Suit vs PCRX

I don’t personally know this guy. I was just responding to what I read on the thread. And it seemed to be a grand culmination of lower back touching and joking with some woman that she wouldn’t be so good at sales if it wasn’t for how she looked, acted, etc. That’s it?

This the definition of sexual harassment? Unwanted touching (anywhere on a woman’s body) or jokes suggesting that her sales performance was related to inappropriate sexual behavior; you are the problem.

This the definition of sexual harassment? Unwanted touching (anywhere on a woman’s body) or jokes suggesting that her sales performance was related to inappropriate sexual behavior; you are the problem.

wait wait wait…so only women can be sexually harassed? Pretty sure that’s absolutely NOT the definition, but that statement tells me everything I need to know about you as a person. Take a really long look at yourself in a mirror the next time you want to point fingers and place blame.

This the definition of sexual harassment? Unwanted touching (anywhere on a woman’s body) or jokes suggesting that her sales performance was related to inappropriate sexual behavior are the problem.[/QUOTE

I’ve called the Pacira hotline two times to report unwelcome advances. HR did nothing that I am aware of.

Once bout Christensen and once bout Sherrod. Both were promoted. Telling.

Make corrections for Mr. Grammar Police, a.k.a. the mansplainer.
I always find it amusing when women complain of mansplaining. How else are they gonna learn? Men only feel the need to explain when there’s an obvious lack of knowledge. Women do the very same thing... only they use twice as many words as men.

I always find it amusing when women complain of mansplaining. How else are they gonna learn? Men only feel the need to explain when there’s an obvious lack of knowledge. Women do the very same thing... only they use twice as many words as men.

"How else are they going to learn? It's obvious you are ready for a management position at Pacira.

So wait…these 2 dudes made advances, and you, of course, made it immediately very clear to them that they were unwelcome, right? And then what? They just kept making advances to the point that you couldn’t take it anymore and called HR?

Or did they make advances, not knowing if they were unwelcome or not? Or maybe they weren’t even thinking they were advances? Either way, you just jumped on the horn with HR immediately? Because in this day and age men need to be taught lessons!! How could they even think about being flirtatious and make “advances” and get away with it?!?!

Sounds like you sure showed them.

This post illustrates the total lack of awareness by the writer. One doesn't have to tell someone they are being offensive. That's what the hotline is for. There is no threshold. One or two times it doesn't matter. And, for the record, everyone needs to be taught a lesson. Level playing field for everybody.

Inappropriate behavior has to stop sometime.

This post illustrates the total lack of awareness by the writer. One doesn't have to tell someone they are being offensive. That's what the hotline is for. There is no threshold. One or two times it doesn't matter. And, for the record, everyone needs to be taught a lesson. Level playing field for everybody.

Inappropriate behavior has to stop sometime.

And this post right here sums up what’s wrong with people who think like you. Everybody needs to be taught a lesson huh? Why bother actually talking to each other when you can go tattle?! Can’t wait until you cross a line that you didn’t know existed and get “taught a lesson”. Or maybe it’s your son. Or your daughter.

And this post right here sums up what’s wrong with people who think like you. Everybody needs to be taught a lesson huh? Why bother actually talking to each other when you can go tattle?! Can’t wait until you cross a line that you didn’t know existed and get “taught a lesson”. Or maybe it’s your son. Or your daughter.

Only those that cross the line need to be taught a lesson. Abell states she experienced unwanted sexual advances from Sherrod and Christenson. That’s crossing the line. A line both men and women know exists, especially in today’s Me Too work setting.
Corporate tattletales are now called whistleblowers, these individuals risk their careers speaking up to expose wrongdoing. It’s not tattling if the information is factual.
And, as for my daughters, I have already warned them of men like Sherrod and Christenson.

Only those that cross the line need to be taught a lesson. Abell states she experienced unwanted sexual advances from Sherrod and Christenson. That’s crossing the line. A line both men and women know exists, especially in today’s Me Too work setting.
Corporate tattletales are now called whistleblowers, these individuals risk their careers speaking up to expose wrongdoing. It’s not tattling if the information is factual.
And, as for my daughters, I have already warned them of men like Sherrod and Christenson.[/QUOTE

“Me Too work setting”…That says it all. And that’s why I have warned my son’s about women like you.

