Suit vs PCRX

“This post illustrates the total lack of awareness by the writer. One doesn't have to tell someone they are being offensive. That's what the hotline is for. There is no threshold. One or two times it doesn't matter. And, for the record, everyone needs to be taught a lesson. Level playing field for everybody.

Inappropriate behavior has to stop sometime.”

So this isn’t you saying that… “everyone needs to be taught a lesson. Level playing field for everybody.”…?

If not, it’s scary to realize that there are 2 of you out there with the same misguided and vindictive sense of self entitlement. Would hate to ever have to manage or work alongside this type ticking time bomb.

Who has fosters and demonstates the most offensive, objectionable, unacceptable, misogynistic behavior ?

Starts at the top. Dave Stack. The person I saw run LH, the most capabe and trustworthy person in HR, out is Rick Kahr. What a tool.

Ageism is a real problem too.

Who has fosters and demonstates the most offensive, objectionable, unacceptable, misogynistic behavior ?

Starts at the top. Dave Stack. The person I saw run LH, the most capabe and trustworthy person in HR, out is Rick Kahr. What a tool.

Ageism is a real problem too.

Kahr has been notorious for his inappropriate behavior in Parsippany. FODs (Friends of Dave) are exempt from the rules. They have to be why else would Joyce Davis and her minion Christa D'Agnese have survived!

Who has fosters and demonstates the most offensive, objectionable, unacceptable, misogynistic behavior ?

Starts at the top. Dave Stack. The person I saw run LH, the most capabe and trustworthy person in HR, out is Rick Kahr. What a tool.

Ageism is a real problem too.

They do what they want and no one can stop them

Interesting, Kahr was the lead internal investigator for the Abell v. Pacira suit. His incompetency has allowed this to drag on since 2018. His failure to make even a cursory investigation into the plethora of HR complaints finally catching up with him. So many valid complaints either not investigated or brushed aside.

If he'd done his job more than one of the many HR complaints against VS would have been found valid and this tool sent packing. Sherrod, Noble, Reiser, would all be out the door.

So much worse! Report earnings and the stock continues to drop like a rock! If you’re looking for a real career, it isn’t here. Best side hustle ever for as long as it can last.