Re: food for thought
okay, you guys that post messages complaining about the management styles at the VP level crack me up. Do you really need guidance from that level to do your job? How about being creative, assertive and doing your job to get results. Quit blaming someone or asking somebody else to bail you out. This is not an easy sell and I am far from the top performer, however , I don't make excuses. The company has done far better thatn most in paying out bonuses when reps didn't actually earn them and will be issuing stock options with merit increases. If you have landed in a "better " position than this then you may be working for a company that is more "stupid" than CRTX. LOL
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What the fuck ever. If you had actually read some of the above posts you would realize that anne is part of a systemic problem here at CT. If everything is broken, then yes you do need guidance and vision from upper management. Instead we get back stabbing and no support. You brag about how you "don't make excuses" but your performance isn't the greatest. I would tread very carefully because you may be on the way out yourself. anne has consistently gotten rid of reps who weren't performing throughout her career and I think it would be perfect if you got the boot after all your "LOL".