Suit vs PCRX

I’m fairly new to the organization, so maybe I just can’t grasp the true “deep state” stuff going on here...But most of this just doesn’t add up, on ALL Pacira boards/threads.

Rookie look past the “saving people from opioid addiction” mission and see which puppeteers are pulling the strings. It’s one group of people (usual suspects) who are at the maestros to this sh&t stain of a company.

Not saying you made a mistake joining, I’ll let you come to that conclusion 6 months from now.

Unless you learn to suck up to the Gang.

If it’s something that’s been repeated for years chances are that there’s a kernel of truth in it.

Rookie look past the “saving people from opioid addiction” mission and see which puppeteers are pulling the strings. It’s one group of people (usual suspects) who are at the maestros to this sh&t stain of a company.

Not saying you made a mistake joining, I’ll let you come to that conclusion 6 months from now.

Unless you learn to suck up to the Gang.

If it’s something that’s been repeated for years chances are that there’s a kernel of truth in it.

Still I’m not sold most of this isn't rubbish....All I heard when joining this company from virtually everyone I came in contact with was “the only way you get fired here is due to compliance/HR crap. So keep your nose clean and you’ll coast thru. But you don’t and your gone quick”. And that’s pretty much what I’ve seen since joining. Shoot, we just let one of our top 10 AMs go cause he attended a case with a MSL or something we’ll can a top sales person (lightening speed) for something as hand slapping as that? But let all these corrupt, shady, characters like DM, VS, GR, etc whose shenanigans supposedly are “so commonly known” stay?

I don’t know... either this has become an out of control gossip factory thread or no one is truly doing anything wrong?

OR... And this option kills me the’s truly been going on and none of you have been smart enough or had the guts to report any of these crazy accusations made?

Furthermore, MR has been around peripherally long enough and now in his position with us long enough to have become aware of blatant and risky shenanigans like ppl are talking about here.

It’s pretty obvious what is going on here from a JnJ perspective and MR, etc. And JnJ wouldn’t have gotten in bed or remain in bed with a company so obviously corrupt. They get enough bad press on their own. They wouldn’t risk more on Exparel.

" none of you have been smart enough or had the guts to report any of these crazy accusations made?"

Sadly, there are at least of few us on this thread who DID report it, and are no longer with the company. There are also a few of us, who saw what was happening and saw what happened to people who tried to stop it, so we just left quickly and quietly. The lawsuit is by someone who did see and is now reporting it - to the highest authority - the courts.

I highly doubt that MR or J& J had any visibility into the daily workings of the commercial field team and their shenanigans. In the best of all worlds he cleans it up.

There are skeletons in every company’s closet. Think whatever you choose. Rude, volatile, aggressive, profane, manipulative, and smart describes plaintiff. The company had many opportunities to correct inappropriate behavior over four years, they chose the easy out. Do nothing.

There are skeletons in every company’s closet. Think whatever you choose. Rude, volatile, aggressive, profane, manipulative, and smart describes plaintiff. The company had many opportunities to correct inappropriate behavior over four years, they chose the easy out. Do nothing.

Bravo, couldnt agree more. Her managers were afraid of her. They probably still are.

The latest.

Monday, September 09, 2019
48 6 pgs order Order ~Util - Set Hearings ~Util - Set/Clear Flags Mon 2:35 PM
LETTER ORDER - A Scheduling Conference is set for 10/28/2019 at 11:30 AM in Newark - Courtroom 3C before Magistrate Judge Leda D. Wettre.Signed by Magistrate Judge Leda D. Wettre on 9/9/2019. (kd)
Wednesday, August 28, 2019

WOW! If you are a minority, or a woman, or over 50; you are going no where at
Pacira. No African-American managers. I cannot think of more than 2 AAs in field sales. Any minorities in Medical Affair? Mayb one in HOVA. Absolutely the least diverse company I have ever worked for.

Check out the video posted on LinkedIn this week featuring the Sr Mrktg Dir.: clearly picked the people in it to make the company LOOK diverse. and whatever happened to our "3rd Molar campaign?" .......