Conflating and equalizing issues and situations that are actually physically and mentally harmful for women and men with some dude hitting on you when you didn’t want it. SMH…great job. You’re really fighting the good fight.

Only those that cross the line need to be taught a lesson. Abell states she experienced unwanted sexual advances from Sherrod and Christenson. That’s crossing the line. A line both men and women know exists, especially in today’s Me Too work setting.
Corporate tattletales are now called whistleblowers, these individuals risk their careers speaking up to expose wrongdoing. It’s not tattling if the information is factual.
And, as for my daughters, I have already warned them of men like Sherrod and Christenson.

I guess you must’ve misspoke when you said that “everyone needs to be taught a lesson”? You sound like the type of person who gets angry about something, or doesn’t get what they want, and gets vindictive. Exactly the type of mentality we absolutely don’t need in this world right now.

I guess you must’ve misspoke when you said that “everyone needs to be taught a lesson”? You sound like the type of person who gets angry about something, or doesn’t get what they want, and gets vindictive. Exactly the type of mentality we absolutely don’t need in this world right now.
“Only those that cross the line need to be taught a lesson.” This is quoted from my post.

“This post illustrates the total lack of awareness by the writer. One doesn't have to tell someone they are being offensive. That's what the hotline is for. There is no threshold. One or two times it doesn't matter. And, for the record, everyone needs to be taught a lesson. Level playing field for everybody.

Inappropriate behavior has to stop sometime.”

So this isn’t you saying that… “everyone needs to be taught a lesson. Level playing field for everybody.”…?

If not, it’s scary to realize that there are 2 of you out there with the same misguided and vindictive sense of self entitlement. Would hate to ever have to manage or work alongside this type ticking time bomb.

“This post illustrates the total lack of awareness by the writer. One doesn't have to tell someone they are being offensive. That's what the hotline is for. There is no threshold. One or two times it doesn't matter. And, for the record, everyone needs to be taught a lesson. Level playing field for everybody.

Inappropriate behavior has to stop sometime.”

So this isn’t you saying that… “everyone needs to be taught a lesson. Level playing field for everybody.”…?

If not, it’s scary to realize that there are 2 of you out there with the same misguided and vindictive sense of self entitlement. Would hate to ever have to manage or work alongside this type ticking time bomb.

Thank you, Justin.

Read transcripts, this pathological liar can't get her stories right. Her deposition is comical. Wastes time on issues not relevant to case. Has provided no substantiated evidence regarding malfeasance by MA, Grant team, Reiser, McLoughlin, Paul C., Davis, or Stack. And, nada on related to KOLs, BOD, anesthesiologist, or surgeons.

She's an absolute nut case.

Read transcripts, this pathological liar can't get her stories right. Her deposition is comical. Wastes time on issues not relevant to case. Has provided no substantiated evidence regarding malfeasance by MA, Grant team, Reiser, McLoughlin, Paul C., Davis, or Stack. And, nada on related to KOLs, BOD, anesthesiologist, or surgeons.

She's an absolute nut case.

This is a can’t lose scenario. You don’t like somebody, so if they do something you consider “questionable” even without them knowing it or realizing that they were at all crossing some imaginary, constantly moving line, you report them. And whether or not your claim has any merit at all, it has to be investigated seriously. And the target of your investigation becomes solely responsible for proving that he/she didn’t do whatever it is you claim they did. Even if they have on idea what you’re talking about. Guilty until proven innocent of course.

The best part is that you can’t question the accuser. You automatically have to 100% believe everything they say. Because if your question them, you’re part of the problem too!!! Never mind that fact somebody could just be exaggerating, or flat out making stuff up.

What an amazing system. So much more efficient than, oh I don’t know, maybe just addressing the situation when it actually happens, with the person doing it, and making it very clear how you feel? Crazy idea, I know.