Stay Away From this Piece of Shit Company

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Hernan was employed a year with CRTX he decided to move on. I do remember him telling us in Baltimore when we had a meeting that if couldn't lead us the way we needed to be led that he would resign. He believed in the sales rep and had a genuine care for the sales force. Rumor has it that he and Anne did not have the same philosophy of leading. I guess it doesn't matter bottom line he is gone and I'm still here. I wish him and his family the very best. And before anyone says anything I'm not Hernan but someone he hired in Brian's Team. I wish I knew where he went because I would work for him.

I was asking about Hernan cause I worked with him at a prior company and wondered what happened to him. That was all.

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Thanks for the update on Hernan. I worked with him at AstraZeneca and recently tried to email him at the CRTX email he had given me but it was bounced back. Can't find him. I was told by a recruiter I was going to get an interview with CRTX but it doesn't sound like a place I want to be.

hernan was a piece of shit -- not the company. Did you hear the story about his wife being run over by a car while she was out jogging?

Yeah well it happened YEARS ago not even while he was at CRTX!!

What a f---ing liar.

hernan was a piece of shit -- not the company. Did you hear the story about his wife being run over by a car while she was out jogging?

Yeah well it happened YEARS ago not even while he was at CRTX!!

What a f---ing liar.

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Hernan may or may not be a piece of shit. However, there is no question that the company is. I have worked for several large and small pharma companies in the past and this place takes the cake. The only place that even comes close is astra hellica but at least that is a large company and you can fly underneath the radar if you need to. CRTX sucks ass

Wow is pretty sad to work in this type of company. I'm glad I'm on sick leave. I'm going to stay here also until I find a job. This place is truly pathetic.

Abby this is your nightmare speaking here. You know not everyone is a Big FAT Ass Liar like yourselve. So don't wag the dog by trying to make up stuff about others so that the focus gets off you. Nice try. Why don't you tell people on how you got let go from Serono because you lied on your resume or even better why don't you tell people the truth about how you have a reputation of lying period. This is a small industry Abby and the truth hurts doesn't it.


The individual who you tried to screw.

hernan was a piece of shit -- not the company. Did you hear the story about his wife being run over by a car while she was out jogging?

Yeah well it happened YEARS ago not even while he was at CRTX!!

What a f---ing liar.

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This thread is the flagship thread on the crtx portion of cafe pharma. It has almost 6000 hits and 200 replies and the title says it all, "Stay away from this piece of shit company". Truer words were never spoken. If I knew then what I know now, I never would have come to work for satan (anne) and her minions (abby, earl, etc). And before anyone asks, yes I am doing well bonus and money wise, but it is NOT worth it being in this horrible environment. Everyone I know is either actively looking or at least seriously considering getting another job. Time to get the hell out.

PS - haven't heard any posts from the guy/gal who only worked part of the week. They probably thought this place wasn't worth it either. F you crtx!

I know Hernan from a former company and through friends I know for a fact that his wife was hit by a car while he was at CRTX. Only a bunch a desperate loosers would accuse someone of lying about something so serious.

I think it was you AZ, you are just jealous because you couldn't run your fat ass from your sofa to your refrigerator without getting out of breath. Nice nose job by the way.

May 15th, what a beautiful day is right around the corner- Once I have that check in hand (I am sure this place would screw me and not give me what I have earned if I leave any earlier)- I am outta here. Best of luck to all the schleps who stick it out to have this place close down around them.

RSM here! Do not leave until you have check in hand or you will be screwed! That is a fact. I can without out tell you that this has been covered with us off the record by our fearless leader.

May 15th, what a beautiful day is right around the corner- Once I have that check in hand (I am sure this place would screw me and not give me what I have earned if I leave any earlier)- I am outta here. Best of luck to all the schleps who stick it out to have this place close down around them.

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I am not the orginal poster who claimed AZ slept with PL but I did see a few things with those two that made me wonder. At the CHEST meeting in Montreal, I was out one of the nights meeting some friends. We met up for a late dinner. At some point (maybe midway through the meal) I went up and went to the bathroom. As I went I passed near the bar where I saw AZ and PL together. They were huddled together in a corner booth, very close, very touchy. Lots of kissing. I didn't say anything or approach them and they were so into each other I am sure they didn't see me. I got back to my table and made a point of observing what time they left (after 12, together). Now maybe you can take that .00001% chance that they didn't go back to one of their rooms and have sex, but I doubt it.

Same poster here. You have things confused my friend you must be thinking of Nancy and Rick. Now that's something worth writting about. Is no secret that many of us in the sales force believe that there is something going on with those two. My RSM and I have had long conversations about that and we both concur that there's at least some heavy petting going on.

I am not the orginal poster who claimed AZ slept with PL but I did see a few things with those two that made me wonder. At the CHEST meeting in Montreal, I was out one of the nights meeting some friends. We met up for a late dinner. At some point (maybe midway through the meal) I went up and went to the bathroom. As I went I passed near the bar where I saw AZ and PL together. They were huddled together in a corner booth, very close, very touchy. Lots of kissing. I didn't say anything or approach them and they were so into each other I am sure they didn't see me. I got back to my table and made a point of observing what time they left (after 12, together). Now maybe you can take that .00001% chance that they didn't go back to one of their rooms and have sex, but I doubt it.

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You are full of Shit! I know for a fact nothing like that has ever happen so stop putting bullshit like that on this site.

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awwww, paul is that you AGAIN??? face it, we know you did it. let go and move on, you aren't going to convince anyone by yelling like a shrill little bitch.

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