Ode to Glenn
Pacira Corporate Espionage- How could the SEC Fall for Pacira’s Consultants Bullshit claims?
In the winter 2016, the flood of Pacira sales resumes into PixarBio was thought to be a direct result of Pacira’s slow sales of Exparel. Their Global sales leader told me “we have 95% brand recognition yet single digit sales growth, the product is not being accepted by the market”
Year over year sales of Exparel were dropping dramatically, even though they were the only non-opiate drug FDA approved for post-surgical pain during a “war on opiates”. Pacira’s Exparel sales were dropping as the direct result of a product called Exparel that was not removing opiates from the post- surgical pain mgmt. cycle. With a median time to first opiate intake after surgery at just 15 hours. The Pacira salesforce was giving up on Exparel, even though Exparel is the only non-opiate drug that is FDA approved for post-surgical pain
Pacira Targets PixarBio
Pacira’s Sales employees pursued PixarBio aggressively. In a short period of time we hired former Pacira Sales person Glenn Reiser and Taunia Markvicka. On Taunia’s third day with PixarBio, she revealed she had a contract that paid her over $1,000,000 in 2016 to write reports on PixarBio for Pacira Pharmaceutical, while she worked at PixarBio. She told us this after a 3 hour science review of NeuroRelease. Taunia completed her science transfer meetings and drove home to Pacira on her third day of working at PixarBio. A pure theft of corporate knowledge.
The unusual encounter with the Taunia, led PixarBio filed charges in NJ against Taunia Markvicka in spring 2016.
Former Pacira sales person David Kaplan then called PixarBio complaining he had no equity in Pacira and if we gave him equity in PixarBio he would work for PixarBio. Shortly after David Kaplan joined PixarBio he began calling loyal PixarBio employees suggesting they quit PixarBio. David Kaplan then brought on Dr Moed Azzam who worked as an advisor at Pacira and Moed was the caller who made baseless claims to the SEC. Moed Azaam was clueless about PixarBio’s team, business, and operations as he attended two short meetings during his time working for PixarBio
The Four Former Pacira Staff that undermined PixarBio for Pacira are:
1. Moed Azzam- Attended two short PXRB meetings as a PixarBio advisor. Signed as The #1 Plaintiff in the NJ Class Action. Moed Azzam does not legally qualified to be the lead plaintiff
2. David Kaplan- David lied about relationship with Pacira, David is a real fraud who lied almost
every time his lips were moving
3. Taunia Markvicka- A failed sales manager at Pacira Taunia lied about successfully rolling out
Exparel, when in fact she was fired for failing to successfully roll out Exparel. Taunia came to
work for PixarBio lying about still being under contract for Pacira
4. Glenn Reiser – Glenn claimed to be Pacira US Sales manager during interviews, but background
checks found he was local sales rep for Pacira. Glenn had Pacira people lie to confirm his fake background. Glenn brought the rest of the Pacira team to PixarBio
Spring 2016 Claims filed in NJ against Pacira Consultant
It took PixarBio three days to find out PixarBio’s new employee and Pacira’s former National Sales Manager Taunia Markvicka still have a contract to be paid by Pacira over $1M to write reports on PixarBio during 2016.
Taunia left a disturbing voicemail stating that Pacira has secret programs to stop PixarBio, which led to charges being filed in NJ in 2016
The Pacira people kept coming
Next Up Pacira National Sales manager David Kaplan called and complained Pacira refused to give him ANY stock so he wanted to come to work for PixarBio if we paid him stock. David lied to us from the first words spoken to PixarBio. David did indeed have shares of Pacira
David Kaplan brought in Moed Azzam to join the PixarBio advisory team. Kaplan had orders NOT to recommend any advisors to PixarBio that had worked with Pacira. Kaplan bring in Moed Azzam another former Pacira advisor and Moed Azzam called the SEC to try to stop PixarBio, NOT to help PixarBio investors or protect to PixarBio investors but to support David Kaplan attacks and to enrich his own Pacira stock and investor friends. In July 2016, David Kaplan called a PixarBio employee and his spouse at night for 45 minutes, insisting the employee quit PixarBio. Kaplan tried to convince the spouse the husband should quit PixarBio and look for another job. They had 3 children why would they want no income? To quote the employees spouse “Kaplan sounds like he works for Pacira”
How did all four Pacira people arrive at PixarBio in such a short period of time?
They conducted corporate espionage on behalf of Pacira. David Kaplan was the ring leader.
Exparel is the only non-opiate that is FDA approved for the treatment of post-surgical pain treatment and PixarBio’s NeuroRelease which is still pre-clinical has the pre-clinical science to prove NeuroRelease will make Exparel look sub-optimal in reducing opiate addiction and treating pain.

No surprise, GR was fired by FR. Not a good guy.

