HR, left. Just the guy you want leading HR; he’s a joke.

Kahr has been central to so many Internal HR issues. Remember he told LH she was too old to advance with Pacira. Then the she, the only competent person in HR, left. Just the guy you want leading HR; he’s a joke.

Look who left from his team: first AC out in San Diego, then LH, then SC. All women. All over 40 (50?). All highly competent/highly accomplished. All smart enough to know it's better to walk alway than lodge an EEOC complaint.

This is from Pacira's response to RA's attorneys:

39. Plaintiff also stated that in 2016, another male colleague, Justin Sherrod, touched her a “little too low” when greeting her with a hug “every now and then”. (Exhibit 10, Abell Dep., at 67:11-18, 67:8-68:11). Additionally, she identified Sherrod as making the “joke”, at an unidentified time, that “the reason she was so successful” was because she had romantic or sexual relationships with her clients.3 (Exhibit 10, Abell Dep., at 213:10-24). 2 These underlying facts are not “undisputed” by Defendants. However, Defendants acknowledge that Plaintiff testified as to these occurrences. Thus, for purposes of the instant motion only and conducting a summary judgment analysis in the light most favorable to Plaintiff, Defendants take these allegations as “true.” Defendants reserve all rights to dispute these allegations if any claim proceeds past summary judgment to trial. 3 These underlying facts are not “undisputed” by Defendants. However, Defendants acknowledge that Plaintiff testified as to these occurrences. Thus, for purposes of the instant motion only and conducting a summary judgment analysis in the light most favorable to Plaintiff, Defendants take these allegations as “true.” Defendants reserve all rights to dispute these allegations if any claim proceeds past summary judgment to trial. Case 2:18-cv-16509-MCA-AME Document 83 Filed 05/07/21 Page 11 of 24 PageID: 851 12
40. Plaintiff admitted that she did not report any instance of sexual harassment during her employment with Pacira. (Exhibit 10, Abell Dep., at 72:9-11).
Specifically, when asked:
Q: Just so we’re clear, you never reported any sexual harassment about yourself.
A: No. (Abell Dep., 72:9-11).
41. During Plaintiff’s employment, Christenson and Sherrod held the title of Surgical Sales Associate, or “SAS”. (Exhibit 10, Abell Dep., at 57:1-11). Christenson and Sherrod worked in the Midwest and Southeast regions, respectively. (Kahr Cert., at ¶ 6; Exhibit 6, Organizational Chart, at Pacira 000108, 000110).
42. When asked whether Plaintiff had been aware of policies which states that complaints of sexual harassment would be investigated promptly,” and “failure to report complains of unlawful harassment hampers the company’s ability to take necessary steps to remedy such situations,” Plaintiff stated “yes.” (Exhibit 10, Abell Dep., at 78:2-12; see also Exhibit 8, Employee Handbook, at Pacira 000292).
43. When asked whether Plaintiff “realize[d] [that] when [she] chose not to record these incidents of sexual harassment that the company couldn’t do anything to help you,” Plaintiff stated: “yes.” (Exhibit 10, Abell Dep., at 78:13-16; see also Exhibit 8, Employee Handbook, at Pacira 000292).
44. When asked whether Plaintiff knew that the company had a policy prohibiting any form of retaliation against individuals, who in good faith, report unwelcome conduct or who cooperate in the investigation of such reports in accordance with this policy,” Plaintiff stated: “yes.” (Exhibit 10, Abell Dep., at 78:17-79:3; see also Exhibit 8, Employee Handbook, at Pacira 000292). Case 2:18-cv-16509-MCA-AME Document 83 Filed 05/07/21 Page 12 of 24 PageID: 852 13 45. Additionally, Plaintiff specifically stated: “I am not seeking compensation for people touching me or not reporting them. . . it was my choice to stay quiet.” (Exhibit 10, Abell Dep., at 63:19-24).

Lance N. also reported RA had made sexual innuendos and suggestions to him, which he reported. Was unable to cut & paste these due to CF space limitations.

Both Sherrod and Noble were promoted to RDs.

RA's boss' comments to HR"
81. During Doherty’s interview with Kahr on February 28, 2018, Doherty shared that Plaintiff was crying following the incident at Topgolf claiming that she had been made to feel unwelcome. (Doherty HR Interview Notes identified as Pacira 000082 attached to Kahr Cert., at ¶ 12, Exhibit A). However, in response to Kahr asking if she had anything else to share, Doherty reported that during one of the breaks following a meeting at the National Sales Meeting, Plaintiff showed her a sexually oriented website called Kama Sutra. (Id.). In response, Doherty informed Plaintiff that she should focus on the meeting and close down the website. (Id.). She also expressed that Plaintiff was a “distraction” to others, a “challenge to manage,” and she was a potential issue for her and the company due to Plaintiff’s lack of professionalism and foul language. (Id.; Exhibit 4, Kahr Dep., at 232:11-18).

"Plaintiff also stated that in 2016, another male colleague, Justin Sherrod, touched her a “little too low” when greeting her with a hug “every now and then”. (Exhibit 10, Abell Dep., at 67:11-18, 67:8-68:11). Additionally, she identified Sherrod as making the “joke”, at an unidentified time, that “the reason she was so successful” was because she had romantic or sexual relationships with her clients.3 (Exhibit 10, Abell Dep., at 213:10-24)."

Finally! Someone mentioned this creepster's behavior. He made moves on me in San Diego. I don't care if he was on The Bachelor or that he palyed professional baseball.

RA told me, "he touched me at NSM in Nashville." Another women told me he creeped on her at NSM in Orlando.

See a pattern???

Multiple females on his team came forward several years after this lawsuit. Same exact complaints, same response from HR... “shut up or leave” and he kept his leadership role.

Multiple females on his team came forward several years after this lawsuit had been filed. Same complaints, same response from HR; “shut up or leave”. And he maintained his leadership role.

Real pro athletes find it offensive when people in the MINOR League claim they made it. This guy is a clown.

Are you a pro athlete? Do you know “real pro athletes? Have you conducted a poll amongst a large enough sample size of “real pro athletes” asking them if they get offended? I don’t think you have. I don’t think you’ve ever met a “real pro athlete” in your life. You just sound like a bitter and angry individual plastering a personal vendetta on cafepharma. That’s sad. And I feel sorry for you. Hope your life takes you to a place where you’re able to realize how childish and petty this kind of stuff is.

“Hope your life takes you to a place where you’re able to realize how childish and petty this kind of stuff is.”

This statement is a perfect example of the prevalent attitude women at Pacira have been subjected to and have been complaining about for years. Unwelcome sexual touching and verbal innuendos are not “childish” or “petty.” These are very serious issues and not to be downplayed or dismissed.
You, my friend, are the problem or part of the problem.

“Hope your life takes you to a place where you’re able to realize how childish and petty this kind of stuff is.”

This statement is a perfect example of the prevalent attitude women at Pacira have been subjected to and have been complaining about for years. Unwelcome sexual touching and verbal innuendos are not “childish” or “petty.” These are very serious issues and not to be downplayed or dismissed.
You, my friend, are the problem or part of the problem.

Thanks for the feedback! If only “Unwelcome sexual touching and verbal innuendos” weren’t so subjective…you know? Or maybe you don’t know, and that’s the scary thought…

I don’t personally know this guy. I was just responding to what I read on the thread. And it seemed to be a grand culmination of lower back touching and joking with some woman that she wouldn’t be so good at sales if it wasn’t for how she looked, acted, etc. That’s it?