Stock Price

The stock hits $5.50 and never gets close to 8.50.

Senior Leadership is worthless for investors- unless you are a short or Long Puts- then it's like Christmas every day!

Wet Towel Greg still dampening share price. Still trading under pre-supply disruption prices, barely clinging to $7. Keryx exec team continually delivers nothing, nada, zilch. Nice racket, if you can get it.

Wet Towel Greg still dampening share price. Still trading under pre-supply disruption prices, barely clinging to $7. Keryx exec team continually delivers nothing, nada, zilch. Nice racket, if you can get it.

Anemic scripts, no partnerships, no upside surprises. "WTG" will make sure we see 5s again.

After this stock fell from around $17- it took a long time for it to really run a little. But I have a feeling this is a dead cat bounce.

Many of us longs have plenty of money in other investments so we can ride this loser into the sunset and it will barely affect our portfolios. But for Senior Leadership, their Keryx RSUs, Options and direct financial ties can make or break their portfolios- even if they hold investments elsewhere.

I believe these clowns are just milking large salaries while RSUs get awarded to them. They have calculated that this is a nowhere stock and their best bet is to drain the company.

If real leadership existed- a buyer would've been found 2 years ago.

Honey Badger- how far off is my analysis?

Honey Badger say: 1) flush the turds out, 2) let the stink dissipate, and then, maybe, just maybe Keryx will see double digits again. As long as current klowns in charge, the only hope is a mercy acquisition. These do-nothings will try to keep their gravy boat floating along as long as conceivably possible. Stock down over 50% since GM took over. Let him dispute that.