Ode to Glenn
Pacira Corporate Espionage- How could the SEC Fall for Pacira’s Consultants Bullshit claims?
In the winter 2016, the flood of Pacira sales resumes into PixarBio was thought to be a direct result of Pacira’s slow sales of Exparel. Their Global sales leader told me “we have 95% brand recognition yet single digit sales growth, the product is not being accepted by the market”
Year over year sales of Exparel were dropping dramatically, even though they were the only non-opiate drug FDA approved for post-surgical pain during a “war on opiates”. Pacira’s Exparel sales were dropping as the direct result of a product called Exparel that was not removing opiates from the post- surgical pain mgmt. cycle. With a median time to first opiate intake after surgery at just 15 hours. The Pacira salesforce was giving up on Exparel, even though Exparel is the only non-opiate drug that is FDA approved for post-surgical pain
Pacira Targets PixarBio
Pacira’s Sales employees pursued PixarBio aggressively. In a short period of time we hired former Pacira Sales person Glenn Reiser and Taunia Markvicka. On Taunia’s third day with PixarBio, she revealed she had a contract that paid her over $1,000,000 in 2016 to write reports on PixarBio for Pacira Pharmaceutical, while she worked at PixarBio. She told us this after a 3 hour science review of NeuroRelease. Taunia completed her science transfer meetings and drove home to Pacira on her third day of working at PixarBio. A pure theft of corporate knowledge.
The unusual encounter with the Taunia, led PixarBio filed charges in NJ against Taunia Markvicka in spring 2016.
Former Pacira sales person David Kaplan then called PixarBio complaining he had no equity in Pacira and if we gave him equity in PixarBio he would work for PixarBio. Shortly after David Kaplan joined PixarBio he began calling loyal PixarBio employees suggesting they quit PixarBio. David Kaplan then brought on Dr Moed Azzam who worked as an advisor at Pacira and Moed was the caller who made baseless claims to the SEC. Moed Azaam was clueless about PixarBio’s team, business, and operations as he attended two short meetings during his time working for PixarBio
The Four Former Pacira Staff that undermined PixarBio for Pacira are:
1. Moed Azzam- Attended two short PXRB meetings as a PixarBio advisor. Signed as The #1 Plaintiff in the NJ Class Action. Moed Azzam does not legally qualified to be the lead plaintiff
2. David Kaplan- David lied about relationship with Pacira, David is a real fraud who lied almost
every time his lips were moving
3. Taunia Markvicka- A failed sales manager at Pacira Taunia lied about successfully rolling out
Exparel, when in fact she was fired for failing to successfully roll out Exparel. Taunia came to
work for PixarBio lying about still being under contract for Pacira
4. Glenn Reiser – Glenn claimed to be Pacira US Sales manager during interviews, but background
checks found he was local sales rep for Pacira. Glenn had Pacira people lie to confirm his fake background. Glenn brought the rest of the Pacira team to PixarBio
Spring 2016 Claims filed in NJ against Pacira Consultant
It took PixarBio three days to find out PixarBio’s new employee and Pacira’s former National Sales Manager Taunia Markvicka still have a contract to be paid by Pacira over $1M to write reports on PixarBio during 2016.
Taunia left a disturbing voicemail stating that Pacira has secret programs to stop PixarBio, which led to charges being filed in NJ in 2016
The Pacira people kept coming
Next Up Pacira National Sales manager David Kaplan called and complained Pacira refused to give him ANY stock so he wanted to come to work for PixarBio if we paid him stock. David lied to us from the first words spoken to PixarBio. David did indeed have shares of Pacira
David Kaplan brought in Moed Azzam to join the PixarBio advisory team. Kaplan had orders NOT to recommend any advisors to PixarBio that had worked with Pacira. Kaplan bring in Moed Azzam another former Pacira advisor and Moed Azzam called the SEC to try to stop PixarBio, NOT to help PixarBio investors or protect to PixarBio investors but to support David Kaplan attacks and to enrich his own Pacira stock and investor friends. In July 2016, David Kaplan called a PixarBio employee and his spouse at night for 45 minutes, insisting the employee quit PixarBio. Kaplan tried to convince the spouse the husband should quit PixarBio and look for another job. They had 3 children why would they want no income? To quote the employees spouse “Kaplan sounds like he works for Pacira”
How did all four Pacira people arrive at PixarBio in such a short period of time?
They conducted corporate espionage on behalf of Pacira. David Kaplan was the ring leader.
Exparel is the only non-opiate that is FDA approved for the treatment of post-surgical pain treatment and PixarBio’s NeuroRelease which is still pre-clinical has the pre-clinical science to prove NeuroRelease will make Exparel look sub-optimal in reducing opiate addiction and treating pain.

No surprise, GR was fired by FR. Not a good guy.

Come on, GR has always been a douche. Zebra can’t change its stripes!

Leadership? A boys network with obvious daddy issues clamoring for DS’s attention: Love me, D-! Validate me!

RS and R ‘the orifice” W are locked in a battle of wills for DS’s favor…available to the sloppiest sycophant. Cheap Clinical Officer (sales in medical clothing) is selling his ass off (to DS’s delight) threatening RS’s “#1 son” position. RW's Trumpian ego (smarter but less principled) can’t resist alerting his customers “I really do more in sales” as he promotes off label and promises grants. Advantage, RW. RS, you’ll never catch him. Navy didn't prepare you for THIS kind of evil. RW is playing to win, 8 steps ahead and revels in the challenge…but keep having MSL BF feed you intel because HE should have RW’s position(or at least LDs). Just ask him.

The suspense! Exalted RS or Untouchable RW? Who’s DM going to back? What's this…already demoted by new Prez? Someone finally sees this talentless hack climbing the backs of his girl underlings while arse kissing a lazy CEO. DS, there’s a rim licking, non-compliant MSL West nightmare who’d cream his shorts if you gave him the high sign(2 including BF). Instead of getting your KOLs paid for work never done maybe change your last name to Stack to get noticed. The real shame? EVERYONE knows this chaos is going on: MSLs just trying to avoid fallout from BF/LD/JW power struggle. As if RW notices or cares. He’s been trying to punt you guys to sales forever. Fortunately, BF has DG (CEO best friend as he tells it) in his corner...but more often the bar. Sales? Adopt GR’s motto “go along to get along” until you can leverage the secret sauce for a better job. Off label discussion a problem? Pishaw!. Wanna keep getting’ paid? Say nothing. HR and Legal only destroy the moral, the weak and the inconvenient. Oh, the abuses. SMH.

3rd quarter of solid growth but an impotent stock. SEC? I work 15 hours/week (still way more then MSLs) so, I guess, we win?

Leadership? A boys network with obvious daddy issues clamoring for DS’s attention: Love me, D-! Validate me!

RS and R ‘the orifice” W are locked in a battle of wills for DS’s favor…available to the sloppiest sycophant. Cheap Clinical Officer (sales in medical clothing) is selling his ass off (to DS’s delight) threatening RS’s “#1 son” position. RW's Trumpian ego (smarter but less principled) can’t resist alerting his customers “I really do more in sales” as he promotes off label and promises grants. Advantage, RW. RS, you’ll never catch him. Navy didn't prepare you for THIS kind of evil. RW is playing to win, 8 steps ahead and revels in the challenge…but keep having MSL BF feed you intel because HE should have RW’s position(or at least LDs). Just ask him.

The suspense! Exalted RS or Untouchable RW? Who’s DM going to back? What's this…already demoted by new Prez? Someone finally sees this talentless hack climbing the backs of his girl underlings while arse kissing a lazy CEO. DS, there’s a rim licking, non-compliant MSL West nightmare who’d cream his shorts if you gave him the high sign(2 including BF). Instead of getting your KOLs paid for work never done maybe change your last name to Stack to get noticed. The real shame? EVERYONE knows this chaos is going on: MSLs just trying to avoid fallout from BF/LD/JW power struggle. As if RW notices or cares. He’s been trying to punt you guys to sales forever. Fortunately, BF has DG (CEO best friend as he tells it) in his corner...but more often the bar. Sales? Adopt GR’s motto “go along to get along” until you can leverage the secret sauce for a better job. Off label discussion a problem? Pishaw!. Wanna keep getting’ paid? Say nothing. HR and Legal only destroy the moral, the weak and the inconvenient. Oh, the abuses. SMH.

3rd quarter of solid growth but an impotent stock. SEC? I work 15 hours/week (still way more then MSLs) so, I guess, we win?

"HR and Legal only destroy the moral, the weak and the inconvenient" -- oh so sad and sooo true, especially the Moral part......

The latest, both the plaintiff 's and defendent's attorneys are in settlement negotiations. Which, to me, indicates veracity to the suit and Pacira's interest in making this go away. Both parties are far apart on the setttlemtn amount; no surprise. Magistrate has given until July to execute additional discovery. Let's see how much its going to cost.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020
68 order Scheduling Order Wed 09/16 9:05 AM
AMENDED SCHEDULING ORDER scheduling Telephone Status Conference for January 20, 2021 at 02:30 PM and Settlement Conference for February 4, 2021 at 09:30 AM in Newark - Courtroom 3C before Magistrate Judge Leda D. Wettre, etc. Signed by Magistrate Judge Leda D. Wettre on 9/15/20.

If this had been a frivolous suit it who’d have been dismissed long ago. She’s going to get paid and we’ll still have the crooks working here, excepted PM.


Tuesday, September 15, 2020
68 order Scheduling Order Wed 09/16 9:05 AM
AMENDED SCHEDULING ORDER scheduling Telephone Status Conference for January 20, 2021 at 02:30 PM and Settlement Conference for February 4, 2021 at 09:30 AM in Newark - Courtroom 3C before Magistrate Judge Leda D. Wettre, etc. Signed by Magistrate Judge Leda D. Wettre on 9/15/20.

If this had been a frivolous suit it who’d have been dismissed long ago. She’s going to get paid and we’ll still have the crooks working here, excepted PM.
Can anyone name one substinative thing Murphy evar said, presented, initiatied, or created? Ever.

Bueller, Bueller....